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Steady State Flow

(kxh/x)/x+(ky.h/y)/y =0

Nonsteady State incompressible Flow

(kxh/x)/x+(ky.h/y)/y =0

Steady State Flow through anisotropic homogeneous porous Media

kx (h/x)/x+ky( h/y)/y =0

Steady State Flow through isotropic nonhomogeneous porous Media

(kh/x)/x+(kh/y)/y =0

Steady State Flow through isotropic homogeneous porous Media

(h/x)/x+ ( h/y)/y =0

One dimensional unsteady nonhomogeneous Flow

(kh/x)/x =(n/)/t

One dimensional steady nonhomogeneous Flow

d(kdh/d)/dx =0

One dimensional steady homogeneous Flow

d2h/dx2 , or v=-dh/dx

Two Dimensional Potential Flow through Porous Media

The steady state two dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid in a homogeneous isotopic porous media implies the validity of equations (4.4) and (4.7). The substitution for the velocity components u& v from equations (4.7) into equation (4.4)

leads to the following linear second order partial differential equation for the flow in the x-y plane.:

2h/x2+2h/y2 =0


Define the velocity potential in terms of the total head h and the hydraulic conductivity k by the following relation For a homogeneous isotropic soil, k= constant, hence the substitution of equation (4.10) in (4.11) results equation (4.12)

= -kh


2/x2+2/y2 =0


p(x,y+y) above the curve = c. Then the flow between o and the new point increases by an infinitesimal value to reach +d which means that the flow between p(x,y)

and p(x,y+ dy) is d. Equating this value with the horizontal velocity of flow u times the area dy, the following equation results

Similarly, a displacement in the x direction dx to the point p(x+ dx,y) below the = c curve produces a reduction in the flow by an amount which can be referred to as d. In other words, the flow between p(x,y) and p(x+ dx) is (- d). Hence,

u =/y


v= -x


Also, the velocity components can be written in terms of the velocity potential by applying the definition of in equations (4.7) Consider the plane flow shown in Fig. 4.3. The rate of flow that crosses the curve op is assumed to be y. If any other curve is drawn between the points o and p such that it lies totally in the domain of flow, then the rate of flow across the new line remains unchanged and equals y.

u = /x & v = /y

(4.13-a) (4.13-b)

Assume that the point p is moved in such a way that the flow which crosses any curve between o and p remains equal to y, then the locus of point p(x,y) is a curve with the property y = c. If p receives an infinitesimal displacement y to the location

p(x,y+y) above the curve = c. Then the flow between o and the new point increases by an infinitesimal value to reach +d which means that the flow between p(x,y)

and p(x,y+ dy) is d. Equating this value with the horizontal velocity of flow u times the area dy, the following equation results

Similarly, a displacement in the x direction dx to the point p(x+ dx,y) below the = c curve produces a reduction in the flow by an amount which can be referred to as d. In other words, the flow between p(x,y) and p(x+ dx) is (- d). Hence,

u =/y


v= -x


A comparison between equations 4.13 and 4.14leads to equations 4.15. These relations between the stream function and the potential function are identical to Cauchy Riemann of Orthognality

P(x, y+y


v P(x+x, y)

p(x, y) ,y

The validity of the Cauchy- Riemann equations implies that the curves y=c and j=d always meat at right angles for any constant values c & d. In Fig. 4.4, this property is illustrated.

/x= /y & /y= -/x

(4.15-a) (4.15-b)

The partial differentiation of equations (4.14-a) w.r.t. y and equation (4.14-b) w.r.t. x followed by he subtraction of the second equations from the the irst leads to the following elation: relation: 2/y2+2/x2 =u/y- v/x (4.16) The substitution for u and v from equations (4.13)

mplies that

2/x2+2/y2 = 2 /(xy) - 2 /(xy)=0 (4.17)

This means that the equation y satisfies the same partial differential equation that is

satisfied by .

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