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What is Alcohol???

Alcohol is a drug
Most of the time, when people talk about drugs,they think of illegal ones but the most abused drug that is legal for people over 18.

It slows down vital functions resulting in slurred speech ,unsteady movements , disturbed perceptions and an ability to react quickly.

Young people try alcohol for many reasons


o Alcohol is the most commonly used drugs by teenagers.

Nearly 70% of 8th graders perceive alcoholic beverages as fairly easy to get.

The no. one drug of choice for children and adolescents is alcohol..!
Children who drink alcohol before the age of 15 are five times more likely to have alcohol problems than those that start drinking after age 21. 2.6 million young people do not know that a person can die of an overdose of alcohol. A study has shown that students diagnosed with alcohol abuse were 4 times more likely to experience major depression than those without an alcohol problem

Effects of alcohol depends on a variety of factors .


According to the NIAAA, the following are short-term effects of alcohol:

Alcohol can make people lose their inhibitions. It is a main reason why many people drink alcohol. Moderate alcohol consumption can also lead to dizziness and talkativeness

Even low to moderate amounts of alcohol consumption can lead to a significant impairment to the judgment and coordination it takes to drive a vehicle.

Immediate effects of a large amount of alcohol include slurred speech, disturbed sleep, nausea and vomiting.

Prolonged and heavy use of alcohol can lead to addiction.
If someone suddenly stops drinking after alcohol has been consumed on a longterm basis, this is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms. These include hallucinations, convulsions, tremors and anxiety.

Childhood Drinking
According to SAMHSA, Alcohol has a negative impact on health. It can damage every organ in a persons body. This includes a childs developing brain. Alcohol impacts coordination, impulse control, memory and judgment. Alcohol use in childhood is also correlated with violence, risky sexual behavior, poor academic performance, alcohol-related driving incidents and other harmful behaviors. Alcohol use is also linked with youth deaths by drowning, suicide and homicide.


Binge drinking happens when someone drinks more than four (for women) or five (for men) alcoholic drinks in about two hours. Binge drinking is the most harmful type of drinking. Binge drinking can result in alcohol poisoning.


According to Kids Health, alcohol poisoning can occur when large amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time. Alcohol poisoning is the body becoming poisoned by large amounts of alcohol. Violent vomiting is usually the first symptom of alcohol poisoning. Extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures and even death may result.

Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE)

Milder form of FAS 7,000-36,000 infants per year in US

Characteristics Growth deficiency Learning dysfunction Nervous systems disabilities

Effects of Prenatal Alcohol

Long Term Adverse Effects

Obvious Alcoholism, death, cancer (oral cavity, esophagus, liver), fetal effects (FAS)

Cirrhosis of liver, appetite loss, poor judgment

Lost productivity, impaired performance, motor impairment, cost to society

Alcohol & Cancer

Ethanol consumption increases risk of cancer

Oral Cavity Pharynx and Larynx Esophagus Liver

What Can Parents Do to Prevent Underage Drinking?

If a parent finds alcohol in their childs room or their backpack, or if they smell alcohol on their breath, they should not ignore it. According to SAMHSA, there are many things parents can do to prevent underage drinking

Parents need to learn the warning signs and the ways alcohol can harm a childs mind, body and emotions. Parents should talk early and often with their child. Children should know what their parents expect of them, if they are offered alcohol at anytime or anywhere. Parents need to get involved in their childs activities. Children should be encouraged to participate in supervised groups, clubs and events that are fun and alcohol free.

Keep tabs on where their children go.

Know the parents of their child's friends. Parents should always make sure they have a phone number where they can reach their child. Kids should check in regularly, when they are away from home. When spending an extended length of time away from a parent, children should check in periodically with a phone call, email or visit home.

THE MOST EFFECTIVE WEOPON IN THE WAR OF DRUGS IS EDUCATION Reach young people with truth about drugs.


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