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Tatalaksana dan Prognosis Tumor periampullar

Terapi Pembedahan
Prosedur Whipple (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)
Mortalitas rendah di pusat kesehatan besar (<5%) Survival rate terbaik (>50% 5-year) Morbiditas tinggi (25-65%)

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011 GUT Online.Guidelines for the management of patients with pancreatic cancer periampullary and ampullary carcinomas. Gut.2005;54(V):1-16

Komplikasi prosedur whipple

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026

Prognosis terapi whipple

Ada/tdk nya Nodus limfatikus yg terlibat Penyebaran lokal organ2 sekitar (cth pankreas) Grade tumnor/ diffrensiasi

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Eksisi Transduodenal (TDE)

Pertama kali dilakukan tahun 1898 oleh William

Halsted Morbiditas lebih rendah (5-20%) Lebih jrg berhasil (rekurensi, survival) Hasil:
Belum ada studi dgn kualitas yg baik

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Pembedahan Radikal VS Lokal

Stage tumor (T1,T2) Kondisi Pasien

Indikasi TDE:
Adenoma dgn high-grade dysplasia Villous atau tubullovillous adenoma Low-grade. Stage tumor tanpa tingkat komorbiditas

yg tinggi.
Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Faktor Prognosis TDE:

Penyebaran LN

Mudah/tdknya Operasi berjalan

Elevasi dr bilirubin

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Pre-oprative Endoscopic Stenting

Pertimbangan pre-reseksi: Menurunkan morbiditas (kontroversial) Pada kasus prosedur operasi hrs diundur >10 hr

GUT Online.Guidelines for the management of patients with pancreatic cancer periampullary and ampullary carcinomas. Gut.2005;54(V):1-16

Terapi Endoskopik
Snare Resection

Laser Ablation
Photodynamic irradiation

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Eksisi Endoskopik
Adenomas <4 cm Tdk ada striktur atau ekstenski ke ductal Tdk ada ulser Hasil dari biopsi 6x menunjukkan masa Benign

Tdk ada mortalitas, ttp ada kenaikan morbiditas

Pendarahan Pankreatitis
Sohn T.A., C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Yeo Varibel Rekurensi (5-25%) Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 Cameron J.L., Cameron A.M.. Current Surgical Therapy. 10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier; 2011

Flow Chart

Padolfi M, et al.. Endoscopic Treatment of Ampullary Adenomas. J Pancreas (Online).2008;9(1):1-8

Terapi Adjuvant
Kemoterapi (5-FluoroUracil)

[+doxirubicin+mitomycin C] +/- XRT (45 Gy)

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 GUT Online.Guidelines for the management of patients with pancreatic cancer periampullary and ampullary carcinomas. Gut.2005;54(V):1-16

Terapi Neoadjuvant
Radioterapi pre- dan post- op.

Improvement pd kontrol locoregional, ttp belum

ada perbaikan survival Masih dlm masa penelitian

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 GUT Online.Guidelines for the management of patients with pancreatic cancer periampullary and ampullary carcinomas. Gut.2005;54(V):1-16

Kemoterapi pd non-resectable localised, metastatic , atau rekuren

Mestastasis survival rate 3-6bln, tergantung dr

luas penyebaran. 5-FU dan Mitomycin C terbaik Gemcitabine digunakan pd adenocarcinoma

Sohn T.A., Yeo C.J.. Pancreatic and Periampullary Carcinoma (Nonendocrine). In: Zuidema G.D., Yeo C.J. (eds.)Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 5th ed. United States of America: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p5.5002-5026 GUT Online.Guidelines for the management of patients with pancreatic cancer periampullary and ampullary carcinomas. Gut.2005;54(V):1-16

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