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SAP Java Connector - Excample 1: Simple RFC call

Written by Anon.

We will call the RFC function module ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM.that returns members that have owned a farm. Input to the function is a farm number, and output is a table of members that have owned the farm and Owner number (Sequence number of owners).

Class testJCO is executed and calls class GetMemberFarm method GetMemberFarmFromSap. Input parameters to GetMemberFarm are Farm and Owner number. GetMemberFarmFromSap executes RFC ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM, that returns a table of members that have owned the farm from the input parameters. GetMemberFarmFromSap loops through the table and finds the member where ZZCHCODE (Owner number), is equal owner number from the input-parameters. and returns the member.

Class testJCO public class testJco { public static void main(String[] args) { GetMemberFarm testGetMemberFarm = new GetMemberFarm(); String memberFarm= testGetMemberFarm.GetMemberFarmFromSap("0111020155","02"); System.out.println("Memberfarm: " + memberFarm); }

Class GetMemberFram import*;

//The JCO

public class GetMemberFarm { public String GetMemberFarmFromSap(String farm, String OwnerNumber) String zzmemb =""; String memberFarm = ""; JCO.Repository mRepository; JCO.Client mConnection = null; JCO.Function myFunction = null; //--------------------------------------------------------//Create Connection to SAP //--------------------------------------------------------try { mConnection = JCO.createClient("800", //SAP client "HFR", //User ID "vimmer3", //Password "EN", //Language "", //Host "03"); //System mConnection.connect(); System.out.println("Connection OK"); } {

catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } //--------------------------------------------------------// Create function and parameters //--------------------------------------------------------try { //Create repository mRepository = new JCO.Repository( "GetMember", mConnection ); //Get a function template from the repository IFunctionTemplate ftemplate = mRepository.getFunctionTemplate("ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM"); //Create function myFunction = new JCO.Function(ftemplate); System.out.println("Function created"); //Set import parameter JCO.Field zzfarm = myFunction.getImportParameterList().getField("ZZFARM"); zzfarm.setValue(farm); System.out.println("Parameters ok"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } //--------------------------------------------------------// Execute function //--------------------------------------------------------try { mConnection.execute(myFunction); System.out.println("RFC Call OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); //Exception from function } //--------------------------------------------------------// Handle return table GT_HIERARCHY // Loop over the table and find the record that // has ZZCHCODE = OwnerNumber from the // method parameters, and return Member for the // record //--------------------------------------------------------JCO.Table gt_HIERARCHY = null; try { gt_HIERARCHY=myFunction.getTableParameterList().getTable("GT_H

IERARCHY"); //Loop thhrough table and return the member that has // changecode (ZZCHCODE) = 02 for (int i = 0; i < gt_HIERARCHY.getNumRows(); i++) { gt_HIERARCHY.setRow(i); String zzchcode = gt_HIERARCHY.getString("ZZCHCODE"); if (zzchcode.equals(OwnerNumber)) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } zzmemb = gt_HIERARCHY.getString("ZZMEMB");

//--------------------------------------------------------// Disconnect from SAP //--------------------------------------------------------try { mConnection.disconnect(); System.out.println("Disconnected from SAP"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); } return zzmemb; } } //public class GetMemberFarm

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