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Which Leader Would I Choose?

Jose Guardiola Solon was one of the leaders of Athens whom helped democracy progress. Solon is believed to have come to power by being chosen by his fellow Athenians. He created reforms that in the short term were not successful but in the long term are believed to have been a strong foundation for Democracy. One of his strengths is he was recorded to have a way with words; you can see it in his poetry that he was a great speaker. A weakness of his is although he is artistically inclined and agreeable his reforms are said to have not worked and even momentarily inconvenience the greek people. Historians even believe that Solons reforms were created to make the poor have to adapt to the new economy Solon proposed rather than changing the economy to help the poor, whom where a huge majority of the population of Athens. Although Solon created foundations for Democracy many believe he maintained the main power throughout his whole life and it is said later in his ruling many did not agree with his ruling. He even wrote poetry about how much he did not like certain upper class individuals and they did not like him. He stood for the lower class, but many of his reforms hurt the lower class. The government type that Solon participate in encouraged everyone to voice their opinion, but at the end he had final say. The principles of democracy he proposed created an environment for free thought and free speech, but it also created certain economic weakness. Before Solon came to power Athens had little international industry and did not give much power to the individual. Although Solon did not help Athens economy or their political system too much he did set the foundation for one of the greatest forms of government the world has ever seen and without him Democracy would never have been achieved. Adolf Hitler was the democratically elected president of Germany who converted the country to a form of fascism. The mans strengths are said to have been his power to communicate his message and his talents in speaking. A weakness of his was that he was also very temperamental. In the government he controlled he encouraged a feeling of superiority to those who fit his standards of what qualifies a human being, and those who did fit his standards were given an upper hand in the world. Those who did not were killed. Under his government business was encouraged but freedom of speech was not. You could not speak out against the Nazi party. Before Adolf Hitler, Germany was a third world country. During Adolf Hitlers ruling, Germany was a powerful country that was growing economically and also growing in territory. After Adolf Hitlers ruling Germany had returned to being practically a third world country, but soon after it started industrializing. Porfirio Diaz was democratically elected into power, however many historians, as well as citizens of Mexico, consider him a dictator. He abolished all other political parties leaving himself as the last and final word in all cases. His strengths were both in military and diplomacy. He fought as a general against the French when they were trying to control Mexico in 1857-1861 and afterwards he ran for president. He was also considered to be among the greatest politicians in Mexican history, although it is commonly accepted as a fact that he stayed in power far too long. That was his main weakness; he didnt know when to quit. Under the leadership of president Diaz mexico had its golden age economically. The peso, Mexican currency, was valued at 3.2 dollars per peso. Currently it is valued at 13.2 dollars per peso. Mexico was considered an economic power equal to France and England. For those who had no money, the government gave them enough to live. He encouraged a person to have economic strengths, however not many political strengths. People were allowed to speak out against Porfirio Diazs government, however they were not allowed to challenge it. Few people had any complaints until the Mexican Revolution which ended in 1917 with Porfirio Diaz being

overthrown by a democratic party and a new constitution being written that was accepted in 1920. Before Porfirio diaz came to power Mexico was violent and oppressed by European powers. During his ruling Mexico was the economic equivalent of Europe and progressing with education becoming more prominent and a rise of the middle class. After his power Mexico fell into the hands of corrupt politicians and drug cartels, but at least a president can only serve one six year term in Mexico. King Henry II inherited his position as king and during the decision for who is the rightful heir to the throne all other opponents mysteriously died. Among his strengths there was his power to listen to others and their advice. He was said to take in what peasants requested and needed and help them, unlike his mother, the previous empress. A weakness of his was that he was not able to gain much respect from opposing politicians. Both of his parents, the King of Scotland and the Queen of Whales were against most of his efforts. Under his ruling he rebuilt his empire after years of destruction and tyranny from the civil war. He rebuilt forts in the north and gained land from the King of Scotland moving the border further up and strengthening his power. The people were encouraged to live peacefully and safely. The people were unfortunately also encouraged to practice Anglo supremacy over the Welsh and other groups. People were also not allowed to practice free speech, press, religion, etc. Before his ruling the country was destroyed from a civil war. During his ruling it was rebuilding and regaining strength, and after his ruling it continued to grow. He was considerable a good king and leader. The leader I would pick would be Porfirio Diaz. Although he was a dictator he cared about the people, otherwise he would not have done so much good for all of the Mexican people. Under Porfirio Diazs Mexico violence was low, GDP for the nation and per capita was high, it was a competing economically with the most powerful economies of its time and the people had access to medical service, education and any other form of welfare. He wanted all Mexicans to progress and allowed freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. He cared immensely for human rights and that is why he is my favorite leader of these four. Hitler was the worst leader because of his hatred for the minority. He wanted Germans to progress, but only some Germans. He made the German economy a powerful one, but human rights were violated and that is why he is the worst world leader to have existed.

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