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Judicial House of Cards and how it is Falling Down at the Expense of the People Hi, I am Trish Kraus, Bringing you the information the mainstream media are reluctant to touch because it involves widespread corruption at the highest state & federal offices of the executive and judicial branches of government. Im here to let you decide know that wherever you are the problem of government corruption likely exists. This is the PRECURSOR to the events that has unfolded between June 8, 2012 June 29, 2012 Earlier the year the Center for Public Integrity published the results of their study of numerous factors contributing the government corruption within each of the 50 states, Michigan ranked 7th highest of all the states, ranking an F in all three branches of government. Looking at the national level we find it at least as bad if not worse. We have the US Supreme Courts ruling that corporations are to be considered as persons in court, on equal footing in cases against individuals, yet with unlimited money and legal resources for placing individuals at a clear disadvantage when doing battle against large companies, more recently we have seen President Barrack Hussein Obama thwart a Congressional inquiry into the acts of US Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. to REFUSE to turn over documents related to the gunrunning scandal at the border with the Mexican Cartel, in which getting access to those documents on behalf of We the People. While Eric Holder SHOULD BE INDITED BY Congress for criminal charges, Obama should also be impeached and tried for treason for his part in the OBSTRUCTION. This isnt the first time Eric Holder has been accused of a criminal cover-up. Since 2010, David Schied a public special education school teacher has been revealing to Holder multi-level crimes being committed by Michigan Law Enforcement, Michigan Judges, Michigan Public School District Administrators, and MULTIPLE Departments of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the Michigan Government ... and while demanding access to a criminal grand jury investigation only to get BLATANT DERELICTION of DUTY and the runaround from Holder and those under him who continue to allow these crimes to be perpetuated. Now, David Schied has now been illegally kidnapped on June 8, 2012. Being illegally held hours from his home and taken to Midland County Jail on a triumphed up contempt charge for merely being a passive court- watcher on someone elses case and in RETALIATION for bringing Karen Khalil, Judge in Redford Township in Wayne County into the Supreme Court with EVIDENCE of numerous counts of CRIMINAL FRAUD that Michigan attorney general persistently refuses to also investigate or prosecute. David Schied has exposed what is motivating felony fraud and other state and federal crimes in various states by high-level governmental officials, both in the area of law enforcement and in the area of public education. As you might expect, he followed the money, - federal funding of state operations, with self monitoring & self reporting back to the federal government by the states, and in turn, back to Congress. Only what gets back to Congress who represents you and me folks is FRAUDULENT, and MASSIVE COVERUP up of the misfeasance being carried out at the state level with federal funding and with local violations being against the rights of citizens and school children all over! Through do diligence in the attempts to seek justice in the release of David Schied a WHISLEBLOWER to the corruption that has occurred. David Schied has a Michigan Supreme Court Case, two Michigan Court of Appeals cases ready to go to the Michigan Supreme Court and one in the Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court. Unless you are a member of the Judicial Club i.e. member of the BAR, you are not apart of the club and never will be, accept that as FACT! With that they are in the position of inflicting tyranny on the people of this country.

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@ear, c=US Date: 2012.07.01 19:55:09 +03'00'

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