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Summary of feedback questionnaire results

By Lucy Rutter

I carried out this questionnaire to gain some feedback of my construction from people of my chosen target audience (both genders aged 16-19). This is what the questionnaire looked like and here is a presentation of what I found from the questionnaire.

1) Out of the three pieces of construction, which is your favourite piece?

Front cover Contents page Double page spread article

I felt it was important to see what piece of the magazine was their favourite and I was pleased with the results for a number of reasons. I was pleased that my front cover and double page spread were the most popular features and I was also pleased that each piece of the magazine was liked.

2) Do you feel that the construction pieces clearly represent the indie/rock genre?

Yes No

I asked this question because I wanted to find out whether or not it was clear of what genre I wanted my magazine to belong to. The one person who said no, said that it looked more like a pop magazine because the contents page was too colourful. I have taken this on board for next time.

3) What age do you feel is the niche target audience for this magazine?
0 2 3 Under 10 11 to 15 16 to 19 Over 20 5

I wanted my target audience to be people aged 16-19 because I felt there wasnt really anything available of the indie/rock genre for 16-19 year olds. This questionnaire was completed by 16-19 year olds so therefore I feel that I have achieved what I wanted to in terms of target audience. The 3 people who said over 20 said that the language used was quite advanced and mature for 16-19 year olds.

4) Would you recommend Encore to people of your own age?


Yes No


All of the people who filled in my magazine were 16, 17 or 18 and so I feel that this is an accurate response and also supports that my target audience is people between the ages of 16 and 19. I was pleased that everyone who I asked would recommend my magazine to others.

5) Which of the following magazines do you feel that Encore is most comparable to?
2 3 Q

Rolling Stone

The two magazines I analysed and tried to compare my magazine to were Q and NME so I was pleased that people recognised that. I tried to use a similar design to both magazines in separate ways. I was also pleased that 2 people compared my magazine to Rolling Stone because this is another indie/rock magazine.

6) Which conventions do you feel show this comparison the most?

1 1 1 Colour Scheme Images Content 4 3


The images were the convention that people felt showed the comparison between Encore and the other magazines the most. This was reassuring as I found it quite difficult to take pictures that had an indie/rock look to them in college. The one person that ticked other said that they thought the models in the images were most comparable to other indie/rock magazines.

I have answered question 7 in my focus group because it is qualitative data so cant be put in to a graph easily.

8) Do you feel that the font, images and colour

scheme used are clear and appropriate for the genre (indie/rock)?

Yes No

The people who answered No to this question said that the colour scheme was a bit too bright, especially on the contents page. However, this is where I challenged conventions slightly because I wanted my magazine to appeal to both genders so I thought that using brighter colours may help to do this.

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