
this Collection is about TheEricSnowdenEffect/Affect.....must also read TheShadowFactory in particular the chapter: BOOK THREE:COOPERATION-- MINERSpgs262-268 (as info within PreDates EricSnowden by YEARS and is ACTUALLY corroborated by Snowden's unveilling!!! )'s possible that this was NSA's attempt to circumvent TheFISA court restraints....and as a visual sidebar: { EnemyOfTheState, TheAndersonTapes, Network, TheOriginal Coma, TheChinaSyndrome, Silkwood, CapricornOne, Sneakers, AFewGoodMen, AllThePresident'sMen, ThePelicanBrief,...and of course TheFalcon and TheSnowman....CauseAndEffect...ArtImitatingLife...Hmmm...."Miners"(The Movie)....2bCont'd