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LIFE CYCLE Life cycle represents the stage at which all person passes from birth to death. PERIODS OF LIFE CYCLE: a. Prenatal period b. Infancy period c. Toddler period d. Preschool period e. Middle years/ school age period f. Puberty and adolescence period g. Early adulthood period h. Middle adulthood period i. Late adulthood period DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC THEORY I.


SIGMUND FREUD - the father of psychoanalysis -his theory emphasized that personality is primarily shaped by childhood experiences that are never actually forgotten and merely stored in the unconscious for convenience. -also believed that man is born with fixed amount of sexual energy called LIBIDO. LIBIDO- refers that force by which the sexual instinct is represented in mind. -it focuses specific areas of the body called EROGENOUS ZONES. FREUDS STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY A. ID -contains the instinctual drives -operates on pleasure principle -the translation of need to drive is called primary process B. EGO -the conscious connects the person to the outside world through the senses. EGO LEVELS OF AWARENESS: a. CONCIOUS -the here and now and in contact with reality b. UNCONCIOUS -contains the partially forgotten memories to recalled at will

c. UNCONCIOUS -the largest part of the brain, contains memories that are forgotten and cannot be brought back to consciousness at will C. SUPEREGO -as the ego struggles to keep the id satisfied, the ego meets objects that actually assist in attaining its goal as well as objects that serve as obstacles to fulfill the demands of the id. LIFE AND DEATH INSTINCTS LIFE INSTINCTS -also called as Eros perpetuate: a. the life of the individual b. the life of species



ERIK ERIKSON -is a Freudian ego- psychologist ANXIETY -a person experiences anxiety when his very existence is threatened -feeling that something bad is about to happen DIFFERENT ANXIETIES: A. REALISTIC ANXIETY -this is anxiety arising from actual threat from the outer physical world which we can call fear. B. MORAL ANXIETY -anxiety that arises from the internalized social world of the superego. C. NEUROTIC ANXIETY -this is the fear of being overwhelmed by impulses from the id. PSYCHOTHERAPY -also known as TALK THERAPY MAJOR POINTS OD PSYCHOTHERAPY: A. RELAXED ATMOSPHERE -for the client to feel free to express anything, he must feel relaxed and secured.

B. ABREACTION -removal of symptoms by causing the patient to remember and verbalize suppressed feelings associated with the symptoms with the aid of hypnosis. C. FREE ASSOCIATION -it means asking and allowing the client to talk about anything that comes to mind. D. RESISTANCE -occurs when patient is unable or unwell to recount memories. E. DREAM ANALYSIS -in sleep, we are somewhat less resistant to our unconscious and we will allow a few things, in symbolic form come to awareness. F. PARAPRAXES -refer to slips of the tongue often called a FREUDIAN SLIP. G. TRANSFERENCE -occurs when a client displaces or projects toward the therapist feelings and wishes toward other persons that have been part of the clients life. H. COUNTERTRANSFERENCE -is the opposite of transference. I. CATHARSIS -is the sudden and dramatic outpouring of emotion that occurs when the trauma is resurrected. J. INSIGHT -is being aware of the source of the emotion of the original traumatic event. LEVELS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY: 1. SUPPORTIVE THERAPY -this type of psychotherapy reinforces clients self esteem, ability to adapt and sense of emotional well being. 2. REEDUCATIVE THERAPY -this type aims to help the client learn new ways of coping perceiving and behaving. 3. RECONSTRUCTIVE THERAPY -this type focuses on all aspects of the clients life in which restructuring of the emotional and cognitive aspects of the self are the goals of treatment and usually take place 2 or more years.



HARRY STACK SULLIVAN -was trained in psychoanalysis but later disagreed with many of Freuds beliefs and formulated his own Interpersonal Theory. PERSONA -is the I or me that one talks about when referring to the self and includes all the attitudes, feelings and ideas about oneself. THREE BASIC WAYS IN SELF SYSTEM: a. GOOD ME -this self system comes from those experiences and behaviors when anxiety is reduced and satisfaction and security is experienced. -it is the part of the self that is usually shared and shown to others. b. BAD ME -this self esteem comes from those experiences when anxiety is not reduced and rejection and tension is experienced. c. NOT ME -when severe anxiety occurs, it causes confusion causing the individual to be unable to learn and integrate information into the personality.



JEAN PIAGET -centers on the ways that children think and acquire knowledge. SCHEMA -a person is born with an innate knowledge structure which initially enables the person to behave and interact with the environment. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT occurs by adding new knowledge to the old schema and adjusting schema to accommodate the new arrivals: a. ASSIMILATION -incorporation of new knowledge to the existing knowledge. b. ACCOMODATION -modification of the existing body of knowledge in a person based on the newly acquired knowledge. c. ADAPTATION -assimilation and accommodation are the two sides of adaptation.



LEARNING -is defined as a change in behavior resulting from repeated practice TYPES OF LEARNING: 1. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING OR RESPONDENT CONDITIONING -a Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov developed this theory that learning occurs when events occur closely together in time. -by repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with another stimulus that provokes a specific response, the neutral stimulus alone will eventually evoke the same response. 2. OPERANT CONDITIONING -B.F.Skinner developed this theory which purposes that learning occurs as a result of consequences of persons action 3. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY -Albert Bandura is a major proponent of this theory which uses both classical and operant conditioning and incorporates the reciprocal interaction between person and environment. -a person learns a behavior by imitating the behavior or a role model.

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