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LawofTort Law of Tort

Principles of tort oftort

Law gives various rights to persons Lawgivesvariousrights topersons Adutyimposedby lawtorespectthelegal rightofothers right of others Whenarightisinfringed,thewrongdoeris liableintort liable in tort

When a tort is committed, the remedy is an Whenatortiscommitted,theremedyisan actionfordamages,i.e.compensationfor g infringement

Crime,tortandbreachofcontract Crime, tort and breach of contract

Prohibitedbylaw The state prosecute the offender Thestateprosecutetheoffender Punishablebyfineorimprisonment

B th t t d b Bothtortandbreachofcontractare h f t t
Civilwrongs Thepersonwrongedsuesinacivilcourtfor compensation

Tortious and contractual liability andcontractualliability

They are similar in that Theyaresimilarinthat
Botharecivilwrongs;and Thepersonwrongedsuesinthecourtfor p g compensation

Inatortious claim,thedefendantmaynothave anyprevioustransactionorrelationshipwiththe claimant l i t Inacontractualclaim,thedefendantandclaimant mustbethepartiestothecontract must be the parties to the contract

Wronganddamage Wrong and damage

You have to prove your loss if you want to Youhavetoproveyourlossifyouwantto claimdamage
No loss no compensation Noloss,nocompensation E.g.Page226

E Exercise i

Remotenessofdamage Remoteness of damage

When a person commits a tort with the Whenapersoncommitsatortwiththe intentionofcausinglossorharm whichinfact resultsfromthewrongfulact,thelossorharm results from the wrongful act the loss or harm canneverbetooremoteaconsequence.
i e You are liable to the loss or harm caused by i.e.Youareliabletothelossorharmcausedby youwhenyouhaveintentiontodoso

Damages will be awarded for it Damageswillbeawardedforit Page227228

Assignment2 Assignment 2 3a
Compare and contrast tortious liability and andcontrasttortious liabilityand contractualliability Comparebetweentortious liabilityand contractualliabilityintermsof: l li bili i f
Similarity Differences

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