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iPod Cozy
By Kayleen Grage I used the owl cable pattern from Sara Amorosos Who? hat.


Spare yarn from another project it doesnt take much o Azapa (Color 819) by Aruacania Yarns (198 yards per skein, 100g) o Malabrigo Worsted Merino (Pearl Ten, 216 yards per skein) US 4 dpn Stitc h marker Tape stry needle 2 tiny buttons Sewing thread Fits an iPod Touch


Special Skills:

Double Knit: worked with two dpn: *k 1, sl 1* across (worked Worked with Azapa yarn wrong side out) C4B: slip next two stitches onto cable needle and hold to back of work, knit next two stitches from the left needle, then knit the two slipped stitches from the cable needle (result is a cable stitch crossing in the front, to the right) C4F: slip next two stitches onto cable needle and hold to front of work, knit next two stitches from the left needle, then knit the two slipped stitches from the cable needle (result is a cable stitch crossing in the back, to the left)


CO 24 stitches. Double knit for 6 rows (*k1, sl1* across 12 times). Transfer stitches to two dpn (I hold two dpn side by side in my right hand, grabbing the knit stitches with one needle and the slipped stitches with the other needle). Weave in the cast on end. Turn work right side out, pm for knitting in the round. Divide stitches on 4 dpn (6-6-6-6). The owl is worked on needles 1 and 2. Rounds 1-3: p2, k8, p2, k to end Round 4: p2, C4B, C4F, p2, k to end Rounds 5-11: same as round 1 Round 12: same as round 4 Round 13: same as round 1 Rounds 14-15: p2, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, p2, k to end Round 16-17: same as round 1 Round 18: same as round 4 Round 19: same as round 1 Round 20-24: k Round 25-31: p1, *k2, p2* around to last stitch, p1

Worked with Malabrigo yarn

Bind off in pattern. Weave in end. Sew on buttons for eyes.


Transferring from double knit to knit in the round: I hold two dpn side by side in my right hand, grabbing the knit stitches with one needle and the slipped stitches with the other needle. Owl pattern: Knit a bit looser on the cable stitches for the owl, because otherwise it will suck in the cozy a bit and make it smaller. Eyes: It is easier to sew on the button eyes after Round 19. Length: After the owl (Rnd 19), knit 5-7 rows or 1/2 from the desired length. Work the 2x2 rib for 6-7 rounds until it covers the iPod I like it to be at least one row longer than the iPod. o Slip the iPod into the cozy to see how long it needs to be. 2x2 Rib: It looks better if you have the purl stitch on the ends so the rib is centered on the iPod.

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