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Who is he before a disciple? as a disciple? as an Apostle? Accomplishments? Places that he reached? Cause of death?

"Lord, Who knowest the hearts of all men, show which one of these two Thou hast chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside, to go to his own place." And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was enrolled with the eleven apostles." (Acts 1:12-26 RSV) A man was various names:
Syrian version of Eusebius -> Tolmai (Not to be confused with Bartholomew,

Out of the men who have been with us the whole time that the Lord Jesus was living with us, from the time when John was baptizing until the day when He was taken up from us, one must be appointed to serve with us as a witness to his resurrection. (Acts 1:21-22) Two names were proposed: Joseph, called Barsabbas, and Matthias.

Son of Tolmai) Clement of Alexandria -> Zacchaeus Clementine Recognitions: Barnabas Gospel of John -> Hilgenfeld thinks he is the same as Nathanael

Born at Bethlehem of the Tribe of Judah From his early childhood he studied the Law of God under the guidance of St. Simeon the Godreceiver Note that the name Matthias comes from the Hebrew word Mattithiah

He was an eye-witness of all His divine actions up to the very day of the Ascension. He is the patron saint of alcoholics, carpenters, reformed alcoholics, smallpox, and tailors.

Meaning gift of Yahweh

Matthias was one of the quiet followers committed to Jesus from the beginning, first as one of the 72 disciples
As an Apostle, he journeyed to Amasea, a city on the shore of the sea.
He was the Apostle to replace Judas after he betrayed Jesus and
He proved himself among the group in striving Christian perfection

During that 3-year journey, he was with Andrew at Edessa and Sebaste He was also a doctor He is the author of and/or contributor to a Gospel bearing his name and a document called the Traditions of Matthias
He was preaching at Pontine Ethiopia and Macedonia

committed suicide Unlike Judas, he is honest and loyal.

He preached in the city of man-eaters

Cannibalism was practiced Upon entering, the men of the city took him and

thrust out his eyes and made him drink poison and sent him to the prison where he sat for 30 days waiting to be eaten and die The Lord gave Matthias back his eyesight, as well as the other prisoners with him who had suffered the same fate, and promised that He would send the Apostle Andrew to release him and the others. The Lord wanted Matthias to stay in the prison until the arrival of Andrew so that the other souls would be edified by his preaching of the Gospel.

Places he reached:

Date of Death: Saint Matthias died in A.D. 80. Cause of Death: Beheaded.
Matthias was first stoned at Jerusalem by the Jews

Edessa Sebaste Egypt Cappadocia (preached the Gospel) Judea Galilee (to preach the Jews)

and then beheaded

Roman Calendar in 11th century: February 24 usually but on the 25 in leap years Roman Calendar of Saints in 1969: May 14 Eastern Orthodox Church: August 9 St. Matthiass Day (February 24) considered as a luckiest day of the year because he was chosen by lot to replace Judas Iscariot atthias m _Matthias_02_24.html

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