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Vi b made by Mahin khan Guided by Vandana mam

1) The world wide web

2) Web browser

3) To download chrome
4) url 5) The address bar 6) Downloading a web page

7) Saving a web page

8) To copy txt information from a web page

9) To copy image from a web page 10) Search engines 11) Searching for information on the net 12) Working with Google 13)Tips for quick an accurate search 14) Web 2.0

The world wide web (www) is a huge collection Of documents called web page written in html (hyper text mark-up language.
The www is found in 1990 by a British computer Scientist, name berner lee.

The inventor of www

A web browser can read web pages written In hypertext mark-up language (html). Browsing is using browse software to visit Different websites on www. Example are

1) Internet explorer
2) Mozilla Firefox

Type in the address bar the website opens up. Click chrome

Every website on the internet has a unique Address known as its uniform resource Locator (url).given below are the url Of some sites.



All web browsers have an address bar. This is where we type the url. or the Address of the website we want to visit.

each time you visit a web page. The browse Makes a copy of the webpage in your pc. In Other words it downloads the page to Your computer.

1) Click the control tool button save page as .the save web page window appears. Save the Web page in the location you want.

Select the information on the webpage you Need to copy by dragging your mouse.

Right click your mouse and click copy in shor Cut menu. Open ms word and click paste. the selected Text will be copied. Save the text file giving it a name

Right click the image you want to save. Click save as from the shortcut menu. The Save picture dialog box appears. save the file in the desired location.

The internet is a huge storehouse of information In the form of text, images and videos. To retriev the relevant information we need a special Software called a search engine.

The , are some popula Search engine.

Most popular search engine in India is

Khoj .com

To use a search engine software we need some Key words which will act as a link to the topic We are looking for information on the gurukul System in India, our keywords earthquake could Be gurukul India. is a very popular search engine. To Get to, type in the Address box of your browser. The Google home Homepage opens . Enter the keywords in the Google search box. If you, are looking for Information which includes text and images, clic The web option on the top of the text box. Click Images. if you are looking especially for images

Using words within double quotes result in the Web pages having the same sequence of words , E g raidErs of thE lost ark.

Using logical operator and,or,not refine your Search, e g hardware and software will display Web pages containing the key words London or Paris. this will result in much wider search than using The and operator.

Operating system not windows: using the not operator bef Key words can filter out unnecessary data. This Search will result in web pages having informat

About operating system other than windows.

1) Give a space and (minus) sign before specifi Words not wanted.

2) Wildcard (*) can be used to search for a strin Of characters. sun* will search for words beginning with *sun for words ending with sun . *sun* for words containing sun. 3) There is no need to type entire sentence

Words like of, and, which, why, etc. can be avoide

Moreover, there is no need for capital letters.

4) For a more extensive search try the advance Search in Google search engine.

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a 2nd genera Of the world wide web. It refers to the features Of the www which allow people to collaborate And share information online.

1) Music and videos sites like YouTube .com 2) images sites like flickr,picasa etc.

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