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Bull fighting is very closely associated with Spain and can trace its origins back to 711 A.D. bullfight is more of a ritual, which is judged by aficionados (bullfighting fans) based on artistic impression and command.

Lola Rodrguez de Ti
A believer in Women's Rights, she was also committed to the abolition of slavery and in the independence of Puerto Rico.

Las horas
Qu alegres son las horas! Cual bandada De palomas que vagan por el cielo Y rasgan de la aurora el tenue velo Que abrillanta la luz tornasolada; As cruzan la atmsfera azulada, En ruidoso tropel con manso vuelo, Trayendo una ilusin, un nuevo anhelo, A mi musa feliz y enamorada. Yo las siento pasar, por mi fortuna, Como rayos pursimos de luna Que baan mis ensueos dulcemente; Y mi hora postrera slo anso Que llegue lo ms tarde al hogar mo, Donde tiene el amor culto ferviente.

The hours
How joyful are the hours! like a flock of doves that wanders across the skies tearing apart the frail veil of dawn, making brighter the iridescent light. Thus they cross the bluish atmosphere, in a raucous rumble yet peaceful flight, bringing an ilusion, a new yearning, to my happy muse in-love. I feel them pass by, by good fortune, like extremely pure moonbeams that sweetly bathe my fantasies; and my last hour I only wish that it comes very late to my home, where love has a fervent altar.

Juana Borrero
A talented poet and accomplished painter, was central to the activity kabala, the modernist Cuban movement of the late 19th century

Todo es quietud y paz... En la penumbra se respira el olor de los jazmines, y, ms all, sobre el cristal del ro se escucha el aleteo de los cisnes que, como grupo de nevadas flores, resbalan por la tersa superficie. Los oscuros murcilagos resurgen de sus mil ignorados escondites, y vueltas mil, y caprichosos giros por la tranquila atmsfera describen; o vuelan luego rastreando el suelo, rozando apenas con sus alas grises del agrio cardo el amarillo ptalo, de humilde malva la corola virgen.

All is peace and calm ... In the twilight the aroma of jasmines can be smelled, and, over the glassy surface of the river, is heard the flapping wings of the swans which, like a bunch of snowy flowers, glide over the smooth water surface. Now the dusky bats reemerge from their many secret hiding places, and a thousand turns, and capricious spins they make in the tranquil atmosphere; or fly very close to the ground, barely grazing with their gray wings the yellow petal of the bitter thistle, or the virgin corolla of the humble mallow.

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