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Based on one novel above, write about an event that changes the life of a character.

Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

The Phantom kidnapped Christine when she was singing in an opera. The Phantom took Christine to his house on the lake under the Opera House.

Then, Raoul and the Persian came to save Christine Daae. They were trapped in Eriks torture chamber. The room was hot, full of moving mirrors and no air. They suffered in this room. So, they could not save Christine.

Christine begged Erik to free Raoul and the Persian. Erik said that he will only free them if Christine marries him. To save Raoul and the Persian, Christine agreed to marry Erik. She kissed Eriks ugly lips willingly. Erik was touched by Christines kindness. He let Christine, Raoul and the Persian free. Christine and Raoul were able to get married and be happy together.

In conclusion, this event changed Christines life because she can be happy and marry Raoul, the love of her life.

Based on one novel, write about a lesson learnt from a main character in the story. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Be kind to everybody - Christine Be a loyal person Raoul, Christine Do not be revengeful - Erik

Do not be a hypocrite Think before you act.

P1 P2 - Give the first example on where Christine shows her kindness. First

P3 Give the second example on

where Christine shows her kindness P4 Write on how her kindness affect (memberi kesan) herself or other characters.

Copy the sentences from the second paragraph because the 10 introduction words are taken from the first paragraph Copy the 1st 2 sentences of each paragraph Copy the sentences in full Copy only 60 words Use linkers in order to get 3 marks for language

Use the IMEJ method I-Identify what the question wants M-Make a statement E-Elaborate on the answers J-Justify the elaboration by giving textual evidence from the novel

Identify The character-Dr Jekyll Incident-He discovers a new drug Make a statement An incident/event that changes the life of Dr Jekyll is when he discovers a new drug.

Elaborate Answer the question. Where, When, What happened Justify Answer the question why do you say so using the evidence from the text.

1.Novel2.Author3.Introduction- One or two lines/Answer the question- The most interesting event is. 4.Evidence 1Detail 5.Evidence 2Detail 6.Evidence 3Detail (If relevant) 7.Conclusion-

Teach them short answers based on topicscharacter, themes, event etc. Answers are within 40 to 50 words only Teach them to memorize a few lines of the synopsis It helps them to get at least minimum marks E2

Sample Answer I like to choose Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It is a horror story. This story shows the good and evil side of a man. Dr Jekyll makes a new drug. He makes the drug in the lab. It makes him to have a double life as good Dr Jekyll and cruel Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde is cruel ,he tramples a little girl. He also kills Sir Danvers Carew. Then he hides in the lab.

We need to be kind to the others. Mr Utterson is kind and helpful. He is loyal to Dr Jekyll. He keeps his secrets too. Lastly, we must always be good because evil deeds hurt people.

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