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We see them rocket past Townsville Hall and down a street with a clock tower.

The time is just after 3:00; the second hand slows down slightly. The image of the block begins to stretch and warp as if the center part of it is being pulled down a sink drain. It becomes a tunnel, with flashes of light all over its walls; the girls fly along this. Blossom pulls into view first, followed by Bubbles. A moment later, Buttercup roars past them, and Bubbles puts on an extra burst of speed to catch up. The girls fly on, deadlocked; closeup of Buttercup, sweating and straining to get out in front. After a few moments, her body begins to elongate slightly. Pull back to show all three girls, still in a dead tie. Freeze frame, the light trails disappearing. Silence. Extreme close-up of Bubbles, panning slowly across her face, then of Blossoms feet, panning toward her head. What is being described here ???

Time travel


RSOD Windows Vista


Apples first logo

1--Grace Hopper 2--3--4---Walter Bright 5---Mark S Miller,Dan Bornstein 6---Walter Brainerd, Richard Hendrickson, and David Epstein
Fill and Connect !!!

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.


When the QWERTY keyboard was originally designed by its inventor, the letter R was not placed in the top row of the alphabets. But, when it came to Remington and Sons, the mechanics placed it there as a marketing strategy.

Explain the strategy.

Word typewriter can be typed using characters in a single row.


Mendeleevs periodic table


Candle light in zero gravity

All X are based on the principles of triangulation using the visual images and timing data provided by at least four high-speed video cameras located at different locations and angles around the area of play. The system rapidly processes the video feeds by a highspeed video processor. A data store contains a predefined model of the playing area and includes data on the rules of the game. In each frame sent from each camera, the system identifies the group of pixels which corresponds to the image of the object. It then calculates for each frame the 3D position of the object by comparing its position on at least two of the physically separate cameras at the same instant in time. A succession of frames builds up a record of the path along which the object has travelled. It also "predicts" the future flight path of the object and where it will interact with any of the playing area features already programmed into the database. The system can also interpret these interactions to decide infringements of the rules of the game.

Hawk-eye technology


Crop Circles


First of its kind

Brannock Device



Google Hoaxes

Infinite transmissions

Nazcan Lines

Storage of light


The unknown man

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