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Chapter 24 Violence Against Women

On average, more than three women are murdered by husbands or boyfriends every day in the United States.

Understanding Violence Against Women

Violence against women is about power and coercive control exerted over another person in the context of a relationship, culture, social and institutional system Every day images of male violence against women in the media make it appear that violence against women is an accepted fact of life Due to the appearance that violence against women is acceptable; women may feel that they are at fault or should not complain about violent treatment When the perpetrator uses violence against a woman through beatings, threats, and isolation; they are acting out a wish to punish, control, and exert dominance

Influence of Identity and Violence Against Women

Women of color, older women, young women, illegal immigrants, lesbians, refugees, poor women, women who are transsexual, are transgender, and women with disabilities are at greater risk for encountering violence Violence against women and racism are greatly connected Rape has been used as a means of dominating other races, a tool of cultural genocide in wars, and throughout history of slavery

Reactions to Experiencing Violence

Post traumatic stress disorder is a term used to describe the reexperiencing of trauma and the recollection of the event in images, thoughts, or perceptions. Some common reactions to experiencing violence include: Self blame, shame, guilt Fear, terror, feeling unsafe Anger and rage Anger turned inward, depression, and suicidal thoughts Substance abuse Eating disorders Physical symptoms Self harm Grief and loss Powerlessness Changes in sexuality and intimacy

The most common forms of sexual assault The penetration with the use of force and without the persons consent The penetration in the vagina, anus, or mouth with a body part or objects such as bottles Occurs at any age but girls and young women are at greater risk Women are often blamed for rape Women may not realize that they have been sexually assaulted until sometime after the assault Campus rape is the most common violent crime on campuses today Many college administrations underreport sexual assaults in order to not harm the schools reputation and finances Grey rape is the term used to describe the grey area between consent and denial, and usually happens due to missed signals, hookups, casual sex, and alcohol Grey rape masks the reality and severity of nonconsensual sexual activity

Medical Considerations Regarding Rape

It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible Rape kits includes:
Collection of any hairs, blood, semen on the womans body Photographs of any injuries, bruises, or scratches DNA testing of the items in the kit can provide forensic evidence if the case goes to trial

Rape examination includes:

A verbal history of the sexual assault A pelvic or rectal exam Checking for external injuries Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases by means of an antibiotic injection Prevention of pregnancy by means of the morning after pill A follow up exam that includes STD and pregnancy tests and any treatment for STDs or pregnancy if indicated

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (domestic violence) and battering is the most common and yet least reported crime in the world. If intimate violence is not addressed in the early stages, it can escalate in severity and magnitude and could ultimately lead to murder Intimate partner abuse follows a pattern, these patterns can include Exploiting vulnerabilities Wearing down resistance through emotional abuse or isolation from family and friends Increasing emotional dependency by inflicting injuries but then caring for those injuries

Steps to Take if Experiencing Intimate Violence

Call National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799SAFE) Build network support Teach your children how to call 911 for emergency assistance Look online for additional resources Learn computer safety Prepare a safety plan Study the abusers patterns

Intentional behavior directed at a person that would cause that person to feel fear Nonconsensual communication Verbal, written, or implied threats Repeated visual or physical proximity by perpetrator

Women are 3 times more likely to be stalked 3 in 4 victims know their stalkers 30% of stalking involve current or former intimate partners Current or former intimate partners are more likely to use a weapon

Tips on How to Proceed if You are Being Stalked

Change your patterns-vary your actions and your travel routes Keep a log of all the encounters with the stalker and record all attempts to contact you Dont communicate with the stalker Make a safety plan Let friends, neighbors, and family know you are being stalked Protect your personal information Install dead bolt locks and hide keys

Sexual Harassment
Unwanted sexual attention Perpetrator will make direct or implied threats
Have sex with me or you will be fired

Refusal to demands may lead to:

Poor work assignments Sabotaging of projects Denial of raises, benefits, or promotions Loss of job

Sex Work and Violence Against Women

When I turned 18, I worked as an erotic dancer. There were several cases of women, myself included, getting attacked by clients after our shifts or if we went outside to have a cigarette. In my case, it was a client that we saw quite regularly and knew by name. The boss found out when I showed up for work with bruises, and he told me that if I reported the client to the police not only would I lose my job, but that the police wouldnt care because I was just a stripper. He then gave me three nights off with minimal pay so my bruises could heal enough to be covered with body makeup. He was more concerned about losing money from clients than he was about the safety of his employees.

Sex Work and Violence Against Women

All sex workers are at risk for violence Prostitutes are at risk for contracting HIV and other STDs Sex workers have little or no protection from police Criminal justice system prosecutes sex workers while Johns or pimps are often let go

Defense and Ending Violence Against Women

Self defense classes Assertiveness training Exercise Boxing Other sports that promote self reliance, self confidence, and self knowledge Teach and model nonviolence Strengthen family and community sanctions against violence Insist our government officials to take violence against women seriously Intervene when we see expression of violence, silence helps continue it Speak out against messages that glorify and encourage violence, domination, and exploitation

Study Question
Why do you think women stay in abusive intimate relationships?

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