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Acne Treatment Plan

What is Acne ?
Acne at its most basic is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, or what is commonly called the hair follicle or pore. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is the most common skin disorder Acne vulgaris, as common acne is known, is classified as a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin in the United States

What is characterized of Acne?

Acne is characterized by the presence of pimples or "zits", blackheads, and whiteheads It chiefly affects the face, neck, chest, back, and/or upper arms of sufferers. Acne varies in development from very mild to extremely severe.

Who suffers from Acne ?

Acne most frequently effects teens and preteens. Acne strikes both sexes equally But acne is not limited to teens Acne can also occur in babies, toddlers, and children. Many men and women suffer from adult onset acne breakouts.

What Causes Acne ?

There is no precise cause of acne A result of many factors coming together to create an acne situation. Those who are prone to acne often have skin that is oilier than normal Puberty Androgen Hormones Oily cosmetics comedogenic skin or hair care Drugs such as steroids and estrogen medications Family History

How Does Acne Develop?

Acneic Skin >>>Dead Skin Cells Retention Hyperkeratosis Stick to skin surface + >> oil



What Are The Severity of Acne?

Mild acne describes a few scattered comedones (whiteheads or blackheads) with minimal inflammation (no pustules). Moderate acne describes a denser collection of comedones as well as red, inflamed, pus-filled lesions (pustules). Severe acne also called nodular or cystic acne, describes widespread and deep lesions that are painful, inflamed, and red. This form of acne is likely to lead to scarring if left untreated.

What Are The Types of Acne?

AV Komedonal ( Non Inflamatory Type ) Comedo * Whitehead * Blackhead AV papulopustular ( Inflamatory Type ) Papul, Pustul, Nodus, Kista Sikatriks

Is There A Cure for Acne ?

Acne is a complex problem Many treatment options are available to those who have acne. It takes time and patience, but nearly every case of acne can be controlled successfully.

What is The Best Acne Treatment Plan?

Your doctor will recommend an acne treatment plan based on : Severity of your acne.
Mild acne Moderate acne Severe acne

Results of previous acne treatments. Degree of acne scarring. Gender.

Acne Treatment Plan

Whatever your treatment plan, it is important that you give it enough time to work. This may mean waiting 6 to 8 weeks to see results. Staying on your medication is the most important step to getting acne under control.

Acne Treatment Plan

TREATING MILD ACNE Small lesions blackheads, whiteheads appear near skin surface Can sometimes be controlled at home by : *Washing the affected areas gently with warm water and a mild soap twice a day * Using a topical (applied to the skin) over the counter acne treatment containing : Benzoyl Peroxide (2,5%,5% and 10% ) Sulphur Salysilic Acid

Acne Treatment Plan

At-home treatment 4-8 weeks to see improvement. Once acne clears, treatment must be continued to prevent new lesions from forming. If the acne does not respond to at-home treatment go to the doctor combination therapy

Mild Acnes

Acne Treatment Plan

TREATING MODERATE TO MODERATELY SEVERE ACNE Numerous whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules appear that cover from to of the face and/or other affected area(s) Treatments used : Physical methods, such as comedo extraction or light therapy Prescription Medications Topical (applied to the skin) antimicrobials Topical retinoids : tretinoin , adapalene , and tazarotene Oral antibiotics : Erythromisin,Tetracyclin,Doxcycicline,Mynocycline Oral contraceptives Over-the-counter topical acne medications

Moderate To Moderately Severe Acne

Acne Treatment Plan

TREATING SEVERE ACNE Deep cysts, inflammation, extensive damage to the skin and scarring. Severe, disfiguring forms of acne can require years of treatment and may experience one or more treatment failures. However, almost every case of acne can be successfully treated.

Treating Severe Acne

Physical methods and prescription medications that use to treat severe acne include: Drainage and surgical excision Interlesional corticosteroid injection Isotretinoin Oral antibiotics Oral contraceptives

Severe Acne

Severe Acne

7 Acne Skin Care Taboos

1.Astringents, masks, toners, and exfoliators that contain scrubbing particles 2. Greasy hair-care products 3. Picking, popping, and squeezing acne 4. Skin care products that contain oil 5. Rubbing alcohol 6. Tanning 7. Touching the skin throughout the day

Acne Medicine Tips

Help yourself remember Use your acne medicine as directed. Gently wash your face before applying your medicine Apply the medicine to the whole area (not just the spots) Use a skin care regimen that does not dry out your skin Protect your skin from UV light Be patient

How to Wash Acne-prone Skin

1.Limit washing to twice a day and after perspiring 2. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser 3. Use your fingertips 4. Never scrub your skin 5. Rinse with lukewarm water 6. Shampoo regularly

Acne Myths
Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene Myth #2: Acne is caused by diet. Myth #3: Acne is just a cosmetic disease Myth #4: You just have to let acne run its course.

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