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The Right to Choose versus

The Right to Life
By David Stevens, M.D., M.A. (Ethics) Chief Executive Director Christian Medical Association


The premature expulsion of the human fetus. It usually refers to an artificially induced abortion caused by surgical or chemical means. A spontaneous abortion is often called a miscarriage.

Embryo/Fetal Development First Trimester

Days after Last Menstrual Period
18-21: the heart beats 32: eyes are formed 38: upper lip formed 40: brain waves are measurable 44: arms and legs formed 48: beginnings of all internal structures present; child is moving 56: embryo now called a fetus 63: sucking thumb, teeth forming 84: cries, feels pain

Most surgical abortions

49 to 70 days

Fetal Development Second Trimester

13 to less than 28 weeks
13 - 3 in. & half oz., reflexes active 14 - fingerprints present 15 - grasp, grimace, frown, squint 16 - 6 in. & 6 oz., somersaults, mother feels movement 17 - hiccups, plays with umbilical cord 18 - hair and eyebrows growing 20 - hears/recognizes mothers voice 22 - responds to stories, music, etc. 24 - 1 lb., 85% survival rate 26 - responds to light, 1.5 to 2 lbs.

Fetal Development Third Trimester

28 weeks to Delivery
28 - 2 lbs. & practicing breathing 30 - growing rapidly, sleeps 90% of the time, has dreams 32 - urinates, 4 lbs. 34 - 5 lbs. 19.5 in, head into pelvis 36 - 99% survival 38 - 1,000 times original size, gaining an ounce a day. 40 - Birth - 7.5 lbs average weight.

Abortion Methods Preventing Implantation

Morning-After Pill Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) Progesterone Only BCPs Norplant

Abortion Methods First Trimester

Dilatation and Curettage

Suction Aspiration


Abortion Methods Second & Third Trimesters

Saline Urea Prostaglandin D&E D & X (Partial Birth Abortion) Hysterotomy

History of Abortion in the USA

1959 - Model state code developed 1967 - Colorado passes first liberalized state law 1970 - New York allows abortion on demand at <24 weeks 1973 - Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton 1976 - Human Life Amendment fails in Senate 1981 - Utah parental notification law approved 1984 - Reagan Mexico City Policy established 1989 - Public hospitals not required to provide abortions 1992 - Planned Parenthood v. Casey Supreme Court ruling 1993 - President Clintons five executive orders 1996 - President Clinton vetoes Partial Birth Abortion Ban 2000 - RU-486 approved

Legal Mandates
Roe v. Wade & Doe v. Bolton
At any age For no reason in 1st/2nd trimester; Any reason in 3rd States can require parent of minor to be notified but must have judicial bypass States can require informed consent 24 - 48 hour waiting period State funding not required unless life of mother, rape or incest

Who Gets Abortions?

50% have no other children 44% had previous abortion 20% married 20% under 19 years old 43% of women will have an abortion 6 times more common in unmarried women 1% of abortions are for rape or incest

Who Gets Abortions?

Each year, about 1.3 million pregnancies are terminated by abortion in the United States. Some 2.2% of all women aged 1544 had an abortion in 1997. Abortion is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. By age 20, one in seven women have had at least one abortion; by age 45, four in 10 have done so.
Source: Alan Guttmacher Institutes 2001b; Henshaw, 1998a

Annual Number of Abortions Per 1,000 Women Aged 1544

35 30
Rate per 1,000

25 20 15 10 5 0
19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98

Source: Henshaw, 1998b

Abortion Rates in Western Industrialized Countries

30 25 22.9 22.2 18.7 16.5 16.4 15.6

Rate per 1,000

20 15 10 5 0



United Australia Sweden Denmark Canada England Germany Holland States & Wales

Source: Henshaw et al., 1999a (1996 data)

Reasons for Abortion

Wants to postpone childbearing: 25.5% Wants no (more) children: 7.9% Cannot afford a baby: 21.3% Having a child will disrupt education or job: 10.8% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy: 14.1%

Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy: 12.2%

Risk to maternal health: 2.8% Risk to fetal health: 3.3% Other: 2.1%
Source:Bankole, Akinrinola; Singh, Susheela; Haas, Taylor. Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries. International Family Planning Perspectives, 1998, 24(3):117&#8211;127 & 152 As reported by:The Alan Guttmacher Institute Online.

Abortion by Gestational Age

70% 60% 55.4%

% of abortions

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 22.0% 10.7% 6.2% 4.3% 1.4%



11-12 13-15 Weeks



Source: Alan Guttmacher PP (Koonin et al., 1997 data)

Who Provides Abortions?

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

% of abortions

Abortion clinic Other clinic Hospital Physician office

19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96

The Unregulated Abortion Industry

States can:
Ban abortion after viability Require parental consent with judicial bypass Set waiting periods of 24-28 hours Require informed consent

Keep records

Almost no states regulate abortion clinics like other outpatient surgical facilities. States cannot prohibit any abortion technique.

Abortion Fallacy #1 Abortion is Painless

The majority of women report moderate to severe pain during an abortion.
No pain Hardly any A little Medium Quite a bit Severe 1.8% 4.8% 11.1% 20.8% 34.2% 27.4%

Abortion Fallacy #2 Abortion is Safer than Childbirth

Perforated Uterus Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Future miscarriages Placenta previa Breast cancer risk increased Ectopic pregnancy increase Death

Abortion complications are underreported.

Abortion Fallacy #3 Every Child Is A Wanted Child

Child abuse quadrupled between 1977 and 1993. Illegitimacy tripled between 1970 and 1993. The number of abortions doubled between 1972 and 1993. 43% of women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.

Abortion Fallacy #4 No Post Abortion Syndrome

1.4% of women reported symptoms within 2 years of their abortion (Arch. of Gen. Psych. 8/2000). 1.4% is only the tip of the iceberg, but equals 560,000 women since 1972. 20% reported clinical depression. 31% would not do it again. Women paid to participate in study: 15% wouldnt participate and 50% wouldnt allow follow-up interview.

Post Abortion Syndrome

Archives of Gen. Psychiatry Study During the one-year follow up interview:
Sample included 854 women. 60% had experienced emotional distress after their abortions. 16% said it was severe distress. 70% said they would never consider abortion again if they faced an unwanted pregnancy. Negative feelings increased with time. 17% experienced physical problems such as bleeding and pelvic infections due to the abortion. That is a much higher rate than abortion providers admit.

Selling Baby Parts

Exposed in ABC-TVs 20/20 Health Revitalization Act of 1993
Allows fetal tissue research Requires
Separate consent No alteration of timing or method of abortion Abortion in accordance with state law.

Fees for Services Scheduled

Human Brain < 8 weeks $999

Fetal Eyes
Ears Intact Trunk

$50 $500

Congressional investigation went nowhere--practice continues.

When Does Human Life Begin?

Science says that human life begins at fertilization. The one-cell embryo is genetically unique and the first state of the self-directed development of each embryo. The law recognizes that human life begins at fertilization.

What is a Person?
Continuous growth begins at one-cell embryo stage No morally relevant break Humans maintain their ontological identity Personhood does not depend on abilities, but essence

Developmental Markers of Personhood are Arbitrary and Capricious

Fertilization Implantation Hormonal Signals Miscarriage Rate Twinning Brain Development Ability to feel pain or other sensations Quickening Viability Birth

Other Arguments
There is an inherent right to life. The ethical principle of autonomy prohibits depriving someone of life. If personhood is bestowed, it can be taken away.

What Does the Bible Teach About the Unborn?

Each person is made in Gods image (Gen. 1:27). Yeled - the Hebrew word for the unborn. Job was the same person before he was born (Job10:8-12). God controls development and numbers our days. Jeremiah - known in the womb. The Hebrew - Brephos

John recognizes Jesus as the Son of God three weeks after his conception. Child sacrifice is condemned throughout scripture. (Leviticus 18:21, 20:1-5, Deuteronomy 12:31) Exodus 21:22-25 states that there is punishment for someone who causes a miscarriage intentionally.

Inherent Rights in Conflict

Inalienable rights
Life Liberty Pursuit of happiness = property

Rights in Conflict
Mothers liberty versus the childs life

How resolve rights conflicts

What Does the Public Think?

Pro-life - 59%
12% Prohibit always 12% Only to save mothers life 35% Save life, rape, incest

Pro-Abortion Rights - 41%

27% Through third month only 7% Only till baby is viable 7% Any reason and any time

53% - It has hindered relationship between men and women 78% - Causes emotional trauma 70% - Abortion is not necessary for women to pursue career goals

The Unwanted Child

The worth of an individual is not dependent on whether the child is wanted. Every child is wanted by someone. Over 2 million couples have infertility problems. There are not enough children to meet adoption needs.

The Goods of Abortion?

Prevents Overpopulation
Avoids Dangers of Illegal Abortions Prevents Suffering of Disabled Child

Prevents Child Abuse

Economic Impact of Abortion

Reduced size of economy Enormous Social Security problem Reduced standard of living Changed social makeup because of need for immigration

The Hard Cases

Rape & Incest
Rare: < 0.1% of pregnancies Not childs fault - two wrongs dont make a right Children of rape - Ethel Waters Abortion doesnt heal

Life of the Mother

Extremely rare Save one life rather than lose two Would still be legal if convenience abortion banned

Handicapped Child

Prochoice Fallacies
Prolifers are antichoice
All choices are not permissible. Freedom to choose must add to choose what?

Prolifers dont care about mothers

There are more crisis pregnancy centers than abortion clinics

Prolifers are violent

Very rare, prolifers oppose

Answering the Arguments

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Its a decision between a woman and her doctor. It is unfair to minorities to restrict abortion. Every child needs to be a wanted child. You cant legislate morality. Its okay because it is legal.

Prochoice Strategies
Oppose recognizing the preborn as persons. Oppose any and all restrictions on abortions. Demonize prolifers. Obtain government funding. Keep prolifers out of judicial and legislative positions. Influence the young. Control the media.

Strategies for Change

Incrementalism Change public opinion Provide alternatives Love abortion victims and providers Work to get prolife people in government and courts Keep tax money from subsidizing abortion industry

Helping Women Who Have Aborted

There are two victims to abortion-one dead and one damaged.
The remedy for guilt/denial is forgiveness We have all sinned Romans 3:23, Isaiah 59:2 The penalty for sin is death Proverbs 14:12 , Romans 6:23 Jesus Christ paid the penalty John 3:16 God forgives every sin if we repent 1 John 1:9, Romans 8:1 Our duty is to accept his forgiveness Luke 7:47-50, 1 Timothy 1:15-16 Forgiveness must be followed by right choices - Matthew 6:14-15

Adoption - Bethany Christian Services (616-459-6273) Post Abortion Counseling - Project Rachel (414-769-3391) Education National Right to Life (202-626-8800) Life Issues Institute - (513-729-3600) Focus on the Family ( 719-531-3400) Christian Medical Association (423-844-1000)

Concerned Women for America (202-488-7000) Legal Issues - Christian Legal Society

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