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Monitoring Performance

Looking for What's Going Wrong and Right

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Key Points
A multistep process for understanding performance relative to goals The why and how of active listening Common causes of poor performances

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Periodic Progress checks

The provide opportunity to remind employees about goals and importance of these goals. It give you a chance to offer positive feedback about the good things that employee do. Finally these checks can help you spot small problems before they become large one.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Performance Gaps
They are the difference between a subordinate current performance and what is required.

These problems whether large or small are performance gaps.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 5

People are not electric clocks.

You cannot just set them and forget them.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Catch a problem early and you and employee will be in better position to take corrective action and get back on track.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

Observe and Gather data

o To understand the situation, the person and the work being done. o Direct observation is the best way to do this.

o your mission shoul be to Identify strength and

weaknesses and to understand the impact that

the person work and behavior is on his coworkers

and on employee ability to achieve specific goals.
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 8

1st Step
o Routinely check employee performance against stated performance metrics. o If you have built monthly or quarterly milestones into each subordinates annual goals, you will be able to spot good performance gaps as they

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)

1st Step

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


2nd step
To scrutinize the tasks that the employees is not doing well. What seem to be the causes. Also look for the behaviors that interfere with

goal accomplishment.
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


2nd step

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


3rd step
Avoid premature judgments. One or two observations may give an incomplete impressions. Continue observing particularly if you have

any doubts about your perceptions.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


4th step
Try to draw facts from other sources when possible. When appropriate, discuss the situation in confidence with trusted peers or colleagues. Add their observation s to your own.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


5th Step
Differentiate between lack of skill and lack of motivation

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)




Finally listen carefully. A person may be asking for your help but you may not be hearing. Ask yourself, Have I passed up chances to listen. People dont always know what kind of help they need or exactly how to ask for it.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Common causes of Poor performance

As you observe, keep in mind that poor performance may have a non obvious causes that has nothing to do with lack of skill and motivation.

And that cause may be something you can do

something about.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Common causes of Poor performance

Bad processes Personal Problems Relationship conflicts at work

Work Overload
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 18

Common causes of Poor performance

Bad processes
If you want better performance look to the work process before you look for faults in the people who run them.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Common causes of Poor performance

Personal Problems
Something of non work nature may be the root cause of poor performance.
Alcoholism Drug Dependency Conflict in household Work-life balance

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Common causes of Poor performance

Relationship conflicts at work
Any time you throw people together in a workplace, there is a chance for conflict.
Jealousy A Thwarted romantic interest Competition for attention Competition for promotion Visceral dislike

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Common causes of Poor performance

Work Overload
Demanding too much at too fast a pace.

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Are you part of the Problem

How often and to what extent have I intervened in my subordinates area of responsibility? To what extent have my own actions been a source of my subordinates problem?

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan)


Move from observation to discussion

Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 24

Be an active Listener
Maintain eye contact Smile at appropriate moment Be sensitive to body language Listen first and evaluate later. Never interrupt except to ask for clarification. Indicate that you are listening by repeating what was said about critical points.
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 25

Ask Right Questions

Open ended questions
To explore alternative
What would happen if?................... To uncover attitude or need
How do you feel about our progress to date?

To establish priorities and allow elaboration

What do you think the major issues are with this project?
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 26

Ask Right Questions

Closed ended questions
To focus the response
is the project on schedule?

To confirm what other person have said

So your big problem is scheduling your time?
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 27

Form and Test your Hypothesis

Observation, discussion, and questioning will eventually lead you to some hypothesis about the nature and cause of the performance gap. To test hypothesis ask others what they think. They may have entirely different viewpoint. Feedback from other sources provides a useful reality check of you own views which may be prejudiced or inaccurate.
Dr. Shahid Jan Kakakhel (Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan) 28

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