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Communication skills play an important role towards creating a caring culture. Communication is very important in classroom management

Verbal and Non-verbal


Provide space for students to express views. Teachers can do a more effective flow of information and get real feedback. Teachers can generate creativity in teaching and learning.

Definition Communication

Wagner (1994) The reaction of events that require at least two objects and two actions Verderber & Verderber (2002) process to build or to share the meaning of an informal conversation, interaction in groups or lectures

Model of Human Communication

Communicatio n is an effective way of selfadjusting

Emphasizes the interaction between the human / individual

Concerned with human characteristics which attraction between two individuals / more stressed than the attitude of the subject / object.

Model Symmetric Newcomb




Model Wilbur Schramm (1954)

Communication in Teaching and Learning

Oral/verbal 1. During questioning 2. During the brief Non-verbal 1. smile 2. reflection 3. nod 4. facial 5. fist

Verbal communication


Both sides need to preserve aspects of politeness. Brown and Levinson (1978) - expanded politeness strategy to maintain dignity. Ned A.Flanders - involving teacher-student interaction. Sim Model - involves social interaction and group dynamics. Is an easy way to get information and receiving messages from the speakers

The use of effective techniques. Speed of speaking. Voice tone (high). The influence of language

Model Wilbur Schramm (1954)

source (stimulus)

encoded (interpreting the source

signal (message)

destination (the person receiving the message)

Decoded (message interpretation)

Non-Verbal Communication


Mc Cardle (1974) important factors that form the 'gestalt' overall communication. The involvement of body movement and focus the speaker to the listener


Verbal communication may be accompanied by non-verbal communication. It defines more clearly the message

Problems, how to overcome and the implications of Communications in the Classroom

Problems Lack of preparation Overcome Implications

Must always be ready Students can receive with a complete teaching messages clearly and planning. achieve teaching objectives Make sure that the silent classroom / teacher willing to teach . Avoid critic a student Avoid negative labeling toward a student promote consultation. Students can hear clearly


Critic Labeling the student Giving instruction

Student more confident. Student more confident to give a view/opinion Pupils easily consulted.


Konsep Laras Bahasa

People who use a language

How the language used in different ways based on context and situation


There are variations on each speaker. Features of grammar: - Vocabulary. - Wording. - Phrase used. - Grammar depends on external events

The types of grammar

Regular grammar. Use language that does not involve any academic discipline or specific context (everyday conversation). Academic grammar. More academic, formal and objective

The grammar of the literature / creative

About language and literature and the relationship between both.

The grammar of religious language.

Discuss religious issues

The grammar of sport language.

Information related to sports activities

The grammar of science language.

Has the characteristic of intellectual, scientific, formal and objective based on the research and facts.

The grammar of article/documentary language.

Featuring a variety of ideas about an issue

The grammar of advertisement /business language

Effectively communicate information about a business or product

The grammar of massa media language.

Report or deliver the news with the simple language listeners and readers Is a modern and more use of technical terms Scientific wording about economic issues.

The grammar of law language.

The grammar of economic language.

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