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Chapter No.


Brick Masonry

Building Construction and Graphics FALL-2013.

Court"sy .Engr Ba#ht $a%in& Asst .'ro(. CEC)* !ni+"rsity.

,yp"s o( -ric#s
Bric#s ar" %ad" in a rang" o( +ari"ti"s& "ach int"nd"d (or a sp"ci(ic purpos". Cr"at"d (ro% so%" co%-ination o( sand& .at"r& clay& and h"at. Building -ric#& or co%%on -ric#& is us"d in construction and is pro+id"d .ith (rog& .hich r"duc" ."ight o( -ric# and incr"as" str"ngth. Fac" -ric# is chos"n (or +isi-l" sur(ac"s or "/pos"d .alls and co%"s in di(("r"nt colors& si0"s& and shap"s. Fir"-ric# is %ad" .ith sp"cial clay to o(("r additional h"at r"sistanc" in (ir"plac"s or -oil"r roo%s. Gla0"d -ric# is coat"d on on" sur(ac" .ith a c"ra%ic (inish that is sanitary and "asy to cl"an& %a#ing it popular in hospitals and la-oratori"s.

Fir" -ric#s

Gla0"d -ric#s

Bric# til"

Co%%on -ric#

,"r%inology us"d in -ric# %asonry


str"tch" r

Bric# on "nd

Bric# on sid"

Bric# on sid"

!s" o( -ric# on End

,h" inn"r sur(ac" o( a .all .hich is not "/pos"d is call"d th" -ac#. ,h" %at"rial (or%ing th" -ac# is

#no.n as -ac#ing.

,h" "/t"rior o( .all "/pos"d to ."ath"r is #no.n as (ac". ,h" %at"rial us"d in th" (ac" o( th" .all is

#no.n as (acing.

3t is th" int"rior portion o( a .all -"t.""n th" (acing and -ac#ing.

3t is th" 4unction o( t.o or %or" -ric#s or ston"s. 3( th" 4oint is parall"l to th" -"d o( -ric#s or ston"s in

a cours" th"n it is t"r%"d as -"d 4oint. ,h" 4oint .hich ar" p"rp"ndicular to th" -"d 4oints ar" t"r%"d as +"rtical 4oints or sid" 4oints or p"rp"nds.

it is th" portion o( -ric# cut across th" .idth.

it is th" portion o( th" -ric# cut l"ngth .is" in such a %ann"r that its on" long (ac" r"%ains uncut.

King Closer2
th"s" ar" th" portions o( a -ric# o-tain"d -y cutting o(( th" triangular pi"c" -"t.""n th" c"nt"r o( on" "nd and th" c"nt"r o(

on" sid".

Bevelled Closer2
it is that portion o( a -ric# in .hich th" .hol" l"ngth o( th" -ric# is -"+"l"d (or %aintaining hal( .idth at on" "nd and (ull .idth art

th" oth"r.

5ing clos"r

B"+"ll"d clos"r

Jambs: th"s" ar" th" +"rtical sid"s o( an op"ning (or doors and .indo.s. ,h"s" %ay -" plain or splay"d or %ay -" pro+id"d .ith

r"c"ss"s to r"c"i+" th" (ra%"s o( doors and .indo.s. Reveals: ,h"s" ar" "/pos"d +"rtical sur(ac"s l"(t on th" sid"s o( an op"ning a(t"r th" door or .indo. (ra%" had -""n (itt"d in position. sill level: it is th" l"+"l o( th" .indo. (ro% th" -as" 6(loor7 &through .hich a s"ction is cut to sho. th" plan o( th" structur".

Course: A cours" is a hori0ontal lay"r o( -ric#s or ston"s.

Stretcher2 A %asonry unit laid .ith its gr"at"st di%"nsion hori0ontal and its (ac"

parall"l to th" .all and a cours" ha+ing all th" -ric#s laid in str"tch"r is call"d a str"tch"r cours". Header: a %asonry unit laid .ith its s%all di%"nsion and parall"l to th" (ac" o( th" %asonry .all. A cours" ha+ing all th" -ric#s laid h"ad"r .is" is call"d h"ad"r cours".

Queen Closer:
A -ric# cut l"" in 899/2:99 is call"d a ;u""n clos"r and is plac"d n"/t to th" h"ad"r cours" to -r"a# th"


ooling2 co%pr"ssing and shaping th" (ac" o( a %ortar 4oint .ith a sp"cial tool oth"r than a tro."l. uck !ointing2 (illing in .ith (r"sh %ortar o( cutout or d"("cti+" %ortar 4oint in %asonry.


,uc# pointing

="tail o( %asonry .all

=a%p 'roo( Cours"

A da%p proo( cours" 6dpc7 is a lay"r o( i%p"r%"a-l" %at"rial -uilt into th" .all to pr"+"nt up.ard %igration o( ground .at"r. )nc" in position& th" -ric# laying continu"s as nor%al& co+"ring th" dpc .ith a -"d o( %ortar and th"n laying th" (irst cours" o( -ric#s a-o+" dpc. it costs +"ry littl" and guarant""s a long"r li(" (or th" .all& as da%p cannot ris" a-o+" th" dpc to saturat" th" (acing -ric#.or#. ich plain or r"in(orc"d concr"t" .ith sur(ac" spray"d .ith -itu%"n is %ost co%%only us"d (or dpc. ,h" us" o( polyth"n" sh""t should -" a+oid"d sinc" it do"s not %a#" ad";uat" -ond and act as a s"paration -"t.""n upp"r and lo."r portion o( %asonry.

>ualiti"s o( a Good Bric#

Bric#s should -" ta-l" %ould"d& ."ll -urnt in #ilns& copp"r colour"d& (r"" (ro% crac#s and .ith sharp and s;uar" "dg"s. Bric#s should -" uni(or% shap" and should -" o( standard *i0". Bric#s should gi+" cl"ar ringing sound .h"n struc# "ach oth"r. Bric#s .h"n -ro#"n should sho. a -right ho%og"n"ous and co%pact structur" (r"" (ro% +oids. Bric#s should not a-sor- .at"r %or" than 20 p"rc"nt -y ."ight (or (irst class -ric#s and 22 p"rc"nt -y ."ight (or s"cond class -ric#s& .h"n soa#"d in cold .at"r (or a p"riod o( 2? hours.

>ualiti"s o( a Good Bric#

Bric#s should -" su((ici"ntly hard no i%pr"ssion& should -" l"(t on -ric# sur(ac"& .h"n it is scratch"d .ith (ing"r nail. Bric#s should -" lo. th"r%al conducti+ity and th"y should -" sound proo(. Bric#s should not -r"a# .h"n dropp"d (lat on hard ground (ro% a h"ight o( a-out on" %"t"r. Bric#s& .h"n soa#"d in .at"r (or 2?hours& should not sho. d"posits o( .hit" salts .h"n allo."d to dry in shad". <o -ric# should ha+" crushing str"ngth -"lo. @@#gAc%2.

Bond in Bric# Basonry

,h" arrang"%"nt o( -ric#s or ston"s in "ach lay"r in such a .ay to -r"a# th" continuity o( +"rtical 4oints in th" succ"ssi+" cours"s -oth on th" (ac" as ."ll as insid" o( a %asonry structur" is call"d a -ond. this is don" -y o+"rlapping -ric#s or ston"s in succ"ssi+" cours"s longitudinally as ."ll as trans+"rs"ly. "ecessity o# !roviding bond: ,o -r"a# th" continuity o( +"rtical 4oints. ,o "nsur" th" longitudinal and lat"ral str"ngth. ,o distri-ut" th" load o+"r larg"r r"sisting ar"a. ,o pro+id" pl"asing app"aranc" -y laying -ric#s sy%%"trically.

,yp"s o( Bond in Bric# Cor#

English -ond Fl"%ish -ond 1"ad"r -ond *tr"tch"r -ond Gard"n .all -ond a#ing -ond

English cross -ond

1oop iron -ond Facing -ond =utch -ond Bon# -ond $ig $ag -ond Bric#-on-Edg" -ond *il+"r loc#9s -ond

English -ond
,his -ond consists o( alt"rnat" cours" o( h"ad"rs and str"tch"rs. 3n this arrang"%"nt& +"rtical 4oints in th" h"ad"r cours"s co%" o+"r "ach oth"r and th" +"rtical 4oints in th" str"tch"r cours" ar" also in th" sa%" lin" in alt"rnat" cours"s.

Salient #eatures o# $nglish bond: 1"ad"r and str"tch"r ar" laid in alt"rnat" cours"s. A ;u""n clos"r is plac"d a(t"r "+"ry ;uion h"ading cours" .h"n th" thic#n"ss o( .all is 20 c% or a-o+".

,h" sa%" cours" .ill sho. h"ad"rs on th" (ac" and str"tch"rs on th" -ac# and +ic" +"rsa& i( th" thic#n"ss o( .all is an odd %ultipl" o( hal( -ric#.

English -ond

,h" l"ngth o( ;u""n clos"r is usually #"pt ";ual to th" thic#n"ss o( .all. ,h" sa%" cours" .ill sho. h"ad"rs or str"tch"rs on (ac" and -ac# i( th" thic#n"ss o( .all is an "+"n %ultipl" o( hal( -ric#. Each alt"rnat" h"ad"r in th" h"ading cours" li"s c"ntrally o+"r "+"ry str"tch"r o( th" und"rlying str"tching cours". ,h" inn"r (illing is don" in h"ad"rs in th" .all ha+ing thic#n"ss ?0 c% or a-o+". Suitability2 English -ond is co%%only adopt"d (or -ric#.or# o( -uilding .h"r" str"ngth is o( pri%" i%portanc".

Fl"%ish -ond
,h" -ond ha+ing h"ad"rs and str"tch"rs laid alt"rnat"ly in th" sa%" cours" is call"d Fl"%ish -ond. 3n this -ond a ;u""n clos"r is pro+id"d a(t"r "+"ry ;uion h"ad"r in th" alt"rnat" cours"s to -r"a# th" continuity o( +"rtical 4oints. Bric# -ats ar" to -" us"d (or (or%ing this -ond .h"n th" thic#n"ss o( .all is ";ual to an odd %ultipl" o( hal( -ric#.

*ali"nt ("atur"s o( Fl"%ish -ond

1"ad"rs and str"tch"rs ar" laid in th" sa%" cours". >u""n clos"r is plac"d a(t"r "+"ry ;uoin h"ad"r -ric# in th" h"ading cours" .h"n th" thic#n"ss o( .all is 20 c% or a-o+". ,h" l"ngth o( ;u""n clos"r is not #"pt ";ual to th" thic#n"ss o( .all and is usually int"rc"pt"d -y D -ats. Bric# -ats ar" to -" us"d in .all ha+ing thic#n"ss ";ual to an odd %ultipl" o( hal( -ric#. E+"ry h"ad"r in "ach cours" li"s c"ntrally o+"r "+"ry str"tch"r o( th" und"rlying cours".

,yp"s o( Fl"%ish -ond

Fl"%ish -ond has ( t.o typ"s2 =ou-l" Fl"%ish -ond ,h" -ond ha+ing h"ad"rs and str"tch"rs laid alt"rnat"ly in "ach cours" -oth in th" (ac" and -ac# o( th" structur" is call"d dou-l" Fl"%ish -ond.

,his typ" o( -ond pro+id"s good app"aranc" -ut is ."a#"r in str"ngth than English -ond (or .all ha+ing thic#n"ss %or" than 20 c%.

=ou-l" Fl"%ish -ond is consid"r"d as an "cono%ical -ond as it (acilitat"s th" us" o( -ric# -at"s and clos"rs. 3n this -ond& it is "asi"r to o-tain a (air and %or" uni(or% (ac" on -oth sid"s o( 20 c% thic# .all than incas" o( English -ond. ,his -ond is co%%only #no.n as Fl"%ish -ond.

,h" sali"nt ("atur"s o( dou-l" Fl"%ish -ond ar" th" sa%" as that o( Fl"%ish -ond in addition to th" ( ("atur"s.

Each cours" .ill sho. di(("r"nt "l"+ation on (ac" and -ac# i( th" thic#n"ss o( .all is an odd %ultipl" o( hal( -ric# i.". i( h"ad"r is s""n in th" (ront "l"+ation th"n str"tch"r .ill -" s""n in lin" .ith that h"ad"r in -ac# "l"+ation in th" sa%" cours" and +ic" +"rsa. Suitability:

=ou-l" Fl"%ish -ond is us"d (or -ric# .or# o( -uilding .h"r" app"aranc" is o( pri%" i%portanc".

*ingl" Fl"%ish -ond

,h" -ond pro+id"d in a .all .ith Fl"%ish -ond (acing and English -ond in -ac#ing is call"d *ingl" Fl"%ish -ond.

Ad+antag"s and =isad+antag"s o( *.F.B

3t pro+id"s -"tt"r app"aranc". 3t can -" %ad" %or" "cono%ical -y using ch"ap ;uality o( -ric#s on th" -ac# o( th" .all. 3t ."a#"ns th" o+"rall str"ngth o( th" .all -"caus" o( %a/i%u% us" o( -ric# -ats and "/ist"nc" o( continuous +"rtical 4oints. 3t cannot -" pro+id" in .alls ha+ing thic#n"ss l"ss than on" and hal( -ric#. Suitability: *ingl" Fl"%ish -ond is us"d .h"r" (irst class -ric#s ar" sp"ci(i"d (or (acing in ord"r to pro+id" good app"aranc" to th" (acing o( .all.

*tr"tch"r -ond
*tr"tch"r -ond is on" o( th" %ost co%%on -onds. 3t is "asy to lay .ith littl" .ast" and co%pos"d "ntir"ly o( str"tch"rs s"t in ro.s& o((s"t -y hal( a -ric#.

*tr"tch"r Bond
)riginally us"d (or singl" -ric# .alls& it -"ca%" th" o-+ious choic" (or ca+ity .alls .ith th" l"ast a%ount o( cutting r";uir"d. 3t is th"r"(or" th" %ost "cono%ical -ond patt"rn and is "/t"nsi+"ly us"d in %od"rn -uilding

1"ad"r -ond
1"ad"r -ond is cr"at"d -y ro.s o( h"ad"rs& only displac"d -y hal( a -ric# on "ach ro.. ,his -ond is o(t"n us" to cr"at" cur+"d -ric#.or#. A -ric# cours" laid (lat .ith th" short "nd o( th" -ric# "/pos"d.

,his %"thod is particularly strong as th" .idth o( th" .all is th" .hol" l"ngth o( a -ric#. 1istorically it .as us"d (or -uildings o( high ;uality& o(t"n us"d (or cur+"d -ric#.or#.

1"ad"r Bond

1"ad"r Bond

Masonry Joints
%eathered Concave &ee

Size Joint Tooling Joint Profiles



Concave Struck

Concave Joints

Raked Joints

Assign%"nt <).02
th" g"n"ral principl"s to -" consid"r"d in -ric# %asonry .or#.

Basonry %ortar !s"s o( %asonry %ortar typ"s o( %asonry %ortar Functions o( %asonry %ortar.


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