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Test IV for 3 minutes each

1. What urine assessment finding would be present in a client with diabetes insipidus? a. Presence of white blood cells b. Increased protein c. Decreased urine pH d. Decreased specific gravity

2. Which change in laboratory data would the nurse expect for a client with Addisons disease? a. Increased potassium, decreased sodium and glucose b. Decreased potassium, increased sodium and glucose c. Increased potassium, sodium and hematocrit d. Decreased potassium, sodium and hematocrit

3. The nurse would recognize tetany following a thyroidectomy if the client experienced which symptom?

a. Hoarseness and weak voice b. Numbness and tingling around the mouth c. Hypotension and vertigo d. Tachycardia

3. a nurse is preparing to provide instructions to a client with Addisons disease regarding diet therapy. The nurse knows that which of the following diets most likely would be prescribed for this client?
A. high fat intake B. normal sodium intake C. low protein intake D. low carbohydrate intake

4. A client has had a thyroidectomy. Which assessment during the immediate postop period would be most important for the nurse to make? a. Check behind the neck for bleeding b. Palpate the carotid pulse regularly c. Check the mouth and tongue for irritation d. Check for return of the gag reflex

5. Discontinuing steroid therapy abruptly may precipitate which lifethreatening situation? a. Increased appetite and weight gain b. Hypotension and hypoglycemia c. Edema and hypertension d. Decreased wound healing and petechiae

6. after hypophysectomy, a client complains of being thirsty and having to urinate frequently. The initial nursing action is to A. document the complaints B. increase fluid intake C. assess urine specific gravity D. assess for urinary glucose

7. a nurse teaches a client with diabetes mellitus about differentiating between hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. The client demonstrates an understanding of the teaching by stating that glucose will be taken if which of the following symptoms develops? A. fruity breath odor B. shakiness C. blurred vision D. polyuria

8. a nurse provides instructions to a client newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The nurse recognizes accurate understanding of measures to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis when the client states
A. I will stop taking insulin if Im too sick to eat B. I will decrease my insulin dose during times of

illness C. I will notify my physician if my blood glucose level is greater than 250mg/dl D. I will adjust my insulin dose according to the level of glucose in my urine

8. a client is scheduled for subtotal thyroidectomy. Strong ioding solution (Lugols solution) is prescribed. A nurse prepares to administer the medication, knowing that the therapeutic effect of this medication is to
A. increase thyroid hormone production B. suppress thyroid hormone production C. replace thyroid hormone D. prevent the oxidation of iodide

9. a physician prescribes levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid), 0.15mg PO daily, for a client with hypothyroidism. A nurse will prepare to administer this medication
A. 3 times a day in equal doses of 0.5 mg each to

ensure consistent serum drug levels B. in the morning to prevent sleeplessness C. only when the client complains of fatigue and cold intolerance D. at various times during the day to prevent tolerance from occurring

10. a nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has Cushings syndrome. Which statement by the client indicates that instruction related to dietary management were understood?
A. I am fortunate that I do not need to follow any

special diet B. I will need to limit the amount of protein in my diet C. I am fortunate that I can eat all the salty foods I enjoy D. I can eat foods that have a lot of potassium in them

11. a nurse is caring for a postoperative parathyroidectomy client. Which client complaint would indicate that a serious, life threatening complication may be developing, requiring immediate notification of the physician?
A. difficulty in voiding B. abdominal cramps C. laryngeal spasm D. mild to moderate incisional pain

12. a nurse is caring for a client with diabetes insipidus who is receiving vasopressin (Pitressin). The nurse monitors the client, knowing that which is a therapeutic effect of this medication? A. decreased gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle tone and contractions B. increased urine output C. increased reabsorption of water by the renal tubules D. vasodilation of vascular vessels

13. a client is diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. A nurse prepares a plan of care for the client, and in the planning the nurse understands that pheochromocytoma is a condition that
A. causes profound hypotension B. causes the release of excessive amounts of

catecholamines C. is not curable and is treated symptomatically D. is manifested by severe hypoglycemia

14. a nurse is caring for a client with pheochromocytoma. The client is scheduled for adrenalectomy. In the preoperative period the priority nursing action would be to monitor
A. vital signs B. urine for glucose and acetone C. intake and output D. blood urea nitrogen results

15. a nurse is performing an assessment on a client with pheochromocytoma. Which of the following assessment data would indicate a potential complication associated with this disorder?
A. a urinary output of 50ml/hour

B. an irregular heart rate

C. a blood urea nitrogen of 20mg/dl D. a coagulation time of 5 minutes

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