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to determine the percentage of oxygen of saturation of circulating arterial blood.

Pulse Oximetry

simple non-invasive method to monitoring the percentage of haemoglobin (Hb) which is saturated with oxygen.

Application of Oximeter
Cardiac and vascular anomalies 1. post operative anoxia 2. anoxia resulting from pulmonary affections

Anoxia-a total decrease in the level of oxygen, and extreme form of hypoxia

A = Absorbance I0 = Intensity of incident light I = Intensity of transmitted light = Extinction Coefficient B = Depth of absorbent layer C = Concentration of absorber

Structure of pulse oximeter

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attached to the patient's finger or ear lobe which is linked to a computerised unit (monitor).

Blood vessel


-oxyhaemoglobin (HbO2) -reduced

Absorb 940nm wavelength more Absorb 660nm wavelength more

Peak absorption

SpO2 99 % Pulse rate 85 (beat per minute)

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The normal level of SpO2 for an adult is 94-99%. If the SpO2 level is below 94%, it is suspected hypoxia(dependent on the patients health condition, respiration rate, percentage of the oxygen in the air). IF SpO2 level falls below 80%, oxygen supplementary needed.

Normal and abnormal readings

Why abnormal? Errors occurred when

Poor positioning of the probe can cause inaccurate readings. Nail polish can lead to error in SpO2 reading. The reading will inaccurate if the pulse signal in the finger is not strong enough. Bright light will interfere with the light detector. When the patient is moving.

Non-invasive. No heating and rubbing is required. Need not to store any initial light intensity values, simplifying operational procedures. True arterial saturation is measured because the pulsatile signal comes from the arterial blood.

Limitations of Finger Pulse Oximeter

Less accurate than invasive blood tests. Cannot distinguish between failure of blood flow (circulatory failure) and failure of breathing (respiratory failure). Normal values do not completely rule out respiratory acidosis or inadequate blood flow. There will be a delay between an event such as a patient taking off an oxygen mask and the subsequently less oxygenated blood passing through the finger the probe is on. The reading will inaccurate if the pulse signal in the

I. an important device needed in medical field. II. Intelligent use of pulse oximetry can truly help save lives and indicate hypoxic events.

R. S. Khandpur, Biomedical Instrumentation Technology & Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2005. PulseOximetry,9/12/2011, Dr. Vijaylakshmi Kamat, Pulse Oximeter, Indian J. Anaesth. 2002; 46(4) : 261-268

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