Articles from Facebook study on Jesus ministration of literal blood in the Heavenly Sanctuary

These articles, with the exception of 'Jesus "still sheds His sacred blood" in the Heavenly Sanctuary", were written and posted in the study event Ricky and I did in the first week of September 2013. In the first week we focused on this message we have been sharing concerning the meaning and importance of understanding that Jesus' ministration in heaven involves His literal blood and that we take literally Sister White's statement that Jesus "still sheds His sacred blood in the sinner's behalf". In these articles I am seeking to get past the initial and calculated shock and offense when this message is first considered and bring us to see how and why it is so important to realize that Jesus' ministration as the Lamb slain will continue until a remnant of His people are saved to sin no more (and in some very important ways Jesus' revelation as a Lamb slain will continue forever, but that aspect is not the focus of these 'blood' studies). The revelation of Jesus' continuing sacrifice has been holden from our eyes until *last* that we should look upon Him Whom our sins have pierced... it is that we might "Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah." I have noticed that there are many unfortunate grammatical errors marring the articles, please overlook these until I should make correction, but I thought it best to share in the mean time, even as we have done with our group on FB. Please prayerfully consider that when we sin and confess, that Jesus transfers our sins to the heavenly sanctuary by His literal shed blood... this service will soon have an end: "He has taken the blood of the atonement into the holiest of all, sprinkled it upon the mercy-seat and His own garments, and blessed the people. Soon He will appear the second time to declare that there is no more sacrifice for sin." {ST, April 19, 1905 par. 4}