Creato da Nyxstory


Micah 3:8 But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the LORD, and with justice and might,to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin. TO MY RELATIVES & FRIENDS: Before you get offended, please start to read the WORD of GOD and find the TRUTH. I suggest that you find in the scriptures -- the holidays, religious works & traditions that you are performing. Knowing that catholicism will lead you to hell.. ..If I will not reveal this truth to all of you? then who will? I was just used by the LORD to make known this truth to all of you. He knows that when He reveal this to me, I won't ignore it, because of my great love & concern for all of you. I pray in the mighty name of JESUS that the LORD would open your hearts & receive this correction from Him. May the LORD bless each one of you in spiritual blessings, of wisdom, knowledge & understanding of Him. May the Spirit of the LORD be upon you. May the LORD keep you & give you strength to endure the coming persecution.