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Delivery Room Instruments

Mayo Curve

Used to cut the ligatures or other suture material during operation by the assistant surgeon or scrub nurse, it is also used to cut the tissues and internal organs so that adjacent tissues are protected while using it. Can also used to do the episiotomy in second stage of labor without causing damage to the surrounding tissues in the perineum

Umbilical Scissors

Used to cut umbilical cord.

Kelly Curve

Is used to clamp larger vessels and tissue. It can also be used in clamping the babys umbilical cord. The jaws may be curved or straight, it is design for general used, the locking grip permits clamping with a variety of pressures.


Used in holding anterior and posterior lip of the cervix in vaginal operation like D & C for better visualization.


Used for removing products of conception from the uterus in case of incomplete or inevitable abortion. Used to remove any retain placental or membrane pieces from the uterus after delivery . Used to removed any foreign body from the uterine cavity.


Used to introduce dressing for vaginal packing to control bleeding from laceration in the birth canal due to traumatic condition. It is also used to pack the uterus in bleeding when other control measures fails after D & C.


Is a long slender instruments indicated by centimeters and inches. It is used to ascertain the length or depth of the cervix & uterus before any operations of the uterus through vagina. It is used as a first dilator before introducing the uterine dilators . It is also used to ascertain the size and directions of the uterus.

Hegar Cervical Dilators

Used to dilate the cervix when approached is required through the cervix in pathological condition of the uterus. It is also used for dilating the cervix for curetting the uterine content for evacuation of the products of conception.

Amniotom Hook

Used for snipping Bag of water( BOW).

Fetal forceps

Used for extracting the baby in the second stage of labor. Use forceps delivery when the cervix is fully dilated. Diff. types of forceps are used to extract the fetal head depending upon the descend of fetal head.

Vaginal retractor

Used in an operation of the cervix and vagina to retract the posterior vaginal wall. It is used to exposed the neck of the cervix.

Vaginal Speculum

Used in operation of the cervix. It has 2 blades which can be open laterally and adjusted at various angle by adjusting the screw after introducing it into the vagina. Every part of the vagina can be visualized by retracting the tissue with the same instruments and it gives good exposure of the cervix.

Fetal Monitor

Fetal monitors are utilized during pregnancy and labor to detect stress through careful observation of the baby's heart rate. Types of monitors include the doppler fetal monitor, which uses ultrasound; a fetal stethoscope, a trumpet shaped cousin of the common stethoscope placed directly on the abdomen; a telemetry monitor, which uses transmitters to relay information; and an internal fetal monitor, for high-risk births.


Ventouse is often used to assist in the delivery of a baby. This device is a type of vacuum with a suction cup that attaches to the baby's head. Anesthesia is not necessary during the procedure. The ventouse is not used when the baby is in a breech or transverse position.


Curette is usually employed during general gynecological procedures, but may be used in the delivery room as a result of a miscarriage. This scraping hand tool may have a looped or narrow spoon-shaped end and is used to remove tissue from the body.

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