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History of Abnormal Psychology

Introduction to Clinical Psychology Discussion Section #2

Abnormality: It is Not a New Phenomena

Goal: Learn milestones (key events and figures) in the history of abnormal psychology Procedure: Review Timeline Act out an audio tour

Act out an Audio Tour?

Review timeline Divide into small groups Each group will receive scripts for their time period. You will have a few minutes to review and practice your scripts Final product: act out entire tour (eg. everyone listens to room 1 as they act out their script

Tasks for Each Group (Allotted time: 10 minutes)

Review and practice script for your era Identify the visuals (power point slides) Select individuals to read specific parts Select someone to operate slides with pictures .

Tour the Museum (Allotted time: 35 minutes)

Room 1- 4 presents their materials

Abbreviated Timeline Room 1: Stone Age

Mental disorders treated by trephination

Abbreviated Timeline Room 1: Early Civilizations (430-377 BC)

Greeks and Romans Hipprocrates (humors, hysteria)

Abbreviated Timeline Room 1: Middle Ages (about 500-1400s)

Demonological explanations and treatments Pope Innocent and the Malleus Maleficarum (1486-1669) Demonic Views held over from Middle Ages Americas witch hunt ((1692)

Abbreviated Timeline Room 2: Renaissance (about 1400-1700) Rise of the Asylums Bethlehem hospital Williamsburg Virginia: first mental hospital

Abbreviated Timeline Room 2: Room 19th Century: Reform and Moral Treatment

Therapeutic Reforms: Moral Therapy Pinel Tuke Rush Legislative Reforms Dix

Abbreviated Timeline Room 3: 1850 to 1900: Biological and Psychological Perspectives Biological Kraepelin publishes psychiatry textbook General paresis linked to physical cause Psychological Hypnotism Mesmer Breuer Charcot Freud

Abbreviated Timeline: Room 4: Post 1900

Biological Perspective John Grey Development of medications and shock treatment
Psychological Perspectives Humanistic Theories (Jung, Adler, Maslow, Rogers) Behavioral Theories (Pavlov, Watson, Skinner)

Stone Age: Treatment by Trephination

Pope Innocent IV

Johnan Wyer

King Henry VIII

William Tuke

Dorothea Dix

Dorothea Dixs presentation to Congress

Emil Kraepelin

Friedrich Mesmer


Hollywood depiction of mesmerism

Jean Charcot

Charcot, an advocate for hynosis

Sigmund Freud

Freuds Office

Freud: Ready for a client

Manfred Sakel

Humanistic Psychotherapy
Alfred Adler

Carl Jung

Abraham Maslow

Carl Rogers

Ivan Pavlov

J.B. Watson

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