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Introduction Before I started with how do I learn about myself from others, I like to reminding myself a little information

about Johari Window. The Johari Window is a model for getting and giving feedback. It is a communication model, and we can see it working in the classroom, on the job, and at home. Two psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingrham, originally developed the window. Johari Window is a lesson that provides a look into how we view ourselves and how others view us. It is also a model for opening up the lines of communication with others. It serves to show how we become increasingly more open to others as we get to know them and share information about ourselves. It was simply divided to 4.

1. Arena The arena is the information that you know about yourself and that others also know. It is the obvious things, e.g. race, name, height, weight, etc.

2. Hidden Area The hidden area contains all that information that we dont want others to know about us. Its that closet of feelings, insecurities, and not-so-great experiences. Its the private information.

3. Blind Spot The blind spot is the information that others know about you, but you dont know about yourself.

4. Unknown Area The unknown area contains information that you dont know and others dont know. It could be abilities and potentials that you have not discovered about yourself yet.


I would start about myself, I was born at Negeri Sembilan, half of me I am MinangKabau and part is Banjar. So after mix up, I look alike Chinese because Banjars people having small eyes. I used to speak using Minang dialect and when I try to spoke proper Bahasa It would sound like Javanese that the feedback after I asking some of my friends. But the great about Minang dialect its sound funny, especially when people around trying to make conversation using those. My friend knew who am I and where I came from. People saw me as a thin guy and having weight problem, however, I always told them that it comes from my genetic. My family have a small body and thin genetic but we have a great and healthy life. I love music so much, and I can bet that, without music I not the same person as I am today and others knew about that because I always make sure they will know if I am attending or performing some event. People around me know that I can sing, and I can perform well. And I knew that I can sing well and perform well, however, people saw me just an ordinary artist because I never dress up or pretending as someone that called as celebrity. Friends always can predict what I will do while I am performing and I know what I would do when I am on stage. Making that, I have got nothing special to them to watch me because they know me and I know myself. To making my life a little bit interesting, I making a goal and vision that I will make people cannot see what I want to do. I have start to changes how I perform, how my attitude in the stage, and what I will spoke and sing or clearly to becoming someone that mysterious and creating a character that make people want to know me but I make it hidden and showing something that I am not.

Currently, I am a kind of person that is too sensitive about something especially when it related about emotion and feeling. Means, I need people to know what do I feel in the same time, I really care about others feeling making me as a serious person. Previously, I never know that my attitude was like that, however after a few year I lifted my home or comfortable zone, and I have meet a new friends that have a similar attitude and some advance than me, making me felt that I have been challenged by another me. After that, I had noticed that I love people around me to give attention in what I want to do and some changes that I had make. However the inpatient manners such as hot temper, making people afraid to create communication with me, this is because I dont know about myself and people knew (in Johari window called as Blind Spot). As a result, people start to ignoring and cut relationship, and I having a hard time at that time period. However, thanks to that tragedy I start to know about myself and redirect me to becoming Arena means that, I know about myself and others know about myself. Make me to upgrade myself to becoming someone that patient and linear to other. As a result, I start to judge and predict something that could happen to myself, my family also friends if I make some bad manner. I am not very good in hiding emotion, what I feel always shown on my face, when I angry, sad and happy its all write clearly on my face and always showing serious face even though I not to about something serious. Inside me, I am a funny person, people that knew and close to me always laugh when I talk. But to some whom that never know me closely, they will see I am a serious person, and afraid to make conversation with me. I try so hard to convince people that I am a very good person to talk with. Try so hard to show something that they never see inside me. Something that I knew but they not know about me, make the communication banned. Now, I keep on smiling before start to talk and make work. Smiling really doing a good job to make people come near and stop judging people from the outside.

Next, I really wanted to know how people thought about me, did I doing well in design and art? Or can me becoming a good friend and partner in study and work, personal or in a group of people. I feel bad especially if my work and role in group just a little. I try my best to do, and stand up for my friend especially on presentation, cause I know I can present well but, is it good enough to satisfy what they were expected from me. All the time in study, I do a lot of hoping, hopefully my fellow friend will fits to me, and I can be part of person to full fill the empty space in any work and group. Because, I know that I am doing great when I work alone. That is the blind spot that I always wants to break trough. The problem is, I never have a chance to know someone that can give a very honest criticize or opinion to help me discover what I able and what should I upgrade of change to make me as a great person, student, designer, and artist. I love people to critic my work, and I can absorb information fast. However, the criticize must included with opinion and solution. I have a vision to becoming a businessman, however, never have an experience to handle own business, and I am not from a family that have our own family business. I also didnt discover yet in which area should I make my business soon or later, I just hope , it will help me to have a great life and can provided a little wealth for my family and my sibling. As I can see that, people love to share their problem with me, they love to make me as a place where they can talk and release their emotion and sadness. Maybe I am a good listener. More than that, People always asking for my opinion, and I always love to give people my own opinion. This talent make me as a person that my close friends and family miss me. People can easily trust me and I can keep secret save because I have a weakness such is easy to forget. I am also a good teacher; I love to teach people something that I know especially in art, design and music. Means, I am kind of love to share my experience. I have a weak spot, I will be easily to be cheat because of encouragement and challenged. From this situation I know that, I need to find a girl that has a very soft,

know how to tempt and have patient character. This is because, I hate to make business to who is dont know how communicate with me, especially the one that hot temper and always make conflict also creating pressure. Brought means, I hate pressure and stress. It makes me to become inpatient and hot temper. This also makes me realize that, I cannot work with some people that have a same attitude as I am. I need to make a work with someone that can talk nice or I be the boss itself. Religion is very important for me as it can make me calm and think. In religion aspect, I always become linear and easy going person. My love to listening to the religion story makes me as a good listener and a good researcher. I like to do research on prophecy. Love to read them and make it as my motivation and inspiration. My family very encourage me in this aspect. I shown so much interest in technology and internet, I can go online for reading for almost 12 hour a day. Even though I am an energetic and hyperactive, I never love sport. Because of that, my friend never invites me to make an activity such as football because they knew that, I will reject that invitation. The best part of me is, I can produce and give idea fast and meaningful. My friend always asks me about idea. Sometime they giving an idea and need me to do some elevate on the idea and I do quite good in that position. They always satisfied with the idea I give to them.

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