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ALTA 909 - Part Six

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Posted December 13, 2008 This report prepared from the continuous data stream initially started for 709 and kept running across the building tension to release language shift on October 7th employing 86.16 million reads.

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Meta Arts - Emerging reality, Nascent Revolt, Wrong (hopefully)
While the outbreak of the rioting in Greece has gone mostly unreported here in the USofA-Bilderberger, several articles in the EU zone discussing the rioting have picked up on *the* key component, which, as forecast, is that a [planetary popular uprising/insurrection/revolution] is beginning, *and* that the [dissolution of the social contract] is at its core. As in the recent Bloomberg article, Traditions that bound society have deteriorated, said Politis, owner of Pharmacy Philellinon adjacent to Syntagma Square, a focal point of clashes in the Greek capital following the Dec. 6 police shooting of a 15-year-old boy. There is no political will to resolve the issues, and I mean political in a greater sense of the whole community. These 'traditions that bound society' are precisely the forecast linguistics {ed note: first appeared in our work in 2004} that will become prevalent across the planet as the populace of Terra is forced to accommodate and adjust to the death of not only the USofA dollar, but also the whole exported version of the 'american dream'. The former world of cheap credit built on central bank inflation and serial bubbles has burst into millions of shreds and cannot be put back together. As with the death of the previous empires such as the Soviet Union, and as visible in Greece, the ThePowersThatBe *will* attempt everything that they can think of to continue their positions of power. That the


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effort is doomed does not concern them, and their paradigm does not allow for its own destruction and replacement. Further we need to note that almost all their (TPTB and the minion classes) actions will be reactionary and in direct response to changes within the popular consensus. Unfortunately, *all* changes within the popular perception will be treated as a threat by TPTB, and their responses will lead inevitably to further restrictions on movements and increases in scarcity as these are among the few tools that their limited minds can construct. Our data indicates that this trend of oppression/repression and acts against the TPTB will continue globally thorough the next few years. The accretion patterns are also suggesting that the [active] phase of [global revolution] has only *just* begun, in spite of how it may feel to the Greek populace at the moment. Curious too how the 'center of western democracy' is the first to host the [revolution] meme out-and-about. The data sets are providing support for a [rolling/roving revolution] here in the USofA to begin in ernest in Summer of 2009. Other predictions for later 'starting times' for the [revolution] meme notwithstanding, the data sets have several [instances of active behavior change] coming into supporting positions under the [revolution] meta data layer within the Populace/USofA entity following the Summer solstice, June 2009. With the explosion of the bomb at the Wells Fargo bank in Oregon yesterday, the [active] phase of [revolution] has begun here in the USofA-Bilderberger. The death of the police officer, and injuries to by-standers brings out the first of the [bloody days]. Unfortunately we expect many more such stories within global media stream throughout 2009. We *think*, well, rather we *hope* we were wrong about the earthquakes for December 10-12th. Bearing in mind that we are frequently off by a few days {ed note: usually to the 'back' side of the forecast, a' la Pakistan/Musharref forecast}, the sudden [quiescence] of the planet on the 12th (and now slightly into the 13th) does fit with the [quiet] that had been forecast as following the earthquakes. Hopefully we were totally wrong, rather than merely having our timing parameters skewed. This is to say that some small chance yet remains that the [twin earthquakes] are on the 'back' side of the 10th through 12th 'window'. As the [quiescence] has induced a flurry of appropriate language on the science forums, that part of the forecast has been fulfilled by the emergent language. Hopefully, we were correct about the [earthquake language], *BUT* with the new understanding that it was the language itself, which is to say, all the earthquake warnings on the net, rather than actual earthquakes, that had been showing in modelspace. We are particularly pleased to NOT have had a damaging earthquake here in the PNW {Pacific NorthWest of the continental USofA} as we are getting deep into an arctic blast and the combination of cold and shaking would not be good at any level. As we move through the 15th or so, it would appear that the potential for [damaging quakes] would be over.


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However, we do note that even as of yesterday, within the processing for the immediacy values, the data sets are *still* accruing support under [twin earthquakes] and the [restrictions on movement] and [encounters with scarcity] meta data layers where they support the [earthquakes] sub set. Well, again, here is to hoping we're totally wrong. Whew! However, note from the chart below (originally developed for ALTA series 709) and previous forecasts going back into ALTA 309 and ALTA 509, about the [cold spell]. The sub set of that data related to the [weather] and [temperature] is now appearing within the global mediastream. This does not provide reassurance about the [twin earthquakes] as *both* the [earthquakes] and the [cold spell] sub sets arose simultaneously from the pre ALTA 309 processing. As relates to the [cold spell], the indications are that this is but the beginning of the [cold spell] and its associated [costs]. In modelspace, it was the [costs] sub set which had the larger impact summations, as well as the longer [duration of impact] values. The suggestion from the data is that the [cold] and its associated [costs] will continue through into [winter] proper. The data sets within the Terra entity, as forecast within the previous ALTA reports, continues to point to large [cold spell costs] impacting the NorthEast of the continental USofA, just as other [financial worries (from dollar death)] are also pressuring the region. The whole of the upper third of the continental USofA is indicated to have much higher costs associated with this [winter 2008/2009], and further both the [winter] and the [costs] are indicated to extend beyond the [vernal equinox] of March 21, 2009 and thus push the [winter climate and costs] out into [spring 2009].

Markets - Visible Duality, Unintentional Suicides, Viviviviiiiideeeeo, Derivatives Constipation, WorkForFood

A propelling force within the [revolution] meta data layer within the Populace/USofA derives from another meta data layer, that of [duality]. The data sets within Markets are now forming larger sub sets under [duality], and with this last processing the longer term value sets have brought in bespoke [dichotomy] as a supporting sub set. The [dichotomy] sub set descriptor details point to increasing [visibility] of the [highlighted/stark differences] between the [elite/power brokers] and the [rest of omni humanity]. Further definitions within the supporting sub sets point toward [dichotomy of view point], and [dichotomy of access to resources]. Within the longer term value sets processing, the largest number of new supporting sets within the Markets entity are involved with the [duality], or [revolution] meta data layers. Further, the largest number of new supporting sets within all the longer term value additions here in Markets entity (so a sub set of a sub set) are piling under the bespoke [dichotomy] aspect/attribute set. In the main, the impression coming from the accretion patterns is that the [markets] as context within the collective consensus of the


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planetary populace will be [strained/stressed] over the course of [winter 2008/2009] and right up to the [vernal equinox] in late March, by the [pressures] placed on the [collective/common understanding] through the [press/propagandists]. The data suggests that instances of [dysfunctional cognitive dissonance] will emerge within the [minion classes] of ThePowersThatBe, specifically within [international finance] and [currencies] areas of endeavors due to the [active denial] of the [acceleration] of the [decline]. The data sets are indicating that [visible] stories/videos within the global mediastream (increasingly of youtube/dailymotion types of releases) will be showing up around the [equinox] as [financial workers/minions] are in such [mental haze states] due to [cognitive dissonance] and [duality] that they will *actually* do things such as [walk (out into) oncoming bus traffic] and other [acts of aberrant behavior]. The [pressures] aspect/attribute set within the [dichotomy] sub set of the [duality] set (whew!) is filled with support for the [continuous broadcast] of [propaganda] that will be [in denial/opposed to] the [manifesting reality]. As the [dire circumstances] begin to [rise up/percolate up] into the [minion classes] within the [financial infrastructure] many of the already [mentally disturbed] and [stressed] workers are indicated to [act out] in very [bizarre forms]. The range of the [forms of active cognitive dissonance acting out] is described as going from [inappropriate rage] (which will get some of these fellows [arrested] and [charged]), all the way out to [unintentional suicide]. This last aspect/attribute set has indications that *some* of the [unintentional suicides] will *not* be [accidents] of [inattention] as most are described, but rather will be cases of [active/assisted unintended suicide]. The Markets entity has [duality] and [dichotomy] arising between the very [heavy] and [blanketing] efforts of the [teevee propagandists], and the (by late February 2009) [visible] forms of [contraction] occurring in all the [markets] as well as the [collapsing/crashing/dissolution] of the [paper debt/derivatives mountain] will have the [minions/financial workers] (that remain employed) in a state of [walking/ambulatory shock]. Yet they, as with the rest of the [remaining teevee watching audience] will be [pounded] with [happy talk]. The good news of this [intense propaganda effort] is that it will be very brief, and not very well received at all. Which may account for its brevity. Further the data sets are indicating that this [propaganda effort] will actually [propel] a [new wave/cohort] of the populace away from the [teevee] toward [alternative information sources]. Coincidently, and probably meaningful at universe level, the data sets are also rising around late February through all of March and then onward through Spring, for the appearance of our previously forecast [mega viral video]. This [mega viral video] is described within the accruing supporting sets as becoming [*the* standard] by which other, future efforts will be [measured]. This [mega viral video] is also indicated to produce a [new personality] at a [global level] which currently is indicated to be [female]. Further, the [mega viral video] is also cross linked over to the Populace/USofA


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entity where it terminates within a supporting set for [revolution], *and* is also cross linked over to the GlobalPop entity where it also terminates in supporting sub sets for the [revolution] meta data layer. The rise of the [mega viral video] has many cross links back over to the Markets entity, and *might* be a good temporal marker for the evolution of the [collapse of the American Bilderberger empire]. The data sets show a remarkable synchronized emotional tension growth in the supporting aspect/attribute sets for the [death of the dollar (aka American hegemony)], and the rising of the [mega viral video]. The Markets entity is indicating that the [progression] of [decay/coagulation/constipation] of the [derivatives mountain] will rise to [global visibility] from February onward. This is the [inflection] point of the [coagulation], and also can be taken as a temporal marker for various levels of [defaults] within the increasingly [fragile global markets structures. ALL of the accruing data sets indicate that [too much talk] and [blather] about all the [good ideas] produces [nothing/no action] in any meaningful way for [rescuing] the [capitalistic structure] of the [(soon to be former) American/Bilderberger empire]. The data indicates that NO amount of [talking] by anyone over [winter 2008/2009] will produce any [idea/method] by which the [dollar based hegemony] can be [rescued/recovered]. Of course, as the data indicates, the [minions] of ThePowersThatBe wont [believe] the whole concept of [dollar death], or [american empire dissolution], and so will progress, as is indicated by the data, into [fits] of [rigidity] and [dominating focus of purpose]. The [minions] will find themselves [fighting ferociously] in 2009 and 2010 *just* to maintain an [illusion], as even [markets mavens] or those persons who are [addicted to money/trading] {ed note: in the larger context, they are addicted to the perception of 'effortless gain'} will have (in the main/majority) come to [critical understanding] of the situation by mid [summer/2009]. There will be a [cadre] or [core] of [minions/officialdom] that will be [unable to accept] the situation, and will redouble their efforts beginning in mid [summer/2009]. The Markets entity is indicating that the [defense (of the) old paradigm/dollar_based_empire] will be very [harsh] and [unpleasant] on humans globally, but with specific emphasis focusing on the Populace/USofA. The idea coming across is that an already [hellacious summer] will be further impacted by [new restrictions] that will be seen in the future, as being the [last gasp (of the) old paradigm/dollar empire]. There are specific, and very extensively supported sub sets within the Markets entity for 2009, which begin to accrue in mid February, that go to [demand exceeds supply]. This meme starts a bit slowly in early February, but very soon after its appearance, the aspect/attribute set grows very rapidly until it comes to [dominate] the Markets entity by about the middle of Fall, say early to mid November. This [demand(s) exceed(s) supply] meme is very strong, and is very wide, which is to say, broad in its breadth. The idea coming across is that the


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meme itself [demands exceed supply], will be applied to a whole lot of 'items' in 2009, but the real core impact will be that the [social contract] which the [americans/populace-usofa] term as [consumerism] will [die] as a result of the [demands exceeds supply] in 2009. According to the accretion patterns, the [death of consumerism paradigm] will, in its turn, come to dominate the next [9/nine years] within both the [markets] and the [american populace]. Of course, the [populace/usofa], and the [paper debt markets] will *both* be reacting far more to the [immediate effects] of the [encounters with scarcity] instances which will overwhelm both the Markets entity, and the Populace/USofA entity as it forms into a meta data layer which will dominate both entities from 2009 through to beyond 2011. When the trend line for the Markets entity is extracted and applied to the composite chart below in which the original forecasts from ALTA 309/509/709 are in blue,

we can highlight the area where the next round of [wealth destruction] occurs. In the latest data sets there are new supporting layers under the [gold/silver] context, and these begin to grow with some vigor as February ends. As the modelspace and the Markets entity is advanced into March of 2009, the [gold/silver] sub set is clearly 'reacting' to very recent conditions within the Markets entity. The previous state for the general economy just prior to the [gold/silver reaction] beginning can be best described by the aspect/attributes


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found at the primary level of support, which include [extreme(s)], and [coagulation], and [dehydration]. These are also supported in their turn by directly held aspect/attribute sets for [deflation] which we all can see [visible] in the global mediastream labeled as [de-levering]. The data sets from [gold/silver] are confirming that [wealth destruction] across [winter] will [propel] the [changes] in both [availability] and [price] of [gold/silver et al] beginning in late [winter], and continuing all through Spring and Summer of 2009 as the [hyperinflation] meme begins to manifest. Another set of accruing values with extensive, even dominating, cross links over to the Populace/USofA begins to also show up as the Markets entity is advanced through [winter]. These aspect/attribute sets join the supporting sets of the [health care] context, though with specific geographic references for the [usofa] and for the [anglo dominated/dollar dominated] areas, in late February, and continue to grow through the [summer 2009]. These supporting aspect/attribute sets include [hyperinflation], and [encounters with scarcity], and [restrictions (on) movement(s) (of) supplies], and [restrictions on availability of supplies], and others of similar vein. These supporting aspect/attribute sets are themselves fully supported and very extensively cross linked over to the Populace/USofA. The indications are for a [gradual implosion] or [slow erosion] of the [health care system] as various [vital supplies] start to become [increasingly scarce] here in the USofA. There are indications of an [initial wave] or [sudden shock] to the [health care system], especially for [hospitals] which will begin to manifest in late February and early March. The indications are for some form of [lack of supplies] as well as a [crisis in currency] to both hit the [hospital system] more or less simultaneously such that in many areas of the [populace/usofa] the [medical system] will [break] in a [visible] way. There are other sets which come in as support for the [health care system] over late Spring and through Summer in which [inducements] are [visible] as [offerings] for [staff/doctors/nurses/others] to [stay at work] since the [currency system] is/has imploded and [pay checks] are [worth less/nothing]. The [inducements] offered include [food], and [safe shelter] for [workers] and their [families]. Further data sets accrue through late Spring and into Summer which go to support the [hyperinflation] meme. Please note that in our modelspace in general, and in the Markets entity at all levels, the [hyper inflation] sub set is dominated by the [duality] meta data layer. The indications are that [rampaging/destructive deflation] will be the general state of things through out all of 2009, but that a small, significant, and geographically limited form of [hyper inflation] will occur as well. The [duality] meta data layer indicates that [foods], [energy], and [other vital supplies] *will* encounter [hyper inflation] over the course of [spring/summer 2009]. While the [hyper inflation] sub set sticks around through all of 2009, the Populace/USofA entity appears to get


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both the worst and most prolonged [hyper inflation], *but* this will be against a background of general [ravaging/destructive deflation] on almost all [manufactured products]. The [destructive deflation] sub set includes both [housing], and [commercial] real estate within the [anglo dominated] parts of the planet. It seemingly also begins to affect [government 'owned' real estate] globally, though this is spotty in its supporting sets.

GlobalPop - Fife Rife, Breakdown Happens, BogsComs, NuEdu

The spreading influences of the [duality] meta data layer throughout the GlobalPop entity has increased, and is adding emotional tension values to other meta data layers such as [encounters with scarcity], and its relative [restrictions on movement]. As these layers have been receiving support, the language structures involved have become more complex, and more robustly populated. In providing interpretations from the modelspace, the visual representation is a very key element, and the 'glow' around certain pixels (each representing an aspect/attribute set) enhances their 'attractiveness' visually. This 'glow' occurs as the hues and intensity levels for that pixel change with the increasing emotional tension sums for that aspect/attribute set. The current processing has produced a number of brightly glowing, and growing pixel clusters which lead back to the support layers for the [duality], and [revolution] meta data layers within this entity. The implication taken from the accretion patterns of these supporting aspect/attribute sets is that from early in 2009, and swelling in impact all through Spring and Summer and into Fall, the supporting sets for [encounters with scarcity], and [restrictions on movement] will be providing disproportionate influence across the planetary populace, BUT with special emphasis on the [anglo centric] parts of the world, and the [eu zone]. In both sub sets of the [planetary populace], the [encounters with scarcity] sub set is indicated to continue to increase pressure on the [sustenance sources] for the [populace] such that [riots] and [demonstrations] against [government/officialdom] will soon shift from purely [local political ills], to planetary [food (and other necessary) supplies]. Further, as the modelspace is progressed into Fall of 2009, there are indications that [open acts] in the [hundreds of thousands] of [revolution/rebellion/insurrection] {ed note: language depends on which part of global mediastream is presenting the story} will be occurring *specifically* against [the 300/three hundred families/illuminati/uberklass]. As these 'victims' are above such petty concerns as [national borders] and [nation/states] are merely abstractions for the [lower classes] {ed note: from the view of the TPTB}, many of these [acts of revolution], will go [unnoticed], or [unreported], or [misinterpreted]. There are indications for many such [acts of rebellion] to occur which will be both


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[reported] and [unambiguous], but these are mainly the [symbolic acts (of) rebellion] and will be [dismissed] by the [press minions] of TPTB using the typical response of [loner, single nutjob] or [mentally ill human]. However, as is even now occurring, acts of [revolution] against TPTB will be the case with *most* of the [squatters ] incidents over the next few months. Again, as is referenced at the link, the [squatters] will be *still* attempting to work within the [legal system], however aberrantly from the point of view of the [system] itself. Thus the [act of legal notice (see quoted text below)] which will be a [temporary signature] in many of the [eu zone] instances of [squatting], or [fuzzy revolution]. From article at link: In the 179 years since it was built, Fife House has been the home of dukes and princesses, and a refuge for a king. But on Wednesday a motley band of squatters were writing a new chapter in the Regency mansion's illustrious history. Up to 12 of them have moved into the Grade 1 listed property and pinned a notice in the porch declaring their legal rights under Section 6 of the Criminal Law Act 1977. Such niceties as the attempt to remain [legal], if only within their own minds, will *not* be so prevalent in the [american revolution, part deux]. In the Populace/USofA entity, the data sets show that the [relationship] between the coming [legions/hundreds of thousands] of [squatters] and the [legal system] within the [usofa (as ruled by the) bilderbergers] will only last a matter of months. Thereafter conditions with the [contraction of the global economy], the [lack/dearth of imported necessary supplies], the [collapse of the dollar], the [contraction of officialdom/government at all levels], and many other proximate causes will produce a certain [mental condition] or [state of mind] which shifts the collective concern of the [squatters] away from the [fiction] of a [functioning] or [just] legal [system]. This new [state of mind] is indicated to [spread rapidly/leaps of fire] across the [national psyche] in the [populace/usofa] after a specific, and forecast [battle] between [law enforcement classes] and [squatters] in which the [squatters] will prevail, but not until after a [particularly bloody instance of brutality]. It is this last that will begin the [separation/dissolution] of the [myth of common justice] within the [populace], and very soon thereafter a series of [contentions/battles/skirmishes] between [squatters] and [law enforcement] will produce the first of the [new american revolutionaries]. The emergence of the [revolution] meme into [active] state will produce a flurry of [new symbolism]. Curiously, the cross links over to TPTB show that the [symbols] themselves will just [freak


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out/rupture] the [calm] of TPTB. Hmmm... Igor wants to know how to reduce a Golden Delicious apple pie to a symbol for a flag? As modelspace moves into the Fall of 2009, the [revolution] meta data layer rises in both the GlobalPop and Populace/USofA entities. Within the GlobalPop there is a brief bit of good news for [5/five areas] within the [EU zone] and what had been labeled the ['developing world'] by the press of the former [Bilderberger empire]. These [5/five zones], each being described as having an [effect/impact] for over [1000/one-thousand mile areas] {ed note: description is of a 'region', roughly elliptical, and about 1000/one-thousand square miles in area}, are indicated to be [visible] within the [press/mainstream media] as [examples of success]. The [success] sub set is supported by descriptors going to the idea of [transition communities] in which further support supplies the interpretation of [bogcoms] defined as communities beyond old government systems. The definition for these [bogcoms] includes the [beyond capitalism], and [beyond governmental regulation], and other sub sets in the [sustainable communities] vein. We note that the definitions for these [bogcoms] includes a clear statement of [at odds with officialdom], and other sub sets which are within the [revolution] and [duality] meta data layers. The image coming from the detail aspect/attributes is of [5/five bogcoms] which are large enough to [present issues/problems] for the [former nation states] over which the [1000/one-thousand square miles of area] sit. While still existent, the [former nation states] are indicated to be of [decreasing concern] for the [former citizens] by Fall of 2009. This [attitude of increasing indifference] to the [former capitalist system] and the [nation state illusion] it supported is itself indicated to increase dramatically as Fall of 2009 creeps into Winter 2009/2010. The [revolution] meme, in many geographic areas, is indicated to be less focused on [violence] and more centered around the idea of [cruel indifference]. This last can also be interpreted as [revenge-motivated, personal hatred amidst thinly contained general public indifference]. A long descriptor, but with some very specific concepts coming out of the detail aspect/attribute layers. These include the idea that [in the main/for the most part], the [general public] will just go about its [new business of life sans systems (bogslife)] with an attitude of [indifference] to the [former officialdom]. However, the data sets are showing that the [indifference] meme is will be [self defining] such that the [indifference] lasts only as long as the very thin layer of [patience] left to the [populace]. Basically this works out to a few [demonstration incidents] in which [officialdom] will [attempt] to [assert/re-assert] some [measure] of [authority] that will [exhaust the small reserve of patience] left to the local [populace] and this will result in a [demonstration of violent reactions] in which the [offending officialdom] will come to a very [visible] and [unhappy end]. The data sets are indicating that the [5/five zones of successful bogcoms] will have a number of these [demonstration incidents] over 2009, and into 2010, but also that these


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[demonstrations] will be enough to [place officialdom in position (of understanding) its shrinking power]. The general idea is that the [populace] in these [zones] will be content, in the main, to allow the [former nation states] to [collapse] on their own, as long as the [remaining officials] do not start to get [exaggerated] notions of their power. These [demonstration incidents] within the [5/five zones] are to follow a period of [months] of more [general rioting] and other forms of [upheaval] brought on by the [dissolution of the social contract] during which the [officialdom] and other [minion classes] are [beset] by all manners of [revenge attacks]. Many of these will be [visible], which is to say, [broadcast globally], especially within the [alternative communications media]. These [visible revenge attacks] on the [minions] and ThePowersThatBe are indicated to [chill] the [cold blue blood] and to [inflame red blooded passions]. The [violence] sub set within the [revenge attacks] sub set is filled with instances of descriptions going to [acts] by both [individuals] and by [mobs] which will [remove/kill/destroy] both [individual officials], as well as [whole communities of minions]. There are a number of indicators within the [violence] sub set that go to such [horrific acts] that the [mental impact] on the [remaining minions/officialdom], *and* their TPTB masters, will be a [state of stunned silence/inactivity]. This sub set, as modelspace is progressed into 2010, begins to accept more data sets supporting the [quietude] and [inactivity] of the [officialdom] in and around these [5/five bogcoms]. The [inactivity] aspect/attribute set is supported by very large numbers of cross links over to TPTB entity where many of the termination points are within the bespoke [fear] sub set. A temporal marker that emerges for the [5/five bogscoms] and their [success] in late 2009, is that the [officialdom] is indicated to [have to employ] their [militaries] in attempts to merely [stay in power/stay alive]. While this is referencing the idea of a [military] being [turned/aimed at] the [citizenry], it also contains the clues of the [actual loss of power] of the [ruling elites] {ed note: primarily within the Anglo dominated parts of the planet}. The [military] being [deployed] on [national citizen suppression duty] is actually a very clear indicator that the TPTB are in their [last months]. Though it may take a [year], the [dozen months] left after TPTB deploy their [military] in active [suppression] of the [populace] will end simply as the [military] becomes [isolated] and [trapped] within the [populace]. This is indicated to [occur/happen] in both the [EU zone] as well as the [american zone] as the [economic collapse] and [death of the dollar] finish off [global capitalism], *and* more importantly [global, just in time delivery system]. The [military units] deployed against their own [populace] by TPTB are indicated to suffer the same fate as all the other [military bases], and that is the [encounters with scarcity] will [remove/destroy] their ability to [act independently] of the [local populace]. Without the [just in time supply chain], the [military] will [suck dry] the [resources] available to it at varying rates of consumption, with those


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[bases] within their country of origin being the last to [dry up]. The data sets are indicting that by [summer of 2010], there will be [visible] reports of [military bases] where the [occupants] {ed note: some will be taken over by hoards of local squatters, others it will be just the former soldiers and their families} will be seen to [convert] the [parade fields] into [gardens/crops]. It is worth noting that the [conversion phenomena] in which [spaces] are [converted] into [gardens/crops] will be a [global occurrence], and will include a very wide range of places, from [golf courses], to [office buildings], to [boats] of all kinds; further conversion efforts will be undertaken in [facilities] of all sorts that [formerly] were 'owned' by TPTB, and [officialdom]. The [global squatters movement] as a sub set of the [planetary populace movement] will be well underway by Summer 2009, and a permanent part of [new life] by the end of Fall 2009. This last is indicated by the accretion of support in the [squatters] and [bogslife] sub sets as well as the Press entity which indicate that some [governments/officialdom] will be [accepting emergent reality] and will participate in the [transformation of social order] by [announcing general amnesty] applied to [squatters]. Further support comes in the form of sets which indicate that some [municipalities] will have [officialdom] acting as [squatters] themselves at several levels, including several [formal programs] of [emptying prisons] and placing the [former inmates] into [vacant houses] as [officially sanctioned squatters]. Other developments which will both [fuel the success] and [spread the success] from the [5/five bogscoms] include the [formation/emergence] of [transformational universities] in which [subjects of forbidden/denied] nature will be [expounded/taught/investigated]. Ignited by [alternative media] and the [spreading gnosis], the accretion patterns in GlobalPop indicate that at least 2/two of the [5/five bogscoms zones] will be [formed around] an [alternative educational effort]. This is not to suggest that any actual university campus is necessarily involved. Rather the idea coming across is that these [universities of formerly forbidden knowledge] are both [core] to the [bogscoms], and are also [spread throughout] these new [social arrangements]. The data sets are reasonably clear that part of the [ethos] at the center of the [bogscoms] which brings [visible success] late in 2009, and on through 2010, includes an [us versus them education] which focuses on the [crimes of the elites], and the [hidden history of omni humanity]. These sub sets are extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where we house all of the [officially denied] contexts. The densely inter-related nature of the [hidden history/officially denied sciences] and the [contact] meme is brought out at very significant levels during all of 2009 as the [year of transformation] progresses, however, these levels are small compared to the impacts on GlobalPop in 2010.

SpaceGoatFarts - Narrow Escape, Beer Kegs, Mrs. Piss'd,


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The SpaceGoatFarts entity continues to grow supporting sets under the [contact] aspect/attribute set all through 2009, however a significant increase in the appearance of supporting sets occurs once [summer 2009] begins. After the June 21 [summer solstice] the data sets are indicating that the [2/two travelers/thieves] who are described within the data sets as being [in possession of space alien/ancient hardware] will be reaching a [critical point] in their particular journey, and will [escape death] by a [mere breath]. This [escape from death] is indicated to be both the [last attempt], and the [catalyst] for the rise in [visibility] of the [2/two liberators of space alien artifacts]. Set against the more general [chaos] of the [declining social contract] within the [american populace], and the rapidly [increasing visibility] of the [bilderberger/elitists manipulation of history], the [2/two liberators] are showing up in the data as the 'cherry' on top of the continuing [stream of whistle blowers]. We need to note that the term [whistle blower] as we are using it relates to only those individuals who have [active work experience] within the [shadow government/black ops], and with a specific focus on the [suppression of actual history of omni humanity and the notfromhere beings/space aliens]. This difference is critical as there will/are a larger group who will style themselves as [whistleblowers] relating to this area, but in the main, the real [cadre] of [those who know] has yet to appear. The data sets within the [shadow government/bilderbergers], sub set [nasa/space ops], continue to support the emergence of a [large group/cadre] of [disgruntled former employees] who used to perform the [actual work/dirty deeds] required to [suppress knowledge]. The data sets indicate that these [whistleblowers] will initially begin with the [minor level functionaries], but will scale along with the economic problems of 2009 to include [senior level contact specialists with credentials]. The emergence of these last, higher level minions is indicated for Fall of 2009, and also show up directly preceding the rise in [visibility] for the [2/travelers/liberators of alien artifacts]. There are a large number of cross links from the [emergence of contact/actual omni humanity history] sub set of the SpaceGoatFarts entity, and the [new electrics] sub set of the populace entities. Note that the core of the FuturePop entity which seems to be firmly in place by 2018 is based on the [new electrics culture]. This area is cross linked back over to the GlobalPop, [bogscoms] sub set starting in late 2009. The accretion patterns within the [contact] meme sub set, including the cross links over to the Populace/USofA and TPTB entities, are indicating that [summer 2009] will produce a situation of [hasty actions] on the part of TPTB as they attempt to [stop the leaks], and [bottle the knowledge] which will then be [leaking out] like [beer] from [wooden kegs]. This last comes from the data sets around the [contact] meme in the [eu zone] where some of the [first sparks] of [discontent] within the [worker/minion] classes will [spill out] in to [public]. This then sets off a new round of [leaks] from [nasa] and other [officialdom


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sources] here in the USofA which then prompts ThePowersThatBe into [too much urgency to make a wise decision]. From that point of [visible repression] in the [summer of 2009], the [contact] meme begins to [cause problems] at all levels of [officialdom], including between the [american] and [european] factions of TPTB. The data sets accrue in patterns over [summer 2009] indicating that a [series] of [leaks/revealings] on both sides of the [anglo dominated] parts of the planet will be [upsetting] the [very carefully laid plans] of TPTB. Further support indicates that a [broken down transport] {ed note: likely a limousine} will be [looted/captured] and its [contents] will [provide a bonanza] of [contact] meme evidence. The data sets accrue higher [visibility] sums for the [2/two travelers] beginning very late in [summer 2009], but with the largest gains coming across [fall 2009]. During this period, the aspect/attribute sets bring out the [wife/companion] of 1/one of the [liberators] at a very high degree of [visibility], as though she will be the [face] on the [episode] for the global mediastream. She is indicated to be [barely concealing] her [concern/worry] over the situation, but will be initially noted for being [pissed/angry] at her husband for [being involved] in this [foolishness]. Her [first visible tone] notwithstanding, the [wife/companion] is indicated to [draw sympathy], and even more importantly [empathy] from a [global populace] as her [visibility] increases. This apparently really [irritates/angers/threatens] the TPTB such that they begin to [make mistakes], and to [lose (their) mask (in the) haste (of the) response] to her [visible emotions] echoing around the planet.

Conclusion - ALTA 909 - Part Six - Last report of the series:- Violence, Transformation, Cohesion
The bombing of the bank branch last night in Oregon, and the deaths of the 2/two police officers, and the wounding of others, brings out the [violence] aspect/attribute set in high [visibility] within the [teevee/propaganda service] here in the [usofa]. As a sub set of the [bilderberger empire], we can now expect their [propaganda machine] to begin to [dither about] the subject. At once they will be contending with the inevitable rise of [homegrown insurrection], and their need to [not add fuel to that particular fire]. They will have to dance delicately around the [terrorism (against) banks/banksters] as merely part of the [revolution against predatory capitalism]. They must condemn the former without even hinting of the latter. Further they must also walk the tiny line between [home grow terrorist bombers], and the larger issues of [imploding social contract (here in the usofa)]. Again, they will rail against the former, and skirt the latter totally. That none of the larger context issues are likely to emerge from the [main stream/corporate media] here in the USofA over this (and subsequent) incidents


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of [revolution/rebellion/revenge] will not prevent these [contexts] from emerging within the [populace] itself. The [new edu] sub sets themselves, by their mere appearance, are reinforcing the previously seen sub sets indicating that the [revolution] will produce a [re-education industry] that will both [precede] and [solidify] the [active] phase of the [revolt of the general populace]. The bombing of the bank branch in Oregon has, in a single instant, propelled the whole of the populace along a path that leads directly into the active revolution of late 2009, and into 2010. By the choice of 'victim', in the sense of the bank being targeted, the focus of the building rage of the populace is clearly identified. Or rather, at least 1/one of the focal points comes out. As with the pre-echo period of the 1960's here in the USofA, we can expect that the next targets will likely be [officialdom/government]. This bombing, as an act of violence, is expressing a frustration which will become increasingly visible over the rest of this Winter, and into 2009. This act of violence indicates the lack of anything to lose on the part of the perpetrator; is also an act of both desperation, and defiance. At this point, this act represents the 'inability' to obtain cohesion within the populace of the USofA {ed note: if mass popular actions are available, fewer rash acts of violence emerge}. It also is but the first such of many acts of violent rage/frustration expression which our data indicate continue until a particular [emotional cohesion] episode occurs that will act as a [national ethos catalyst] marking both the [total break down of the former capitalism based social order/contract], and the [first shock of the newlife]. This last is indicated to [crystallize/solidify] the [north american] version of [bogscoms] into existence, as well as to propel the [emotional catalyst of active revolution] in late Summer of 2009. We will *not* provide details of the particular episode referenced as we do not wish to provide any 'front loading' of the situation to the collective mind. The [cohesion] factor will be [under appreciated] by TPTB and to their detriment. As the aware observer goes about their business through the rest of Winter, and into 2009, they will need to keep attention focused on their immediate environment, but their awareness placed securely on the underlying social currents that are capable of producing the seeming random act of violence, and even more devastating, the deliberate response of officialdom. The data sets would indicate that this attitude of awareness will be *most* useful in late August, and through September of 2009. So a few months to cultivate consciousness to a higher degree. We remind the aware observer that a universe harmonious awareness requires good nutritional support, and none better than pies seem to exist.


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Both Igor and I are very pleased to be wrong about the earthquakes, and now consider ourselves just a couple of chuckleheads. Perhaps this will also be the case with previous subscribers, that is to consider us both chuckleheaded dementia afflicted technotwisted humans, and we can forget all about these reports in favor of more important work that the universe just might present once we give up our efforts at this particular form of public lunacy. But probably not. Thanks for participating in ALTA series 909. Please adjust your seatbelts for a rude landing to a reality near you. Any problems you may experience adjusting to this reality *may* be alleviated by a large slice of pie and a long nap. Laborum addendum: this is the last of the 909 series of reports. The problems with paypal subscription processing necessitates that we shift over to a [buy now] button, and as such will need to adjust some of our programming here at HPH. We will provide a PDF version of the complete ALTA 909 series in a few days, and will send out announcement via email of its availability at that time. We also anticipate having the paypal issues resolved shortly, and will provide a [buy now] button for the next series, *but* please be advised the projection is for the first report in that series to be available only at the *end* of the first week in January. This is due to the extra effort needed to scrub out the data base and to reset the processing code as well as to tune the lexicon. So to repeat, we do not anticipate the first (Part Zero) report of the 1109 series until approximately January 10th. Plenty of time to come to your senses and pursue other forms of mental illness.


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