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4 Quick Pathways to Achieve Your Utmost Dreams Starting from Scratch

A Tested Direction Map to Maximize Your Current Mindset, Heartset & Skillset on Improving All Aspects of Your Life By

Before we start, let me introduce myself.

Maybe you are asking who is OK Pinoy and why you should listen to him.

OK Pinoy is a member of

Genius Creation Mastermind Alliance (GCMA)

GCMA is the Success Club founded by John Calub, the No. 1 Success Coach in the Philippines

OK Pinoy is a Firewalk Bootcamp Graduate of JCTI

He literally walked on fire to conquer his fear.

I am OK Pinoy

After many years of research, trials and errors

I finally discovered the secrets to a successful life.

The secrets that made me what I am today.

Im sharing them with you, so keep reading...

What do you need to have to get from where you are now going to the achievement of your utmost dreams?

What do you need?

Answer: A Quick Pathway Map

Yes. A Map.

Allow me to be your GPS Guide to your success.

even just for now.

Guiding and pointing you to the 4 pathways

What exactly do you get from this 4 pathways?

Whats in it for you?

You will experience wisdom



Wisdom to use together the 3 sets you have learned all your life.

Knowledge from experiences, school, books, seminars, etc.

What are those?

Mindset Heartset Skillset

Mindset. Your decisiveness to focus on your purpose.

Heartset. Doing what you love and doing what you think is right.

Skillset. More than your talents and abilities. Its interconnection of all your talents and abilities to acquire more advanced talents and abilities.

How can you put the 3 together like a puzzle?

Mindset Heartset Skillset

It is called



Soulset It is how you will have the spirit to stitch together all the wisdoms youve acquired and learned

and have the

courage to start on applying those wisdoms without any hesitation.

Have a Soulset

Once you started, you are already on the success path.

Success is a journey and not a destination -Brian Tracey

Success Path = Soulset

Success Path = 4 Quick Pathways


Soulset = 4 Quick Pathways

The Soulset is the quick directional map.

You will learn them here.

So keep reading.

Another wisdom you will get is

You will experience the Sea of Love.

Sea of Love


Heres an analogy.

Think of your mind as a glass of wine.

Yes. Glass of Wine.

Imagine it.


Not transparent

Its like our mind.

It is filled up with good and bad experiences

since we were born.

Admit it or not

Your Mind is


Not transparent



Now imagine this

If you want to move on to achieve your dreams with a good path

Replace the wine with a clear water.

Successful people have been doing it already.

But they are not aware that they are already doing it.

Replacing a clear water over the red wine.

Usually they are doing it slowly



Its like putting a drop of clear water every second over the red wine.

Thats good.

Yes, it will clear the wine, but for how long?

It will take you forever.



Thats what we do when we attend school, seminars, read books, etc.

Its like dropping a clear water over the red wine.

Good News


There is something BETTER.

Theres a faster way.

Its like sinking the glass of wine into the sea of clear water.

When you sink it

It will dilute the red wine to a massive pool of clear water.

Once diluted

Darkness disappears

Everything becomes transparent.

becomes clear



You will discover it here.

You will discover how to tap Gods sea of blessings

Sea of Love


Lets dive in.

st 1


1st Pathway

Be Un-opinionated

Since we were born memories have been continuously storing in our brain

Memories are based on experiences

The storage is called

Subconscious Mind
(no, this is not another topic about subconscious mind)

Its like a computer hard disk.

The data stored is called



What are Patterns?


The first time you were learning how to drive, youre undivided attention is 100%.

You are thinking about every move you would do while driving.

After a few months, it felt like someone is driving for you.

Your hands automatically switched gears even if you didnt think about it.

How is that possible?

While learning how to drive, the driving patterns have been storing inside the your mind.

Once the complete patterns have been stored after a few months, you no longer storing new experiences.

So the patterns now are being retrieve from your mind and being executed by your body.

It is automatic while you are driving, thats why you dont notice that you are switching gear.

It is executed by your bodys Operating System

The operating system is called the

Conscious Mind

It is the one interprets the Patterns + New Experiences

And this interpretation creates the

Inner Opinions

Lets call it IO for short

This little IOs are created by the interpretation of the mind patterns.

These IOs are just opinions to you to act on something.

They are not inner commands. They are just opinions.

But most of us misinterpret them as inner commands

Since IOs are just opinions

It means we have the power not to follow those inner opinions.

But there is one big problem

There is a stain in the operating system

Like a Virus

A Virus that prevents us to reject the inner opinions.

Virus that produces your Fear

Eventually produces your EGO

This virus is like a monster inside yourself.

A huge ugly merciless monster.

A monster that can transform into different appearances.

Sometimes looks like a huge crocodile.

Sometimes Warewolves

It can morph to different forms but the most notorious of all is the

Big ugly fat serpent.



This monster is called the



Sometimes it looks like this

or this

Even how good and godly you are, once the beast gets out of your body

It controls you to do something bad.

Really, really bad.

It controls you to make you feel the need to be right all the time.

Like what happened to

Adam & Eve

They represent our ancestors.

The fruit they ate symbolizes the knowledge obtained by our ancestors through the centuries.

Through the centuries, they also obtained the pride of being intelligent and therefore fully accepted the ego to lurk inside their bodies.

The Leviathan conquered Adams & Eves lives.

Thats why we are also currently having the Leviathan inside our body.

Leviathan uses both right & wrong patterns from your brain to alter IOs.

The urge to be right is a sign that the Leviathan is using your right patterns to manipulate you to do something bad.

The results are

Wrong doings

Heavy Emotional Burdens & Blockages

We became the slaves of the ego

The Leviathans Puppet

What can you do about it?

You can actually control the Leviathan inside you.

You have the power to reject the bad IOs

By being unopinionated

If you become un-opinionated, you will automatically

Stop Analyzing between right or wrong

Stop Judging

Stop Justifying

Stop Finding Reasons and seeking explanations

Stop Confabulating
(Filling in gaps in your mind with fabrications that you believe to be facts)

Stop Complaining

Stop Blaming

You can stop your fear.

You can become the Master of Yourself

You can activate the Deeper You

The Real You

Remember we are designed based on Gods image.

We are designed to do great things.

Jesus Christ, himself, told that to us.

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do. John 14:12

But how can we do that with the Leviathan inside ourselves?

There is one way

We can divert the Leviathans works to do great things.

We can not get rid of the Leviathan but we can conquer it to do what is right.

We can do that, starting by being aware of the Leviathan and the ego

Catch yourself being used by it.

Then follow the next 3 pathways to become unopinionated.

nd 2


2nd Pathway

Blissful Moment

Have you experienced a moment wherein you felt very happy and relax


You are on vacation. You are in a beach forgetting all your pending works from your office.

You dont think about your problems..

Yes, you have plans or goals for your future; but you dont care about them at this very moment.

You only care about the beauty of the beach, about the blue calm water, the smell of the fresh air,

the singing of the flying birds, and all the beautiful things that surround you at the moment.

It is a form of meditation.

A Blissful Meditation

Do you know that all forms of meditation can help you do this?

All kinds of Meditations are correct

As long as it..

Really Empty Your Mind

When you empty your mind, you really empty your conscious mind.

If you force your mind not think of anything, it will turn to the wisdoms buried inside your brain.

The Conscious Mind digs the patterns.

If you continue emptying your mind, eventually

It will dig at the Sea of Blessings.

Our brain is perfectly wired up to the Universe.

In stable connection with Gods wisdom.

The Sea of Love.

You can only experience this if your meditation

Induces Spiritual Joy

Happiness for NO reason.

Feeling extraordinarily GREAT

With a genuine feeling like this, you can possibly activate the Gods power within you.

You can connect to the Universe at full speed, no congestion and no interference.

Activating the Holy Trinity within you

Jesus Christ proved this correct. He perfected it; thats why he called himself the Lord.

He activated the Holy Trinity at 100%; thats why we called him God.

Do you know that even at .01% activation of this, you can do great things?

You can start with the simplest meditation.

The Simplest Meditation is forgetting the past, the future & enjoying the present moment.

Imagine (w/ feelings) that you have solved all your problems. How do you feel?

Imagine (w/ feelings) that you have achieved all your dreams. How do you feel?

Whats the happiest moment of your life?

Always remember those feelings.

Have those feelings again whenever you encounter difficulties (imagine it)

You can do it anywhere

You can do it ALONE.

You should have those feelings when you do your EFT, Hooponopono, Sedona method, etc.

You should have those feelings when you PRAY.


Most important and more powerful

You do it while you are surrounded with people with the same POSITIVE ENERGY.

Bottom-line is you have to genuinely feel good, relax and happy all the time.

When you are genuinely experiencing a happy moment

You are cutting most or all the threads of the puppeteer, the Leviathan.

Wayne Dyer calls it Taming the Ego

Do you know that there is one powerful prayer that you can use to communicate with God at 100% efficiency.

At first I couldnt believe it but when I tried it, it worked 100% and at full speed.

I call it The 100% Prayer

The 100% Prayer is not part of the discussion here because it takes a lot of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical preparation before you can do it. Practicing the 4 Pathways is the first step.
Pls visit for the next step.

So try to practice what you have learned from this presentation. Lets rd continue with the 3 Pathway.

rd 3


3rd Pathway

Creative Imagination

Imagination is more important than knowledge Albert Einstein

Why do you think Albert Einstein said it?


Knowledge is about the past.

Imagination is about the future.

Knowledge are information that are already discovered.

Knowledge is in the Libraries.

Knowledge is in the Museums.

Knowledge is in the Internet.

Imagination on the other hand is information that are about to be discovered.

Not yet written in books.

You can not google it in the internet.

How can you access your own Creative Imagination?

Start with...

Un-attached laser-like focus on your dreams.

What you focus on magnifies.

How to have that kind of focus?

By experiencing blissful moments


Use tools to stimulate the mind like...

Dream Board

Some people call it the vision board. It doesnt matter how you call it. The most important is you can see what you are aiming for all the time with clear images.

Example of the dreams manifestation of my own Dream Board

As you can see in the picture, always put what you are aiming for or something better. Heres what Ive got on Aug. 24, 2011

At first I didnt know how to get it but I put it anyway in my Dream Board so I can see it to ignite my intention everyday.

By accessing Gods Sea of Love (Blessings) by being un-opinionated, having blissful moments and using tools to have a creative imagination, it was given to me.

Heres another one in my Dream Board.

Heres where I did the 100% Prayer in full swing.

I prepared the field by researching about the company. I called them to schedule a meeting for franchise orientation.

Using the 100% Prayer, I asked God to give it to me or something better.

God is really good. He gave me the one that needed less capital but the same profit potential. He gave me something better.

Ive got this

As a bonus, God gave me a good location for my business (with very high foot traffic). I didnt know that there was available store slot in that area but it was offered to me. Its really unbelievable.

Everything was aligned together for me to get what I wanted.

Heres another tool that I used


In your quiet moment, close your eyes and visualize what you really, really want.

Always remember what you feel while visualizing

Always think and act as if you already have it, not only during visualization.

Together with the Dream Board, it works like a charm.

Heres another tool that only few people know about it. Its like visualization but your eyes are wide open.


If you can see it while your eyes are open

Daydreaming makes it more intense.

It magnifies the dreams even more

Heres an example of what I achieved with Daydreaming together with the rest of the 4 Pathways.

My first selfpublished Mutual Fund Book.

Please visit

If you do it right, Daydreaming instructs you of the steps you need to take to accomplish your dreams.

Another technique

Surround yourself with positive people.

Its contagious.

If you are surrounded with positive people supporting you all the way and

cheer for you on every achievement youve got

It makes you even more creative.

It permits yourself to experiment, fail, learn from failures, try again and lastly achieving it.

Another tool that I learned from Steve Jobs speech

Connecting The Dots

Remembering what you have done in the past can be interconnected together and align to what you want to achieve today.

It reminded me to revive an old personal accounting program that I developed years ago and came up with a product related to my mission of sharing success principles to everyone.

Personal NetWorth v2.00 The Personal Accounting Software that you can use to create your own personal financial statement. For details please visit

Remember these tools for creative thinking

1.) Unattached Laser-like Focus 2.) Dream Board 3.) Visualization 4.) Daydreaming 5.) Surround Yourself w/ Positive People 6.) Connecting the Dots

th 4


4th Pathway

Develop Success Patterns

How can you develop these patterns?

Dont Quit

Success is a journey and not a destination. Brian Tracey

Success just like any journey, most of the time, there are ups and downs.

The Downs wont make your journey a failure.

If you keep driving the Success road in spite of the Downs. You are still in the Success Journey.

If you quit pursuing the road, thats the COMPLETE FAILURE.

So Dont Quit

Focus on the Process

Why many successful people suggest that you detached yourself from the outcome?

Because you have to attach yourself on the process and not with the result.

An absolute determination to complete the process regardless of the outcome.

Success = Process

If you have a cancer, you need to concentrate on making you body healthy and not on the cancer itself.

If you want to be promoted on the job, you need to focus on the work first before you get promoted.

If you want someone to love you, you need to show first that you lover him/her.

Do you want to make it faster?

Success = Process + 500% Extra Effort

Extra Effort without the need of something in return.

Its the Law of Giving in disguise.

Its the Law of Giving in you in action.

Once you discover the process you need, do it over and over again

until it becomes a permanent patterns in your mind.

How can you figure out the correct patterns for you?

Follow the rest of the 4 pathways.

Do research.

Interview people with positive experiences.

Talk to them as frequent as possible.

Join a club and surround yourself with successful people.

Like the members of GCMA.

Genius Creation Mastermind Alliance

For info on how to join the Club, please visit us during our meeting at the Roofdeck of Prestige Tower, Emerald St., Ortigas Center, Pasig City Mondays 7:00-10:00PM

Remember these principles to develop Success Patterns 1.) Dont Quit 2.) Focus on the Process 3.) 500% Extra Effort 4.) Surround yourself with successful people.

To know more about Success Patterns

please visit

So those are the 4 Pathways. Always remember them.

4 Pathways 1.) Be Un-opinionated 2.) Experience Blissful Moments 3.) Have a Creative Imagination 4.) Develop Success Patterns

For more information please visit these sites

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