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Neuroscience Module

Basal Nuclei & their Connections

Basal nuclei- collection of masses of grey matter.Situated within each cerebral hemisphere. These nuclei play an important role in the control of posture and voluntary movement. Corpus striatum, amygdaloid nucleus, claustrum. Corpus striatum situated lateral to the thalamus. Internal capsule divide it into two parts. Caudate and lentiform nuclei.

Caudate nucleus C shaped mass. Head, body and tail. Head forms the lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle.Body forms part of the body of lateral ventricle.Tail continues forwards in the roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle. It terminates anteriorly in the amygdaloid nucleus. Lentiform nucleus Wedge shaped mass. Related medially to internal capsule and related laterally to external capsule(thin sheet of white matter). It is divided into two parts putamen(laterally) and globus pallidus(medially). Putamen + head of caudate neostriatum.

Amygdaloid nucleus- Situated in temporal lobe close to uncus. Part of the limbic system. Limbic system is concerned with emotion. Claustrum- Thin sheet of grey matter. External capsule separates it from lentiform nucleus. Lateral to claustrum lies the insula. Connections of the corpus striatum Afferent corticostriate, thalamostriate, nigrostriate, brainstem striatal. Efferent striato pallidal and striato nigral.

Corticostriate cerebral cortex caudate&putamen. Largest input from sensory motor cortex. Nmitter glutamate. Thalamostriate thalamus caudate and putamen. Nigrostriate substantia nigra caudate and putamen. Dopamine. Brainstem striatal brain stem caudate and putamen. Serotinin. Inhibitory in function.

Striatopallidal caudate and putamen globus pallidus. N mitter GABA. Striatonigral caudate and putamen substantia nigra. GABA, Ach, substance P. Connections of globus pallidus Afferent striatopallidal(caudate and putamen to globuspallidus. GABA). Efferent pallidofugal. (globuspallidus to thalamic nuclei, subthalamic nuclei and tegmentum of midbrain.)

Functions of the basal nuclei Basal nuclei receive information from cerebral cortex, brainstem, thalamus and sub thalamus. Information is integrated within the corpus striatum and outflow passes back to the same areas. These nuclei can control the muscular movements by influencing the cerebral cortex rather than through direct descending pathways. Parkinsons disease degeneration of neurons in substantianigra, globus pallidus, putamen and caudate nucleus.Decrease dopamine in the corpus striatum. Can present with rigidity, tremor and hypokinesia.

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