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function y = PSOLA(x, pdetect, ptarget, window, hop, fs) %y = PSOLA(x, pdetect, ptarget, window, hop, fs) % %Input arguments:

(all vectors are assumed to be column vectors) %x - signal to be pitch shifted %pdetect - vector of detected fund. frequencies in Hz (one for each window) %ptarget - vector of target fund. frequencies in Hz (one for each window) %window - number of samples per Hanning window **must be an even number** %hop - hop size between windows %fs - sampling frequency in Hz numwinds = floor((size(x, 1) - window) / hop) + 1; y = zeros(size(x,1),1); windstart = 1; for(windnum = 1:numwinds) %Fetch the samples for this window. windx = x(windstart: windstart + window - 1); windy = zeros(window, 1); if(pdetect(windnum) ~= 0) %Compute the detected and target period in seconds. Tdetect = 1 / pdetect(windnum); Ttarget = 1 / ptarget(windnum); %Compute the detected and target period in samples. Tsampdetect = floor(Tdetect * fs); Tsamptarget = floor(Ttarget * fs); %Calculate the number of periods that will appear in this window. numperiods = floor(window / Tsampdetect) - 1; %Calculate old marker vector, assuming markers are placed every %Tsampdetect starting at 1. for(i=1:numperiods) oldmarker(i,1) = 1 + (i - 1) * Tsampdetect; end %Generate matrix B with each column corresponding to a period in %the input window and the containing the Hanning windowed samples %around the start of the period. B = zeros(Tsampdetect * 2, numperiods); newB = zeros(Tsampdetect*2, numperiods); C = zeros(Tsampdetect * 2, numperiods); %Do the first period separately as it is a special case. B(1 + Tsampdetect: 2*Tsampdetect, 1) = windx(1:Tsampdetect); B(:,1) = B(:,1) .* hanning(Tsampdetect * 2); %Flip the column. for(j = 1:2*Tsampdetect) newB(j,1) = B(2*Tsampdetect - j + 1, 1); end %Now do the rest of the periods for(i=2:numperiods) B(:,i) = windx(oldmarker(i) - Tsampdetect:oldmarker(i) + Tsampdetect - 1) .* hanning(Tsampdetect * 2); %Flip the column

for(j=1:2*Tsampdetect) newB(j,i) = B(2*Tsampdetect - j + 1, i); end end %Find the optimal path through the matrix B. path = pathfinder(newB, 4); oldmarker = 0; newmarker = 0; %Turn the path vector into pitch markers. oldmarker = zeros(numperiods,1); for(i = 1:numperiods) oldmarker(i) = Tsampdetect - path(i) + (i - 1)*Tsampdetect + 1; end %Copy the first period of the signal as is. windy(1:Tsampdetect) = windx(1:Tsampdetect) .* hanning(Tsampdetect); %Calculate new pitch markers. numnewperiods = floor((window - Tsampdetect - oldmarker(1))/ Tsamptarget ); for(i=1:numnewperiods) newmarker(i,1) = oldmarker(1) + (i - 1) * Tsamptarget; end for(i = 2:numnewperiods) %Find the old marker to use for this new marker. diff = inf; for(num = 2:numperiods) if(abs(newmarker(i) - oldmarker(num)) < diff) markertouse = num; diff = abs(newmarker(i) - oldmarker(num)); end end thisperiod = zeros(2*Tsampdetect, 1); for(t = 1:2*Tsampdetect) if((t - Tsampdetect) + oldmarker(markertouse) >= 1) thisperiod(t, 1) = windx((t - Tsampdetect) + oldmarker(marke rtouse)); end end if(windnum>150 & windnum <= 155) C(:,i) = thisperiod; end thisperiod = thisperiod .* hanning(2*Tsampdetect); if(newmarker(i) - Tsampdetect >= 1) windy(newmarker(i) - Tsampdetect: newmarker(i) + Tsampdetect - 1 ) = windy(newmarker(i) - Tsampdetect: newmarker(i) + Tsampdetect - 1) + thisperi od; end end %Place the modified window into the output vector. windy = windy .* hanning(window); y(windstart: windstart + window - 1) = y(windstart: windstart + window 1) + windy; else %This is an unvoiced segment, so we will copy it as is.

y(windstart: windstart + window - 1) = y(windstart: windstart + window 1) + hanning(window) .* windx; end %Increment the window start pointer windstart = windstart + hop; end function path = pathfinder(MAT,N) % % y = pathfinder(MAT) % % This function traces a path from the first to the last columns % of MAT, one that does not exceed slope == N (N integer >0) when % assuming that successive rows are separated by one unit, and that % successive columns are separated by one unit) and has the maximum % possible cumulative MAT values along the path. The output % path y adheres to the sample points of MAT. % calculate best-path cumulative errors: [mrows,mcols] = size(MAT); sf = mean(mean(MAT)); MAT = [-Inf*ones(N,mcols); MAT; -Inf*ones(N,mcols)]; best_paths = zeros(size(MAT)); range = N + (1:mrows); T = zeros(1+2*N,mrows); B = zeros(1+2*N,mrows); R = zeros(1,(1+2*N)*mrows); for i = -N:N B(i+N+1,:) = ones(1,mrows) * sf/sqrt(1+i*i); R(mrows*(i+N)+[1:mrows]) = range + i; end for col = 2:mcols T = reshape(MAT(R,col-1),mrows,1+2*N)'; [temp1,temp2] = max(T+B); MAT(range,col) = MAT(range,col) + temp1'; best_paths(range,col) = temp2'; end % trace the optimal path backwards through the cum. error matrix: best_paths = best_paths - N - 1; path = zeros(1,mcols); [total_error,row] = max(MAT(:,mcols)); path(mcols) = row; for col = mcols:-1:2 row = row + best_paths(row,col); path(col-1) = row; end path = path - N; return

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