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The first tools used as aids to calculation were almost certainly mans own fingers, and it is not simply a coincidence that the word digit is used to refer to a finger (or toe) as well as a numerical quantity..


As the need to represent larger numbers grew, early man employed readily available materials for the purpose. Small stones or pebbles could be used to represent larger numbers than fingers and toes and had the added advantage of being able to easily store intermediate results for later use. Thus, it is also no coincidence that the word calculate or compute is derived from the Latin word calculi for pebble


ABACUS is the first device ever developed by man to aid him in the process of computing The abacus is an instrument used to perform arithmetic calculations. Developed in ancient times, the abacus is still used in China, Japan, and Korea.

John Napier and Napier's Bones In the early 1600s, a Scottish mathematician called John Napier (1550-1617) invented a tool called Napiers Bones, which were multiplication tables inscribed on strips of wood or bone.

PASCALS MACHINE is invented by a French Mathematician, Blaise Pascal. This machine can add and subtract by rotating ten toothed wheels and cogs.

LEIBNIZ CALCULATOR is invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz, a German Mathematician. This machine can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. It could also extract square roots.


In 1801, Frenchman Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquards weaving loom. This device was controlled by cards, in which holes were strategically punched to create patterns to be woven by the loom. This punched card technology is believed to be the same as the one applied in Babbages engines and in the early twentieth-century tabulating machines.

Babbage's Difference Engine

Considered by many to be a direct forerunner of modern calculating devices, the Difference Engine was able to compute mathematical tables. This woodcut shows a small portion of the ingenious machine, which was designed by Charles Babbage in the 1820s.

Analytical Engine
Lady Ada Augusta Byron King - The Countess of Lovelace - Suggested to use punched cards that would instruct Babbages engine to repeat certain operations - These instructions are what we now call programs - She is the First Computer Programmer

Herman Hollerith

An American Statistician, developed a tabulating device and card sorter for the 1890 American Census This set of machine is called Holleriths electric tabulating system, the first electromechanical system for recording, compiling and tabulating data.

Howard Hathaway Aiken, an American, designed and built the first electromechanical computer called MARK I - it was essentially a collection of electromechanical calculators used extensively by U.S, Army in designing and testing weapons system during World War II.

(1939-1942) The AtanasoffBerry Computer

- by John Vincent Atanasoff - The machine was needed to reduce the time it took to make long complicated mathematical calculations - The computer used an electronic vacuum tubes combined with many newly invented digital circuit designs,

The ENIAC (1939-1946)

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer Built for the U.S. military to calculate the paths of artillery shells Used to make calculations,in nuclear weapon research, weather prediction, and wind tunnel design.

The EDVAC (1945-1949)

Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer The first digital computer that used a stored program to control the computer.

First Generation (19511959)

The VACUUM TUBE - Used vacuum tubes as a means of storing data in memory. - Vacuum tubes is an electronic tube from essentially all air has been removed, creating a vacuum. - Vacuum tubes burned out frequently and had to be replaced. - It includes ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC I

UNIVAC 1 (1951)

Universal Automatic Computer


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Create your group folder on the desktop, folder name: <GroupNo._IA> sample: Group1_IA Draw or paint your favorite cartoon character using MS Paint or GNU Paint Save your work on your folder using this format: <yourname.jpg> sample: mfguinto.jpg

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