Creato da norman8281

"Where Do We Go From Here?"- an Autobiography.

So far I have written 4 Chapters of this autobiography. When finished it will cover the years from 1926 to whatever period I am still capable of writing in an entertaining manner, which readers not doubt will make clear! These years cover a period of world history, which is proving to be of great importance, as it ibringsg us to the end of an age when I bleieve with others, dramatic change are shortly to take place, not only to our environment, but also in our humsn nature, if we co-operate with the Eternal. This "change" is now excelerating and could take a dramatic turn as early as 2012 or in the immediate years after. Those who have read the chapters to-date will notice that I have included videos, audios and works of others outlining world events, as they dovvetail into my own experiences. As time allows Chapters will be added. So if you want to, please watch this space! Norman Green-Price