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SUPERCONDUCTIVITTY: From Fascinating Physics to Flying Trains




Discovery of superconductors
A brief comparison Theories involved Applications future

Outer electrons of the atoms

bound and free to move in conductors are loosely through the metal

What happens when metallic conductor carries electric

current? Life is tough for free electrons Resistance: Repulsion from other electrons Vibration of atoms impurities

Because of electrical resistance

Loss of power (about 20%) during high tension

transmission of electric power Limited efficiencies in electrical appliances, computers, due to limited current. P=I2R loss! Limited efficiencies in motors, generators, turbines etc due to limited magnetic fields. (B=I/r)

Discovery of super conductivity

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes

1908- liqufied helium (~4K=-2700C)

1911- investigated low temperature resistance

of mercury 1913-Nobel prize in physics

Conductors vs. Superconductors

Normal conductors:

= at T=0 Superconductors: =0 at T<T

0 c

(superconducting state)

Effect of electric current

Large electric current- induces magnetic field

destroys superconductivity Induced Critical current ic=2rHc Persistent Current Steady current which flows through a superconducting ring without any decrease in strength even after the removal of the field Diamagnetic property

The superconducting state is

defined by three very important factors

Critical temperature (Tc) Critical magnetic field( Hc) Critical current density (Jc)

Superconducting state
H Hc

Normal State

Superconducting State
Tc T

Hc =Critical magnetic field

Superconductivity and magnetism are natural enemies

When a super conducting material is cooled

below its critical temperature in the presence of an applied magnetic field ,it expels all magnetic flux from its interior. Supercurrents induced by the magnetic flow through the superconductor and produce a magnetic field that exactly cancels out the magnets own field -Meissner effect T>Tc T<Tc

Types of superconductors
Type I Sudden loss of magnetisation Exhibit Meissner Effect One HC = 0.1 Tesla No mixed state Soft superconductor Eg.s Pb, Sn, Hg
-M Superconducting
-M Mixed Normal Normal


Type II Gradual loss of magnetisation Does not exhibit complete Meissner Effect Two HCs HC1 & HC2 (30 Tesla) Mixed state present Hard superconductor Eg.s Nb-Sn, Nb-Ti





Mechanism of superconductivity???
Classical theories could explain only some of the

observed properties.. Landau-Ginzburg theory Bardeen Cooper and schriefer used (for the first time) the Quantum theory of Solids to explain the superconducting state(1957)

Cooper pair
Two electrons that appear to "team up" in

accordance with theory - BCS or other - despite the fact that they both have a negative charge and normally repel each other. Below the superconducting transition temperature, paired electrons form a condensate - a macroscopically occupied single quantum state - which flows without resistance.

Mechanism of cooper pairs

Movement of cooper pairs through the lattice

High temperature superconductivity

High value of Tc Most are ceramic in nature Brittle

1-2-3 compound
Oxides of Cu+ other atoms

Maglev trains

Medical applications Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI scans produce detailed image of even soft tissues The superconducting magnet coils produce a large and uniform magnetic field inside the patient's body

Magnetic field sensing SQUIDS

Super Conducting Quantum Interface Devices


The cable configuration features a

conductor made from HTS wires wound

around a flexible hollow core.

Liquid nitrogen flows through the zero resistance state.

the core, cooling the HTS wire to

The conductor is surrounded The efficiency of this design reduces losses

by conventional dielectric insulation.

Electric generators

Fault limiters
Power lines Faster Petaflop computers Cellular and wireless technology Particle accelerators


A bunch of Nobel Prizes:

K Onnes in 1913 J Bardeen, L Cooper & J Schrieffer in 1972 D Josephson in 1973 A Muller & G Bednorz in 1988 A Abrikosov, V Ginzburg & J Leggett in 2003

With Superconductors, history has been mind boggling, present discoveries have been baffling, hence for what the future holds shall surely be exciting !!!!

The dream - Tomorrows Superconducting World

Energy saving: Power cable, motor, generator

Computing: 1000 times faster supercomputers Information Technology: much faster, wider band communication 350mph levitated trains Magnetically launched space shuttle & moreover.

Solid state physics by S.O pillai

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