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Workshop Features
Bins for parts and supplies Door for expected results to go out A B C D Door for unexpected results to go out

WORKSHOP Door for requests to go in Communication with other shops

Instructions and operating procedures

Various tools

A computer program written in C is like a workshop

Current Data (Information) Transformed Data (Information)


It brings data into the program from the outside world, performs some processing with it, makes some changes to it, and then returns it to the outside world in a different form

C Program Entrances and Exits

Constants and variables STANDARD OUT (stdout) A B C D STANDARD ERROR (stderr)

main STANDARD IN (stdin) File and Device Input/Output

Instructions and operating procedures

Operations and functions

Data Types
Integers (int) Numbers with decimal points (float) Characters (char) Words and Phrases (ex. char phrase[10]) Tables (ex. int values[10], float matrix[20][30]) Records (ex. struct myRecordType)

Data Storage Locations

int aNumber;
float aValue; char aSymbol; char phrase[LENGTH]; int values[15];

Simple Operations
Storage (=) Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication (*) Division (/) Modulo (%) Comparison (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)

Instructions and Decisions

variableLocation = expression
Ex. count = 17 * MAX_LOOPS;

if (Boolean condition) statement else statement

Ex. if (numberIsValid) count++; else count--;

while (Boolean condition) statement

Ex. while (count > MAX_LOOPS) count = count 5;

for (statement; condition; statement) statement

Ex. for (i = 0; i < size; i++) printf(%d\n, table[i]);

Technical Vocabulary: C Keywords

auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while

(Note: Keywords in bold-face font are used with data types)

Standard C Library Functions

Standard Input and Output:
printf, scanf, getchar, gets

Conversion of Data:
isalpha, isdigit, tolower, toupper

sin, cos, tan, sqrt, log, exp

Working with Files:

fopen, fclose, fscanf, fprintf, fgets

Example Program - C Source Code

int main(void) { int theCheckNbr; char theAccount; char theTaxCode; float theAmount; float theBalance;
theBalance = 2391.52; printf("Ck Nbr printf("-----Acct ---Tax --Amount -----Balance\n"); -------\n");

theCheckNbr = 234; theAccount = B'; theTaxCode = Z'; theAmount = 34.56; theBalance = theBalance - theAmount; printf("%6d %2c %2c %6.2f %7.2f\n", theCheckNbr, theAccount, theTaxCode, theAmount, theBalance); return 0; } // End main

Example Program Output

Ck Nbr -----234 Acct ---A Tax --Z Amount -----34.56 Balance ------2356.96

Example Program Exercise

Using the current pattern of statements in the program, add the source code to display the last two lines of the report shown below Also, change the order of the report columns
Ck Nbr -----234 235 236 Amount -----34.56 192.73 75.00 Acct ---B T G Balance ------2356.96 2164.23 2089.23 Tax --Z W X

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