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More waste product!

The incinerators often mix waste with an even greater measure of coal, adding more globalwarming gases to the atmosphere and toxic chemicals to the air of Chinas cities, a recent report says. Extremly toxic

Setting standards for waste-burning plants has also proved challenging. There is a wide variety in materials burned the plants basically use whatever gets delivered, which presents serious challenges for pollution control, Wang said. Meanwhile, emissions controls on waste-topower plants are more lax than on coal-fired power plants, allowed to produce four times the nitrous oxide and five times the sulfur dioxide. Both gases warm the atmosphere and harm human health.

Energy from waste is a lucrative business in China because a plants electrical output is considered renewable energy and is rewarded with a feed-in tariff of about four cents per kilowatt hour. But practices that pay for expensive pollution controls in North America and Europe are mostly absent.

One bright light is that incinerators are getting a bad reputation in China and generating more resistance among people who dont want the smell or toxic burden they bring to a neighborhood. The report cites news reports that at least six new incineration plants have been delayed recently because of opposition.

He believes there are four key reasons for such protests. 1. First, existing plants are of a low standard and poorly run, and as a result create fumes and foul odours. 2. Second, land and property prices are steadily rising, leading residents to expect more of their local environment. 3. Third, people are scared of dioxins, harmful chemical compounds that can be released during uncontrolled waste incineration (although he believes that this danger has been exaggerated). 4. And fourth, in the past, local governments have failed in their duties during tendering processes, meaning badly managed companies have ended up operating plants.

Kedua, pola pembakaran sampah dengan pola incinerator tidak dibenarkan dalam aturan pengelolaan sampah sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah. Artinya Pembangunan PLTSa melanggar UndangUndang No 18 Tahun 2008.

Ketiga, proyek PLTSa belum memenuhi aturan UU No 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, terutama menyangkut prosedur perizinan lingkungan hidup dan kajian analisis dampak lingkungan belum jelas dan masih bermasalah.

Keempat, proyek PLTSa di pemukiman Perumahan Griya Cempaka Arum Kelurahan Ranca Numpang, Kota Bandung. Sebagai area merupakan kawasan resapan air dan ruang terbuka hijau di Bandung Timur.

Kelima, sebagain besar warga di Perumahan Griya Cempaka Arum dan di Kota Bandung, menyatakan ketidaksetujuan dan penolakan atas proyek ini. Pemerintah Kota Bandung seharusnya tidak memaksakan proyek diteruskan.

Keenam, masih ada persoalan administrasi dalam pembebasan lahan PLTSa yang belum selesai. Ketujuh, ada PLTSa akan memacu konsumsi masyarakat atas barang-barang makin meningkat ke depan karena PLTSa membutuhkan pasokan sampah cukup besar.

Kedelapan, PLTSa akan membunuh peluang usaha para pemulung dan kelompok usaha masyarakat yang mendaur ulang sampah di Kota Bandung.


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