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Comparison of Two Means (Uji 2 Beda)


Uji beda pada statistik parametrik:

Paired sample test (t-test) 2. Independent sample test (t-test)

Uji t digunakan untuk analisis dari hipotesis dua kelompok data, baik yang berpasangan maupun yang bebas.

Anova/Anava/ Analysis of Varians satu jalur 2. Anova dua jalur

Uji ini digunakan untuk menganalisis lebih dari dua sampel.

Paired Sample T Test

Paired sample t test merupakan uji beda dua sampel

berpasangan. Sampel berpasangan merupakan subjek yang sama namun mengalami perlakuan yang berbeda.

Tujuan : utk menguji perbedaan mean antara dua

kelompok data yang dependen. Syarat : 1. Distribusi data normal 2. Kedua kelompok dependen/pair 3. Jenis variabel adalah numerik dan kategori

Satu arah

Ho : 1 2 Ho: 1-2 0 HA: 1-2 < 0 Dua arah

= 1-2 Ho: =0 HA: 0

Sd =


Contoh soal
The sample size is n = 63. The mean time to

occurrence of angina was xC = 3.35% during the baseline (control) visit (when subjects were breathing clean air on both the stress and second measurement) and xT = 9.63%faster when subjects were breathing air mixed with CO during the second (treatment) visit. The dierence between the two means is d = 6.63% with standard deviation sd = 20.29%.

1. The null hypothesis is H0 : = C T 0 2. The alternative hypothesis is

Ha : < 0 ( C < T) That is, when breathing air mixed with CO angina occurs faster. 3. The level is 5% 4. The test statistic is =2.59%

5. Rejection rule: Reject H0 if T < t62;0.95 =

1.673. Since T = 2.59 < 1.673 = t62;0.95 the null hypothesis is rejected.
Conclussion: Subjects when breathing air with CO experience

angina faster than when breathing air without CO

Contoh soal 2
The sample size is n = 62. The mean time to

occurrence of angina was xC = 3.35% during the baseline (control) visit (when subjects were breathing clean air on both the stress and second measurement) and xT = 9.63%faster when subjects were breathing air mixed with CO during the second (treatment) visit. The dierence between the two means is d = 4.95% with standard deviation sd = 19.05%.

1. The null hypothesis is H0 : = C T 0 2. The alternative hypothesis is

Ha : < 0 ( C < T) That is, when breathing air mixed with CO angina occurs faster. 3. The level is 5% 4. The test statistic is

= -2.05

5. Rejection rule: Reject H0 if T < t62;0.95 =

1.673. Since T = 2.05 < 1.673 = t62;0.95 the null hypothesis is rejected.
Conclussion: The patient is exposed to a low level of CO is larger

than the mean percent decrease when the patient is not exposed.

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