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Trophozoite: Amebic stage characterized by its ability to move, obtain food and multiply.


Amoebic stage characterized by a thick cell wall that allows it to survive the environment and transmitted to a healthy host

Entamoeba histolytica
Trophozoite Exhibits progressive motility with finger-like pseudopodia Single nucleus with small compact karyosome that may be placed centrally or eccentrically. Peripheral chromatin is finely granular and distributed evenly over the inner surface of the nuclear membrane. Non-invasive forms may contain bacteria, while invasive forms contain ingested RBCs.

Entamoeba histolytica
Mature cysts are spherical and contain 4 nuclei, while immature forms contain 1-2 nuclei. Glycogen found in mature cysts is usually diffused, and its concentrated into a discrete mass in immature ones. If present, chromatoid bodies are usually elongated with bluntly rounded ends.

Entamoeba coli
Single nucleus with a large non-compact

karyosome usually located eccentrically Peripheral chromatin is in the form of coarse granules that may appear as a dark ring material. Cytoplasm is usually vacuolated and may contain bacteria, yeasts, and other debris.

Entamoeba coli
Usually spherical, but sometimes oval

Contain 1 - 8 nuclei with a large irregular in shape cytoplasm In mature cysts, the cytoplasm may contain diffuse glycogen while in immature cysts the glycogen may be a large discrete mass. Chromatoid bodies are rarely seen and if present they are splinter-like with pointed ends

Trophozoite: An ameboflagellated form is present, but only ameboid forms exist in humans Produce pseudopods that are rounded and fingerlike called lobopodia. Nucleus is large with dense karyosome and lacks peripheral chromatin on nuclear membrane. Trophozoites in culture express many nuclei Cytoplasm is granular and has abundant vacuoles. Sucker-like structures amebostomes might be present.

Naegleria fowleri


Naegleria fowleri

Not present in human tissues

In nature, cysts are spherical and have a

smooth single-layered wall that have one nucleus with a centrally located karyosome which lacks peripheral chromatin.

Highly resistant to desiccation

Acanthamoeba spp.
Produce slender, spine-like pseudopods called acanthopodia. Cytoplasm is granular and contains water and food vacuoles. Single nucleus with a large central karyosome and a nuclear membrane lacking chromatin.

Acanthamoeba spp.
Cyst: Round with ragged ends

Cell wall consists of 2 layers: * Wrinkled fibrous outer wall (exocyst) * Smooth inner wall with diverse morphology (endocyst) Single nucleus with a large central karyosome

Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii
Tachyzoite (trophozoite)
Crescent-shaped organisms with tapered anterior end, a blunt posterior end and a large nucleus. Contains a variety of organelles (mitochondrion, golgi apparatus), but they are not visible

Toxoplasma gondii
Smaller than tachyzoites

Hundreds of bradyzoites enclose themselves to form a cyst.

Cyst: Spherical in brain and elongated in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Organisms within the cyst are called bradyzoites.

Cryptosporidium parvum

Cryptosporidium parvum
Oocyst: Spherical to oval and sporulated when shed in the feces.


oocyst has a thick colorless wall and contain four sporozoites and numerous granules.

Plasmodium sp.
Ring Form

Ring-like appearance, consisting of a blue circle. The space inside the ring is known as a vacuole

Schizont 12-24 merozoites occupying majority of the RBC. Merozoites surrounded by cytoplasmic material

Plasmodium sp.
Microgametocyte (male)

Consists of a large diffuse mass of chromatin surrounded by a halo.

Macrogametocyte (female)

Shape ranges from round, oval, to crescent. Chromatin is compact surrounded by cytoplasmic material



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