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I Gede Bungas Arisudana 1061050067 FK UKI 2010


age 10 - 19 Youth age 15 - 24 Young people age 10 24 Young adolescents age 10 14

What is adolescents??

is young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years Adolescence begins with the onset of physiologically normal puberty, and ends when an adult identity and behaviour are accepted

Adolescents Period
According to Havighurst there are some of the period for adolescents: Adolescents as important period Adolescents as staging period Adolescents as changing period Adolescents as troubled period Adolescents as searching identity period

Adolescents as important period


this period adolescents grow on physically and mentally. These growth are important because it will be one step closer for children to become adult

Adolescents as staging period


period is a period where adolescents go one step forward to the staging of adult

Adolescents as changing period


this period physical and mental of the adolescents is constantly change every change on physical is affecting their behavior and so does for the mental condition

Adolescents as Troubled period

Every period have their own problem of course, but adolescents problem usually become difficult and many of them couldnt solve their problem by themselves. There are two reasons why: 1. when they was a kid, every problem was solved by their teacher or parents, so they have no experience about solving problem 2. Adolescents feel independent, so they want to solve their on problem and rejecting their parents and teachers help

Adolescents as searching identity period

The searching of identity is begin at child, at the beginning they adjusting themselves with any group or peer that they in it, but in time, they starting to think different and want to be somebody different than any other people

There are some reason why we must invest on adolesents: 1. investing in adolescents can accelerate the fight against poverty, socio-economic disparities and gender discrimination 2. it will enhance our efforts to address the great challenges of our times, such as: climate change, economic turmoil, explosive urbanization and migration, and HIV AIDS

3. Adolescents are often referred to as the future generation of adults 4. it is the most effective way to consolidate the historic gains achieved for children in early (0 4 years) and middle (59 years) childhood since

Stress in Adolescents
Needlman(2004) says there are some kinds of stress in adolescents: 1. Biological stress 2. Family stress 3. School stress 4. Peer stress 5. Social stress

Biological Stress
Generally the physical body of adolescents is changing very fast, adolescents feel that people around them is seeing them and acne is usually one of the point that making stress in adolescents especially those who think that beauty is ideal

Family Stress
One of the source of the stress in adolescents are their family, the relationship of adolescents and their family to be exact, this is because adolescents want to be free and independent and family usually the one that restrain them

School Stress
The pressure of academic problem is high for adolescents, the feel of wanting a high score, and the feel of successing in sport is make some stress in adolescents when they fail to achieve it

Peer Stress
Adolescents that soesnt get accepted by their friends ususally will suffer, become introvert and oftenly belittle themselves. For some adolescents, to get accepted by their friends they must do many negative things like drugs and smoking.

Social Stress
Adolescents usually doesnt get to hang out with adult because they dont have a freedom to speak, buy alcohol legally, and cant get a job with high paycheck, and the unstable economy, social life make them stressing a lot because they will inherit those things

Culture shock
Culture shock is primarily a set of emotional reactions to the loss of perceptual reinforcements from one's own culture, to new cultural stimuli which have little or no meaning, and to the misunderstanding of new and diverse experiences

What is the main cause of culture shock?

There are 4 factor that causing culture shock: 1. Cognitive 2. Behavioural 3. Phenomenological 4. Socio-psychologica


Shock comes from misinterpretation of cultural values, beliefs, behaviours, and norms of the new society People ineffectively use their own cultures as the standard for interpreting, judging, and behaving in the new culture


shock occurs because individuals do not know the systems of rewards and punishment associated with the verbal and non verbal behaviours in the host culture


shock is a transitional experience from a state of low self and cultural awareness to a state of high self- and cultural awareness Adolescents experience culture shock becaue they can not use their cultural references to convey and validate central aspect of their identity in the new culture


Social dimension of culture shock can be explained in the terms of a. Individuals lacking the appropriate cultural knowledge about the host country or place b. individuals have strong cultural identities that would make them difficult to adapt to the host culture Psychological dimension of culture shock can be understood in terms of cultural dissimilarities and of feelings of loneliness in the host country

The stage of Culture shock




phase The adjusment phase Bicultural phase

Honeymoon Phase
The first phase is honeymoon phase. This is the phase where you first encounter in a new environment or culture.

Crisis Phase
This is the phase where the differences in your culture and the new culture make you feel unhappy and unexpected. This new culture will make you feel alienated from the environment if your adaptation skill is not good

Adjustment Phase

adjustment phase is the phase where you started to adjusting yourelf with the new culture, you started to understood and building relation with new environment, Although there are some trouble that persist, that problem doesnt trouble you very much

Bicultural phase
This is the last step of culture shock. In this phase you already accepting and adapting with the new culture, you can accept both culture in your hand and live in harmony with it

Drugs problem on Adolescents

UU NO 22 Tahun 1997 about Drugs


atau obat yang berasal dari tanaman atau bukan tanaman baik sintetis maupun semi sintetis menyebabkan penurunan atau perubahan kesadaran, hilangnya rasa, mengurangi sampai menghilangkan rasa nyeri, dan dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan.

Self factor Cause of adolescents using drug Environment factor Drugs supply factor

Self Factor

big curiousity A feeling of wanting to have fun Want to be accepted in some group Want to taste something new to them

Environmental Factor

home Member of the family like mother or father using drugs Friends or their groups are using drugs

Drug Supply factor


are easier to get Drugs get cheaper that adolescents can get them with ease Internet connection that make them know where to get it

Many kinds of narchotic drugs

Category 1: Used for knowledge Isnt used for therapy Causing strong addiction Example: Heroin, cocain

Heroin, cocain

Category 2: Useful for medicine, but as a last resort of treatment Can be used as curing or research Still cause strong addiction Example: morphine, petidine


Category 3: Useful for therapy Many used in research and therapy Low addiction Example: Codeine


Psychotropic drugs

UU no. 5 tahun 1997 tentang psikotropika


atau obat, alamiah maupun sintetis bukan narkotika berkhasiat psikoaktif melalui pengaruh selektif pada susunan saraf pusat yang menyebabkan perubahan khas pada aktivitas mental dan perilaku

Category 1: Used for research Not used for therapy Strong addiction Example: Ecstasy, LSD

Category 1

Category 2: Used for research Can be used on therapy Still have a strong addiction Example: amphetamine


Category 3: Used in research Can work as medicine and used in many therapy Mild addiction Example: phenobarbital, flunitrazepam

Flunitrazepam and phenobarbital

Category 4: Can be used as medicine and can be used in broad spectrum of treatment Can be used in research of course Light addiction effect Example: diazepham, bromazepham, Rohypnol

Diazepham and Rohypnol

Law about Narcothic in Indonesia

UU no 35 th 2009 pasal 113 ayat 1 Setiap orang yang tanpa hak atau melawan hukum memproduksi, mengimpor, mengekspor, atau menyalurkan narkotika Golongan I, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling singkat 5 (lima) tahun dan paling lama 15 (lima belas) tahun dan pidana denda paling sedikit Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp10.000.000.000,00 (sepuluh miliar rupiah)

UU no 35 th 2009 Pasal 116 ayat 1 Setiap orang yang tanpa hak atau melawan hukum menggunakan Narkotika Golongan I terhadap orang lain atau memberikan Narkotika Golongan I untuk digunakan orang lain, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling singkat 5 (lima) tahun dan paling lama 15 (lima belas) tahun dan pidana denda paling sedikit Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp10.000.000.000,00 (sepuluh miliar rupiah)

Law about psychotropica in Indonesia

UU no 5 thn 1997 Pasal 59 - Orang dalam jaringannya terorganisir yang melakukan pelanggaran produksi/peredaran/penyaluran/impor:

Pasal 59- Lembaga/korporasi yang terlibat dalam kegiatan seperti pada bagian 3 poin pertama diancam denda 5 milyar rupiah. Pasal 60 - Memproduksi, mengedarkan:

Hukuman mati atau seumur hidup, atau maksimal 20 tahun Denda Rp 750.000.000

Hukuman penjara maksimal 15 tahun Denda maksimal Rp 200.000.000

Pasal 60 menyalurkan:

Pasal 60 - Menerima penyaluran:

Hukuman maksimal 5 tahun Denda maksimal Rp 100.000.000

Pasal 62 Memiliki, menyimpan, membawa, menanam, memelihara:

Hukuman penjara maksimal 3 tahun Denda maksimal Rp. 60.000.000 Penjara maksimal 5 tahun Denda maksimal Rp 100.000.000 Penjara maksimal 1 tahun Denda maksimal 20.000.000

Pasal 65 menggunakan:

Free Sex in adolescents

Definitions of free sex

According to Luthfie(2002) free sex is a sex behavior that done by two people that havent legally married in law and religions.

Why adolescents often doing free sex?

According to Arifin(2007) these are the reason: Increased in sexuality Libido Adolescents feel proud of it and want to be praised by their peer

Why adolescents often doing free sex?

According to Soelistyowati(2004): Bad communication between adolescents and their parent make them unknowledgable about sex search everything by themselves in the internet sexual activity rising free sex

Why adolescents often doing free sex?

Social value in civilization is changing and more permissive than before Example: hugging and kissing in public become normal behaviour in civilization

The Result
There are many result of free sex, according to BKKBN(2008) these are include: HIV AIDS and other sexual transmitted dissease Unwanted pregnancy Infertility Cancer Abortion


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first identified as a distinct disease entity in 1981 in the USA Of the 3.1 million deaths from AIDS in 2005, approximately 95% occurred in low- and middle-income countries, with 70% occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and 20% in Asia


has a long incubation period and, without treatment, about half of those infected with the causative human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) develop AIDS within nine years of infection Human immunodeficiency virus is a blood-borne virus typically transmitted via sexual intercourse, shared intravenous drug paraphernalia, and mother-to-child transmission (MTCT)


to WHO(2007) there are 33.300.000 people that suffering from AIDS and 4.900.000 case in asia. In Indonesia, according to Depkes in year 2002 there are 110.000 case of HIV infection, in 2006 it rise to 193.000 case, and in 2007 2008 it rise again to 270.000 case

Prevention of HIV
According to Muninjaya (1998) there are 3 ways to prevent HIV/AIDS: Abstinentia Be faithful Use safety equipment

Prevention is an actions directed to preventing illness and promoting health to reduce the need for secondary or tertiary health care

Level of Prevention
Corresponding to different phases in the development of disease, the level of prevention are: Primordial Primary Secondary Tertiary

Primordial Prevention

level of prevention was identified as a result of increasing knowledge about the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases Primordial prevention is needed to counter the global effects of air pollution, such as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone-layer depletion and the health effects of smog

Primary Prevention
The purpose of primary prevention is to limit the incidence of disease by controlling specific causes and risk factors. It can be directed at: The whole population with the aim of reducing average risk People at high risk as a result of particular exposures

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention aims to reduce the more serious consequences of disease through early diagnosis and treatment Secondary prevention can be applied only to diseases in which the natural history includes an early period when it is easily identified and treated The two main requirements for a useful secondary prevention programme are a safe and accurate method of detecting the disease preferably at a preclinical stage and effective methods of intervention.

Tertiary Prevention

prevention is aimed at reducing the progress or complications of established disease and is an important aspect of therapeutic and rehabilitation medicine It consists of the measures intended to reduce impairments and disabilities, minimize suffering caused by poor health and promote patients adjustment to incurable conditions.

Unwanted Pregnancy

less the knowledge is, the bigger chance some adolescents involved in unwanted pregnancy According to WHO (2009) approximately 16 milion female at the age 15 19 gave birth in one year, and often happened in devoping country Adolescents that get this usually ended up in abortion


Definition of Abortion
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus before the fetus can live outside the the mothers body

Types of Abortion
There are some types of abortion: Spontaneus abortion Induced abortion Theraputic abortion

Spontaneus Abortion
Spontaneus abortion occur without any action. Usually this is because bad quality of the sperm or the ovum

Induced Abortion
Induced abortion is the termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks gestation by means of on purpose by the mother or the doctor

Therapeutic Abortion
Therapeutic abortion is done at medical initiative for example if the baby is dangering the mothers live or the baby already dead in the fetus

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 15 1) Dalam keadaan darurat sebagai upaya untuk menyelamatkan jiwa ibu hamil dan atau janinnya, dapat dilakukan tindakan medis tertentu. 2) Tindakan medis tertentu sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat(1) hanya dapat dilakukan: a. Berdasarkan indikasi medis yang mengharuskan diambilnya tindakan tersebut. b. Oleh tenaga kesehatan yang mempunyai keahlian dan kewenangan untuk itu dan dilakukan sesuai dengan tanggung jawab profesi serta berdasarkan pertimbangan tim ahli. c. Dengan persetujuan ibu hamil yang bersangkutan atau suami atau keluarganya. d. Pada sarana kesehatan tertentu

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 80 Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan tindakan medis tertentu terhadap ibu hamil yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 15 ayat (1) dan ayat (2), dipidana dengan penjara paling lama 15 (lima belas) tahun dan pidana denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah)

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 346 Seorang wanita yang sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungannya atau menyuruh orang lain untuk itu, diancam hukuman paling lama empat tahun

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 347 Barang siapa dengan sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungan seorang wanita tanpa persetujuan, diancam hukuman paling lama dua belas tahun. Jika perbuatan itu menyebabkan matinya wanita tersebut, dikenakan pidana penjara paling lama lima belas tahun

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 348 Barang siapa dengan sengaja menggugurkan atau mematikan kandungan seseorang wanita dengan persetujuannya, diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun enam bulan. Jika perbuatan tersebut mengakibatkan matinya wanita tersebut, dikarenakan pidana penjara paling lama tujuh tahun

The law about Abortion in Indonesia

PASAL 349 Jika seorang dokter, bidan atau juru obat membantu melakukan kejahatan yang tersebut pasal 346, ataupun melakukan atau membantu melakukan salah satu kejahatan yang diterangkan dalam pasal 347 dan 348, maka pidana yang ditentukan dalam pasal itu dapat ditambah dengn sepertiga dan dapat dicabut hak untuk menjalankan pencaharian dalam mana kejahatan dilakukan.

Smoking in adolescents

Smoking behaviour on adolescents

According to Leventhal and clearly(2000) there are 4 step of smoking behaviour: Prepatory step Initiation step Becoming a smoker step Maintenance of smoking step

Prepatory step
In this step the adolescents get a picture of how good smoking is just by listening or seeing other person smoke, and this part makes the adolescents interested in smoking

Initiation step
This step is the beginning and initiating of adolescents to decide wether he/she will continue to smoke or not

Becoming a smoker step

As the step name declared, in this step the adolescents is getting used to smoke and can smoking for 4 cigarretes a day

Maintenance of smoking step

In this final step, smoking is a part of life for the adolescents, smoking become part of physiological life and become needs of the person

Why adolescents try to smoke??

Mutadin (2002) declared some reason why adolescents smoke: Parental Factor Friends Factor Self factor Commercial Factor

Parental Factor
Usually in this case adolescents smoke because they feel unhappy with their family condition or home condition, or they get affected by their parents because one of their parents or both of them is smoking

Friends Factor
Friends are one of the reason many adolescents smoke, its because they want get accepted by their friends or simply following them to smoke so they can get hanged out with them

Self factor
Adolescents wants to try a lot of thing in their age, usually because they want to feel happy or want to break free from the pressure that gets into them, and one of the way to do that is smoking

Commercial factor
Commercial shows us many thing including cigarettes, televisions shows the image of smokers that are cool and glamurous and this make adolecents feel that smoking can make them confident of themselves

Cheating in relationship

Cheating in relationship
Reasons why some people cheated in relationship: They seem to have gotten it all (successful career, financial abundance, suitable mate) too easily and too early to develop authentic appreciation. They got pressured into a long term committed relationship before they were really ready to love and to serve a partner for life.


are disillusioned with life, their career path, or qualities in their own self that they project outward onto their partner They have experienced a death or loss that they have not been able to reconcile or come to terms with They were never really in love with their partner and stayed for different reasons


no longer like or respect their partner or their needs have changed over time but they are afraid to let go They were brought up in a culture or a family that encourages or condones infidelity.

Daftar pustaka

Adler, P.S. 1975. The transitional experience: An alternative view of culture shock. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 15 4, pp. 1323. Beaglehole. 1992. Basic epidemiology 7/can-your-relationship-survive-cheating/ f

Daftar pustaka

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