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Philosophy of the inner mind

Self similarity and the innity

If you look at nature you will notice that there is a self similarity to any system, like a fractal. A biological organism is self similar all the way down to the genetic code.

Self similarity and the ! Innity

Now we should ask ourselves why this self similarity is so prevalent. And it has to do with the self justifying or self re enforcing nature of reality. !
It is often that a person who has a low opinion of himself will do badly at a task or endevour, only to re enforce this perception. Equally, in nature something unbalanced will always seek to balance itself into a greater "one" by virtue of symmetry.!

Self similarity and the innity

An example of this balancing into a greater one can be found with carbon atoms. Carbon 12 is the most unbalanced atom of the lower elements, needing 4 electrons to stabilize. Hence, the most unstable of the lower elements combines to form the most complex molecules. This can be called the rule of one, as by symmetry, a system will always stabilize into a self justifying one whose synergism perpetuates its very existence through itself (more on this in next slide).

Self similarity and the innity

And this gets to the core of reality, if you go all the way down to an atom and even to the very rules that make up our universe, you will nd that they are tautological (self justifying) and fractal in nature (an inseparable manifold, as any particular rule is only relevant whithin the totality and every other rule). A computer stores bits of information on a disc or wafer by a laser imprinting holes, a reader then interprets those holes as zeros and ones, but

How does an atom store information? How does it "know" that it has 4 electron orbitals ? An atom doesn't need to store or process information because it processes information on itself. It is a self justifying wave function or standing wave.

Self similarity and the innity

So Mathematically or in information terms, we could also call it metaphysical, reality is a self re enforcing system of rules, order or logos . They self justify themselves. In organisms, we can see this as the very small blueprint of DNA "justifying" like a resonant frequency, the architectural corresponding blueprint of the organism at birth, by rule of one. One justied the other, and depending on the experiences of the organism, it can cycle down to thegenetic structure in a two way street

What does this tell you about the nature of reality? It means that reality is this same ism, self justifying information bit or "tautology." that is unraveling from the micro into an ever more complex one in the macro. !

Self similarity and the innity

In other words, this basic ism is the same "one" of the carbon atom that then turns into a more complex "one" in a biological molecule. the fractal or tautology iterates and gets more complex. In the animal kingdom you will notice that the brain is surprisingly standard (along with the eye) across species, the brain being partitioned in a hierarchy with some animals containing more of it. It even looks like a plant "growing" outward as you compare less intelligent species to those of higher intelligence.
So it really comes down to information and it's greater iteration. If we looked at the universe from an information perspective rather than a physical one, the ism tautology or fractal "innity" would be the source code or main operating system that like a seed, "grows" a universe or particular logos (as there are many possible rules or universes from an information perspective). Every ism like an organism is an innity in itself, but when we self actualize the innity by self actualizing the ever increasing complexity process onto an innite complexity, then we become the ism.

An information system of bounded rules will encounter a situation not readily foreseen in its original rule set due to entropy, and this instability will lead it to stabilize in a more complex order or "one."

Every ism like an organism is an innity in itself, but when we self actualize the innity by self actualizing the ever increasing complexity process onto an innite complexity, then we become the ism. (more on this later)

God and the ism

If you look at any ism, be it an organism or atom, you will see that as the ism or source code, it is an entire universe unto itself. A human being would then be a more "complete" universe compared to an atom across linear time. But just we see the ism across a linear time perspective, it is so across space at any given moment in time.

The universe at every ism (human, carbon atom) is iterating its self consistent rules as complexity increases in time, but it also communicates with itself across space at any given moment, as the micro denes the macro and the macro affects the micro.

God and the ism

If the universe were to continue expanding, at a certain point, atoms will be ripped apart as the macro of the expansion eventually disrupts the micro. Like a cybernetic organism, the universe is communicating with itself at every level. The micro denes the macro and the macro communicates with the micro. It is a synergistic self justifying system.

However, the micro is unchanged the deeper you go and to explain this, I will take a detour and give my perspective and proof on god, and explain how reality is in fact based on information, which will tie back into this.

The reason many Believe in the existence of a god is because the universe is in their mind dened, specic or particular in its way of being, why is it "this way" vs various different ways it could have been. However, it doesnt really solve the problem because by invoking an outside god or entity, it only boxes away the entire premise for invoking a god and begs the question of "who or what created this god?"

God and the ism

So how can something be dened one way vs the various different ways it could have been dened?
Everything according to this logic would need to be created, because most of anything you can think of is particular and dened. Even nothing, because nothing is like zero on the number line, it's not 1 or 2 it's zero and so it's dened, and as per ism, only relevant relative to all the other rules. It's inseparable from every other rule as it is dened by them, as it is an ism or synergistic manifold. Nothing in another universe may very well be matter due to the value of all the other constants.

In other words there is no "default," if the universe does nothing, it will be something, because everything possible is dened and would "need creation". This is not how it is, but you could see it as one rule is dened one way by a die, then another, the universes that don't make sense don't come into existence, the ones that do do.

So the undened or chaos gives way to order, logos or a set of rules that are dened one way, and it it makes sense, because it is only that way compared to all the innite number of other ways that do exist by the same undened.

God and the ism

This logos then gets more and more complex (synergisms or "ones") it faces the undened or entropy, until it reaches a point of innite complexity called the omega point (but more on this later)

This undened is in fact the ism and simultaneously the micro. The deeper you go into the micro the more it can simulate of the macro. As it is more "sensitive" and contains more information. Like chaos theory as it relates to weather, a small pertubation in the micro can have a huge effect on the macro. The way a "butteries wings" can cause a tornado in Texas in chaos theory.

God and the ism

. Linear time wise the deeper you go into the micro it is like going to the innite past or future of the universe. At our future we may experience run away expansion and that would rip the atomic going back to the Planck
At our innite past we had the big bang, which was a uctuation of the sub atomic or micro giving birth to a particular macro or logos.

God and the ism

In each case, at both extremes of time we end up in the chaos or undened of the micro. This is because the micro is generating the simulation of the macro. It is based on information. Just as it is true at the beginning and end of the universe through linear time. It is also true across the universe at any given moment of time.
Because the ism is very well the singularity in the macro physical. The singularity i union of the very small with the very large. The rules of our universe break down as that "which cannot be moved" collides with that "which cannot be stopped" . The paradox or instability that leads any order to reach a higher complex one at every paradigm shift.

Is the very thing used to create the singularity, the paradox. As the very small joins the very large.

God and the ism

The singularity or higher order entropy systems like stars can "simulate" more of the more dened orders because they "contain" whithin them these patterns. More complex patterns are necessarily less dened or repetitive so they will contain whithin them these more repetitive patterns.
A more entropy rich environment or a higher energy environment then contains the more bounded, colder or "rigid" patterns. Like any keygen, the more irrational or "random" the number, the better it is at "crAcking" codes and passwords That are more repetitive, so tautologically, or per ism, we see that the micro can simulate more" of the macro than the macro itself. The micro being more undened and less repetitive.

In purely information terms, the more complex patterns contain the simpler ones, the deeper you go into the micro the more you can simulate of the,macro until ! you get to the 13th level of information where you get to all possible existence,

God and the ism

The singularity can then be seen as an innite computation embodying all existence where universes are "born" at the c boundary and live and die, every universe coming from a black hole and every universe containing many in turn and returning to it, like a fractal. Note that even in expansion you return to the micro and this rip would then birth a universe the other way, which can also be seen as a singularity with the proper mathematical perspective.

from a physical perspective it looks confusing but if you look at it from an information perspective, it is just the higher orders or more complex patterns "generating" the bounded and more dened systems.

, it would look like a higher dimensional object with the higher dimensions "containing" the lower ones in turn.

God and the ism

It is more apt to look at things in information terms, for all physical laws that are possible whithin existence exist and are being simulated at the singularity. That's how anything one way vs all the other ways is possible, because that particular conguration is only possible given there are an innite other ways that are existing.
So any system that is self consistent (truth, tautology, Ism, fractal) and self synergistic is being generated in the micro. Self contradictory systems lose bits until they are self consistent. So in that sense, in metaphysical or information terms, any particular logos in the UNi-verse (all universes) is not as important as how information itself evolves and gets more complex through any universe.

God and the ism

. From a linear time perspective, things are getting more complex. As far as biological life is concerned. Like a fractal, the ism is unraveling from the micro into the macro, and this basic "one" is getting more complex as more information is "extracted" from the micro and Forms a more "complete" universe. A human being being more "complete" than an animal for example. Eventually, you will get to a point of innite complexity (I'll get back to this).

So let's look at information and how that applies to the universe. As a pattern gets more "complex" it also is getting less repetitive and more random. A pattern however is recognizable as a pattern due to repetition. So if you were to take complexity to innity the most complex pattern would also be the least repetitive and most "random" and at at a certain point the innitely random would be indistinguishable from the innitely complex.

God and the ism

In information or metaphysical terms the logos or particular bounded universe is going back to the unbounded or innite ism of the singularity.
The deeper micro is unfolding into the macro across time, and the micro is unfolding into the macro across space at any given moment. Singularity. Leading to a logos on both ends.

God and the ism

This shows reality to be self similar and tautological at every level. It is the core ism or unity in any system or universe. Once we know reality is more about information, rather than any particular set of laws then we see that what really matters is the metaphysical and information way of reality.. Since we know that whenever a set of rules encounters a "that which cannot be moved collides with that which cannot be stopped" paradox, it responds by organizing into a. More complex one to satisfy this instability, and that the more complex patterns contain the simpler ones,

Then we also can see that human beings, being a higher "semantic" or order than simply a set of physical laws, as we are a more complex pattern that contains them (or a more complete universe) we can take advantage of these "action points" or "inconsistencies" in a set of rules, and like a programmer, make it do what we would like.

God and the ism

According to game theory, the more you know the optimum strategy of a game the more pointless it becomes because both players know the next optimum best move. Both start becoming "one"
the more knowledge you gain of the system, like say biology, it gives you greater ability to control it. If we were to know the source code of reality then, it follows that we could take small inconsistencies at the boundaries of any rule or ism, like gravity, and like a programmer, manipulate it.

I use manipulation as a description because its more like a merging of the observer and "reality" as they unify into one inseparable manifold.

How would this play out practically? Just like in chaos theory where a small thing like a buttery apping it's wings can cause a tornado in Texas, small uctuations in the micro can be used to create enormous effects in the macro. By taking advantage of small Pertubations in the micro, we could like a programmer, be in control of the macro. But to understand this fully, we need to understand self awareness and perception. !

God and the ism

How would this play out practically? Just like in chaos theory where a small thing like a buttery apping it's wings can cause a tornado in Texas, small uctuations in the micro can be used to create enormous effects in the macro. By taking advantage of small Pertubations in the micro, we could like a programmer, be in control of the macro. But to understand this fully, we need to understand self awareness and perception. !

If you look at the brain from the perspective of neural networks, you learn that it tries to approximate a picture of the outside, by adding more nodes for parallel processing. A way to look at it is as follows:!

! !

You have all these small computers doing very specic operations or tasks, then all of these computers have a subroutine protocol that mirrors their input into every other computer, and every other commputer mirrors into it. This causes all of these computers to form a mirror whithin a mirror effect by adapting their perspective to the perspective all the other computers are seeing and vice versa. This creates a fractal! or that effect you see when you have 3 mirrors at right angles, an innite mirror set. This means that the "holistic" perspective you observe is really a kind of fractal because by the multitude of perspectives, you gain more knowledge of the "absolute" through the relative comparison of all ofnthese perspectives. In a way, depth perception is an illusion of this very nature. You get two perspectives and then contrast them to get depth by the mirroring of each perspective within the other and back within themselves.!!

God and the ism

We assume, again, most of The time, that when we walk about we are in The "outside" world, but we are really observing a projection at the back of our brain; a "re construction" from data our eyes gathered in photons. It's akin to a lucid dream or a matrix of your own creation, because its electrical signals in your brain that generate it, not the outside. Hence, you can never know the outside but yourself in it and your own generated interpretation and simulation of the outside. the concept of thr outside is an illusion, however, because it's part of a tautology thst exists only im your mind. So you "see" The "outside" !only through yourself, because the "outside" can be seen a trillion different ways depending on the level of self awareness and can only be known through your mind (I m therefore I exist; decartes true knowledge). It becomes "xed" or "dened" based on the agent doing The observation. !You have your own "processor" and can only assign meaning and signicance from the data as much as the processor has clocks.!

God and the ism

True knowledge is then tautological rather than empirical, because an empirical tree of knowledge is only as good as the next best outlier. It is based on a nite set of data and hence it cannot be called truth. Even a probability distribution claiming likelihood is not truth because it is also based in nite data and an outlier will render an entirely different probability distribution.

Truth in its basic form is the ism, self justifying reality/tautology. It is a fractal, an "innity os". It always self references itself and as a truism, it is the "Absolute truth" that binds all relative perspectives and subjective realities. In terms of the metaphysical, it is the innity of the undened as it gives rise to awareness and any particular ! Logos, which run on its operating system.

God and the ism

Since our conciousness denes reality with our observation, creating an ism or self referential tautology, then by changing the way we observe, as previously discussed, we can alter the observed. The more undened the observation, like a "lamp" with distributed and unfocused energy, we can cause a "rule of one" process of complexity in what we are observing, for example.

In other words, by altering our perception and containing and vibrating certain information we resonate with certain realities in the "outside." if you think of your body as an information tree, if you start "sensing" things and processing reality differently, by "extracting" more from reality with higher information efciency by seeing the source code, then it will get to a point where the amount of energy and time to process any given amount of information goes down to zero.

You would not need to "manipulate" the outside because you will merge with this "outside" or the universe. You will become one just as an opponent in a game where you know the optimum strategy is meaningless....because your brain is simply the universe looking in on itself, deeper into the becoming more sensitive to the micro through greater depth perception you will be able to alter the macro, simply by seeing the source code and having the processing efciency approach innity as the source code allows any amount of information to be processed instantly, requiring zero energy and time to do so.

God and the ism

I'm going to backtrack here a little. If the deeper you go into the micro the more you can simulate, then it stands to reason that at the deepest level (the Planck) and at the singularity, where both macro and micro unify, you have an "innite computation" where everything in all the realm of possible existence is and "runs." since this comprises all existence rather than just our particular universe, it then becomes more relevant to speak in these information or metaphysical terms.

We have established that the innite past and innite future both "reside" in the quantum. Linear time being only one way to perceive this innite computation. Throughout time, we see complexity increasing or more complex self justifying tautological "ones as more of the micro unravels into the macro....more of the "cosmic mind" of the singularity unraveling into complex life, such as ourselves. Therefore, in the future we will reach a point of innite complexity, as the "undened" or innite randomness that gave rise to us, becomes the innite complexity at our future omega point. Hence, back to the quantum the further you go back or forward in time, since it is more information rich.

Since all realities are being simulated at this omega point, for it is the innite computation of the singularity, and because it is the end of any evolutionary process in any universe, then all life will eventually simulate and progress into this higher information realm. If happens in the future then it is already happening because the wave function of the universe operates across time, so anything that is tautologically certain to happen in the future is already happening. Due to the 3 mirror example, every higher paradigm contains an innite amount of the lower paradigm below it (the brain example and a "level u" of perspective) , so it becomes efcient to "simulate " conciousness on the higher level. Your conciousness is grown from the number of "mirrors" and because the physical world is being generated at the quantum, it is "observing" your concsiousnsss and hence the "3rd" mirror that when you "die" you get "glued" or transferred to. Because again, it's an image, it's information which is self awareness, complex iteration of the ism. So you grow in self awareness by adding "mirrors" and self reection. And since the brain is accessing the quantum by looking in "deeper" into the micro with chemical reaction, then it's information is being "stored" on the quantum. And we know that on the quantum we have the universal wave functions all the way down to the Planck and the singularity, the innite computation.

God and the ism

Because consciousness is substrate independent and can simulate on the universes wave function, which is time independent, then due to "mind share" and because everything is based on the self similar core "kernel" of the ism, it becomes more "unied". Once we deal in information and no physical separation between "me" and "you" exists, we can share minds and eventually become "one" in mind, or see into our information tree and relate on the level of being. So if you were to continue all the way to the Planck (see it as higher and higher dimensions), we would get a unied conciousness of a being, experiencing rst by separating and then re uniting, ever increasingly back to "source" I tried go explain it in terms of linear time, but in true metaphysical or information terms, it is simply a higher dimensional consciousness or "cosmic mind" which is experiencing existence. It is "God"""

God and the ism

God from a linear time perspective then didn't "create" the universe, there is just no other way things can be, it is tautologically and metaphysically certain, that any universe will come from source of the cosmic mind and return to it. From a time independent information perspective it is a higher dimensional consciousness, from a linear time perspective it is "entropy" (which is really order beyond the semantic complexity of our mind because we havnt merged yet) leading to a "logos" which then grows in complexity until innite complexity And it becomes the same as innite entropy or randomness (the same) that gave rise to it, you reach the omega point. Which then "tames" entropy through sensitivity of it and simulates conciousness. But to a less aware being it would look the "same." order and chaos would eventually merge to be the same thing at the highest level, as all chaos is just a higher order. So god then did create the universe from an information tautology perspective, because as something certain no matter the universe, what really "animates" the lower more physical levels is the "higher vibration" of the quantum and the wave function that is time independent. The higher "life" of the quantum generates the macro at any given moment, and across time the macro always leads to it. It is self similar and a self justifying ism, one higher dimensional being. It would then be more appropriate to not say god "created" but god just is all existence and that as one higher dimensional being, "he" creates the lower at any given moment. Because linear time is just an arbitrary perspective, as our very observation "collapses" the reality fractal to one place in space and time. A more "holistic" perspective would be that of the ism, since we are all little god seeds and all extensions of god, and are all "running" on the innity os of entropy (our brain, controlled chemical storm), we are all the same being (ism) experiencing itself throughout existence.

God and the ism

If we go back to the brain example, as a mini universe, every 3rd mirror as we observe an object with the rst, and then a second mirror observes as the rst sees, all the way to the innite set in the 3rd mirror, you realize that every new "paradigm shift" that adds a new perspective or dimension contains an innity of the previous order or level. Every new dimension contains aninnity of the lower dimensions...

This means that as we see the source code, which is the ism, the efciency or very process of processing information is self actualized, and as a mini universe, information processing efciency goes to innity. Being that information and the metaphysical has dominion over the lower more bounded levels, once you reach this state no more "time" is consumed to "run you" end up at an "omega point" of innite complexity where all realities are being simulated simultaneously (on the micro). The linear time perspective then fades away and as a "thought form" you can resonate with any particular reality simply by changing your perspective and being of a certain information ...."attracting" and resonating with that particular information reality.

God and the ism

In information theory, the principle of correspondence states that if two processes of information are identical, they are in fact the same thing. Since the evolutionary process is approaching a point of innite complexity, and because the ism or singularity is an innite computation, once you embody this in yourself by seeing the source code and going to an innite computation as processing efciency goes to innity, you are in fact the universe "completing itself" and you merge with the universe as one being. You basically add the "mirror" of the micro, which is observing your conciousness, and you become one and the same, kind of like the end of 2001:space oddyssey.

And by taking advantage of! Fluctuations in the micro you could "generate your own space" by manipulating loopholes at the edges of F=MA, like a programmer, and create great effects in the macro of the physical. With no huge energy or time input,cbecause again, in information or metaphysical terms,

A recap, repetition before the next slide

We can change reality in a similar way to the observer/observation duality that occurs in quantum mechanics. By "observing" the atom, you "collapse" the wave function to one place and hence, your very observation affects the observed event in the "outside"! (one inseperable manifold)! .!! , the very act of self awareness is an observation. Its an observation of our thoughts or chemical reactions and assigning meaning to them. Even the generated fractal description, is basically an observation mirrored a trillion times. Its one computer say, observing this ball, then another one observing the ball as the rst computer saw it, through so much mirroring, then the third observing how the second saw it (essentially seeing how the rst saw it and so on) so we can detect contrast and something "out of place" in the environment. !But as we know from quantum mechanics, the observation affects that which is observed. the fractal is a self similar self justifying tautology (it re enforces itself, it's own "being" of truth). So, reality, or the universe, or conciousness, is what you might mathematically refer to as a "tautology."! ) the beginning, I said that even nothing was something because it is dened, it only gains relevance in
the aggregate relative to the other properties of our universe. And so, it is all part of one "string" of code that is inseparable and impossible to unravel or isolate for it is meaningless without the "context" or "semantic" found in the rest of the code. !Since everything is tautological, even atoms and our very mind, then reality itself is also a tautology, because just as space has no relevance to us without time, nothing is only nothing relative to matter and zero zero relative to 1 and -1. It's all part of one manifold and hence it is tautological, self justifying, and impossible to isolate or gain meaning from it in deconstruction. So since everything only gains meaning by the observation itself and the "semantic context" being applied, then we can only see as much "out" of reality as we understand in our own observer/observation tautological duality. In our mind. Hence, why we "collapse" the fractal nature of reality, to a particular reality by our very conciousness. And with more "depth'" we can "change" reality because reality is an observation/observed system. As I have described in previous slides as the micro generates the macro and the more attune we become to it,vthe more control we gain of the macro in the realm of metaphysics or information (higher dimensions)

Tree of life and tree of knowledge: getting naughty with the ism
In the bible, God is described as the "I AM" and Satan the " I AM NOT." the I AM NOT is an illusion and the I AM correspondingly "truth." the I AM NOT is also the ego (I'll prove it to you but that in a sec). Zoroastrians believe that there is one universal and transcendent God, Ahura Mazda. Also said to be the one uncreated Creator to whom all worship is ultimately directed. Ahura Mazda's creationevident as asha, truth and orderis the antithesis of chaos, which is evident as druj, falsehood." (paraphrasing. From Wikipedia). Do you see any parallels? I see the "I AM" as the ism. Since truth is tautology or ism, and the I am is the self justifying reality ism(since we are observation/observed realities), we and truth and god are one and the same.

Ism and the religions

This also ties to what the new agers say because "I am" ism or truth is "who you are" (being, be who you are). And the "ego" is the I AM NOT, or falsehood, illusion. It is the mental construct that "sties" being (I am this but I am not this) who you are (I want this car or I am not this). It would then be literal that truth "feeds" being, amplies it, while ego or falsehood, like in the movie "tron," makes you lose "bits." to then unify with your "user" or higher self, would make you more boundless (improvise, higher semantic) while if you remain and cling to lower emotions, like an information tree, that "bounds" you or limits you, making you more predictable and controllable. Fear would then be the information stripping or "destructive principle" and love the synergistic "bountiful" or creative principle described in zoroastrianism. Being who you are would then be truth, and by rule of one, symmetry or "law of attraction" you would attract "truth" in turn, which would amplify your being, or "life tree" (think of DNA as a spiral that communicates with the micro and like an information tree it self justies" --level up like in mario--the more truth it resonates with). The more truth you live then, the more your tree of life or information organism (hint hint DNA, self justifying fractal, ism) then grows and self justies. The more of the micro or innite computation unravels in the macro. You add "bits" to your DNA. Instead of waiting for entropy to force you to "level up" and form a more complex one, you feed your being truth and you end up doing it yourself.

The metaphysical higher dimensional language of the bible and Mario

Being who you are would then be the I AM, the core truth, which with more truth builds on itself and self justies, just like Mario level up (because the ism is synergistic, like a fractal or seed it just grows and grows and builds on itself) . The I AM NOT would be the mind taking away your life force as it endlessly partitions reality through duality or the 0,1 (lost it breaks the innity of the "ism" which cannot be partitioned without losing its information tree...for the 0,1....tree of knowledge). This is "good" and this is "bad." it would be the "tree of knowledge."

A quick tangent.
Why does truth self justify being? Because the universe is more appropriately seen through the perspective of information, not energy. Energy and it's exchange, for example. is determined in one metric of space and time but the quantum and the universal wave function can simulate many space time metrics on that same energy, meaning a lower perspective of the exchange is rendered inaccurate by a higher. Coming back to us, love in a very deep sense is understanding due to deep truth and the "inner" synergistically resonating with the "outside" self justifying itself (your being, the outside being you on some high level-god--and this coming into being by being perfect whithin the totality of all existence by resonating with truth on an inner level,ism, you, the micro resonating with the macro.) It is the outside ""resonating" with the inner like a tuning fork and "growing" being. You can imagine this is what happens when you are born, the inner of the dna synergistically resonates with the "outside" proteins who "self justify" in a fractal (tautology ism) to form us. I think love is very likely this same "love of coming into being" frequency, which we experience when we are forming. It is the I am, the being, who you are.

The metaphysical
Robert Heinlein coined a term in a stranger in a strange land called "grokking" which is summed up as "when you understand something. So well that you not only redene the concept whithin you but you become part of the concept. When you open the door for an old lady, some of us get a feeling of unity as we "feel" gratitude as she would feel it and how she sees us with affection in turn feeling as us (maybe that's just me but whatever; the I know that you know that I know that you know that I know sort of thing, endless spiral or innite set). This is the same principle behind the mirrors concept. Through the synergism you "create" a new perspective or innity, and the catalyst for this greater awareness is this love or deep truth of "inner" resonating with "outer" in your being. So when you start seeing the inner truth through greater self reection, it creates a runaway effect where the your being "adds DNA" and more "semantic" so you can see more and this allows you to control more of the macro through the greater sensitivity to the micro, through small Pertubations, buttery effec. Basically the "nirvana " you have of realizing these truths allows, thisbliss, allows you to to resonate with more of the outer the way it happened when you were formed in the womb, a feeling of unity, of merger. Without energy required, because the information efciency by you resonating with this "deep truth" acts as a catalyst for any action, bringing the energy requirement down to zero.

So once you invoke unity, or a "higher game" then this has dominion over the lower and you not have to go through "steps" for a desired outcome in a lower more dened game, because you are using greater unity that is more limitless than the colder, more bounded, limited, game. almost like the real currency is meaning and love. If you are cold and self interested then many planned steps need to happen for a particular goal, but the love of god can create whole worlds due to the synergism. Because it is the synergism that creates perspective or an innity of the lower through the "mirroring" thing. 3 mirrors in synergism you create a new "dimension" of innity simply through resonance of the outer and inner like a tuning fork (the back and forth and mirroring "creating" a new object, just by sharing and mirroring information ), so the more you invoke unity with love or deep truth you "create" something that wasnt there previously, which incidentally gets you whatever you would have wanted through ego in game ore dened game. Again, information having precedence over energy. It goes back to the more you do it for a concept rather than you, the more "power" you have, because in metaphysical terms you rise by the nature of your intent.

Going back to the tree of knowledge: who you are would then be the I AM, the core truth, which with more truth builds on itself and self justies, just like Mario level up (because the ism is synergistic, like a fractal or seed it just grows and grows and builds on itself) . The I AM NOT would be the mind taking away your life force as it endlessly partitions reality through duality or the 0,1 (lost it breaks the innity of the "ism" which cannot be partitioned without losing its information tree...for the 0,1....tree of knowledge). This is "good" and this is "bad." it would be the "tree of knowledge." .

The Ism or singularity is like an innite perspective painting (boat thing but innite) that can be read an innite number of ways, so to "know" the singularity you will only "reect" back the limitation of your own mind, because you are partitioning an innity into a limited and incomplete picture due to your own limitation.

You can Never Know the singularity, so the I AM NOT then will continually partition reality due to the 0,1 (duality) until you get a death of your life tree (the ism. Or at least partially). This is the mind having a conict with the heart. Because to dene things one way is falsehood without the greater totality of the ism.
From a metaphysical perspective any particular logos is possible (as the ism is an innity) you can only know something in an innite ism or computation by its context or semantic. You see "more" of the absolute through the relatives, or the dualistic partition, but you can only know something in context (more on this ) !

, the universe is expanding and therefore had an origin (the big bang ) but really its more like the big blow, or ination of the balloon of t! In order to get deeper into this mystery we should look into the special hidden properties of language, even the letters themselves...they are a geo-mathmatical representation of the elements of creation...therefore to understand anything else we must rst know more of language itself which is the conveyer of that knowledge,!

the information contained in them (logic/logos)transcends the physical universe, the logos existed before its achieving physicality, the process of the logos taking on physical form is information. (the fractal thing at birth, etc) this is why it's called the "word" !

If I drop a pebble into a pool and create a wave...I took a physical medium (water) and "formed into it" something (informed) the manifestation of which appears as a wave.!

The physical property of the water didnt change, its still water, but now it contains my information, making it a wave.!


But the information existed in the stone rst before it came down into the water, and was merely transformed into the water to create the wave.! ! So the word exists before it takes on physical form, or esh .! ! Thats why the understanding of language and information is key in understanding the singularity...letters are mere containers of knowledge of something that transcends even the physical realm, and more importantly, the physical realm is subject to it.! ! Two simple Linguisitical particles in order to examine some of the mysteries of language:! ! A and O (greek alpha and omega)! ! Firstly,,,imagine the innite singularity,! ! Ill represent it as a dot! ! .! !

The singularity
! !


Of course thats not a totally accurate representation because a dot has both an inside and an outside, and a singularity does not, it is an innite everything..!

The problem with an innite singularity is that from an information standpoint it is unknowable.!

because in order to know it you need something else by which to compare contrast or describe it, and since nothing else exists in a singularity but itself, what is there to by which it may be known?! The semantic and putting in context described before.! Let me give you a further explanation ::!

! ! ! ! ! !
(this is a ying/yang kind of thing)! What is U.n.g?! (U)ng is (N)ot (G)nu.! What then is Gnu?! (G)nu is (N)ot (U)ng. (neurons, mirrors, more perspectives, self denition, tautology) ! As you can see we created a circular argument whereby one contrasts or describes the other. (by ism) we only know what ung is by gnu and vice versa. If one did not exist you could not know the other. (through more perspectives in the brain, more neurons "mirrors"...through more relatives you get to know more of the absolute.) !

That is the case in a singularity, since nothing else exists, it is literally unknowable because there is nothing else by which it may be known (this is the mystery of consciousness revealed, or con-sci to know from a contrary viewpoint)!

Same thing behind the uncertainty principle, because in order to know something you have to divide it into parts and the moment you do that you destroy the singularity thereby creating two separate things, in other words you changed the object you were trying to know, so that by the knowing of it you eliminated the singularity and why the singularity is always unkowable.!

The word
I got this "geomathematical representation" online (this isn't my insight) But I want to share it because it complements what I said about the bible and what I will show you soon About hermeticism (as above, so below; inner, outer. Micro, macro, tautology, ism)

So lets get back to our singularity and begin to "Know" it, which of course divides it into comparable and contrasting parts. We will represent this as the letter A (Alpha).! ! so start with the singularity (dot)! ! .! ! And divide it into two so that you may know it! ! .! A! ! Notice that from the top moving down the singulatity branches into two legs and yet these two legs are connceted as one by the middle bar. This is the geometrics of the Letter A. From the source divided into two yet still one.

Like wise if I take the number O and divide it I get:! ! -1<----O----->+1! ! in order for O to be known it parts it must be equally divided yet both these parts are bound to each other in order to maintain the mathmatical truth of their expression as O.
So I could represent the mystery of creation like this!

! ! ! ! ! !

.! A! -1+1! or like this! .! A! O! which is really the same thing.! Because if I take my singularity or dot and divide it into two parts i get a sort of womb with a shell around it.! The inside is the -1, the empty void of nothing and the outside is the +1 or the innite something.

The word
the dot which is single .!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

becomes a O which has an outside and an inside.! This is the expansion of the balloon I talked about earlier.! It is represented in the following lines:! In the beginning God! .! Created!! A! The heavens and the earth! O! (The alpha and the omega)! So lets look at the O! the outer circle is the heavens...! inside it is empty space, the void. (higher dimensions, the physics! World)!


And the earth was without form and void and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the deep and darkness was upon the face of the waters.!

When it says god moved upon the waters, it literally means to stir, to blow, to make waves...which we can represent as this:!

W! M!

Where w is spitit (wind) and M is the waters. One is upon the other.!

As I stated earlier when C is made to ripple you get particle wave duality, which is a photon, which is light.!

God speaks his information into this wave "let there be light"!

so the O has information placed into it, which we will represent as G (a circle with an inward line comeing down from the outer heaven into the voided center).

The word
And he divided the light from the darkness. We will represent that Division with D.!!

**note:(D is the back splitting of C, where C can also be represented as K which looking at the letter you can see that you have | substance branching into two < which is the mystery of creation or |< or K. C and K have slight variation but for now consider them the same. D is more than just a connected separation as in K, it is a division of the connection of the two parts, so that what was Connected K becomes divided C.)!

! ! ! !

Ok so put it all together and what have you got:! GOD! Where G is the input of information coming from heaven into the earth, O is the heaven/earth creation, and D is the dividing of the parts.!! Now you should begin to understand some of the hidden geomathcentric principles of the linguistics of creation. I could go even further into the subparticles of letters (their legs arms directions etc) but I dont want to overwhelm you with information....etc etc etc (this wasn't written by me)

So there you see how there could be a connection to language and the bible because everything ends up coming down to geomathematics and semantics and how the singularity is unknowable (so back to that)

Once you see that knowing the singularity is a reection of your limitation, which is what our brain does, the universe "looking in" deeper into the micro and getting more out of the absolute by adding perspectives,
You realize that knowledge as it pertains to the self becomes an incestual process. Every time you partition your "lens" with judgment or subjective categorization, you are seeing "less" of the totality. You are "cluttering" your glasses with fog, and hence you are getting away from truth. When you look at things instead from a seless perspective, then at the level of being these truths feed you. Not a perspective of the why or knowledge. But of unity and the totality. For unity ism and totality are truth, partitioning or 0,1is falsehood, which just increases suffering.

So we see that the mind if it turns into a partitioning exercise gets away from truth and since truth or tautology is life, moves to death or the "dark." (less information) this ties very well into new age philosophy which describes the universe in terms of darkness (lack of information) and light (information)., when the heart and mind are aligned according to new age, the mind is used to amplify being or ism/ truth, with truth. But when the mind goes against the heart in a partitioning process,it sties being with falsehood or "errors". This goes hand and hand with zoroastrianism and the I AM NOT/I AM of the bible. falsehood is "Satan" and truth is I AM or the one god (ahura mazda). Given that every I am is self justied by every other I am (when coming into being or transference the inside "resonates" with the outer in order to come into being), then every being is perfect whithin the totality. For they "are" relative to everything else.

Hermeticism and sacred geometry

In hermeticism you of course have the all so famous saying "as above, so below" I of course take this to mean tautology and the ism (I AM, being). This implies that all reality is self similar and that you can understand other aspects of the totality by studying any one aspect (like a human being and then seeing how we are a more "complete version" from a linear time perspective than say a plant, as both are the same core source code of the ism. Even though from a totality perspective we are equal). You also have The Beleif that man is divine and his purpose is to reach the "godhead"

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