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2011 - 2012




Bexap es ganador del mximo

galardn que otorga SAP a sus socios de negocio

Historia de xito
Velsimex nutre su propio crecimiento con SAP Business One.

Cierre de Ao Financiamiento Bexap SAP Business One 8.82 Historia Bexap Centroamrica

Conexin-Bexap Lder Mundial en SAP Business One Es una revista de Tecnologa y es publicada por Bexap S.A. de C.V., 2011, Editada por Bexap en Av. de La Palma No. 8, 3er. Piso, Col. San Fernando La Herradura, Huixquilucan, Estado de Mxico. Mxico. "TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS PROHIBIDA LA REPRODUCCIN PARCIAL O TOTAL; INCLUYENDO CUALQUIER MEDIO ELECTRNICO O MAGNTICO, CON FINES COMERCIALES", Pblicada y distribuida por Bexap, S.A. de C.V.

Carta del Editor Bexap Training Day 201 Financiamiento Financiamiento Bexap SAP Business All-in-One

Carta del Editor

03 Estimados Lectores: 04 05
Como parte de algunas actividades que llevamos a cabo para lograr un mayor acercamiento con nuestros clientes, Bexap cada ao, lleva a cabo un evento con el objetivo de presentar las ltimas novedades y actualizaciones del mundo de SAP Business One as como establecer un acercamiento ms estrecho con cada uno de ustedes. Este ao, con el xito esperado, se llev a cabo el 20 de septiembre en el "El Lunario" del Auditorio Nacional nuestro Bexap Training Day 2011 en donde contamos con la participacin de ms de 120 de nuestros clientes. Al comenzar la actividad, nuestro Director General, Jos Aranda, agradeci el apoyo que a travs de estos 9 aos hemos obtenido de nuestros clientes y socios de negocios, haciendo un especial reconocimiento a los clientes que nos visitaron desde el interior de la Repblica: Distribuidora PJ de Puebla, Distribuidora de PVC de Toluca, Productores Unidos del Ro Petatln , PURP de Sinaloa, Canfer de Monterrey, ITG de Puebla y Cerracomex de Quertaro. Durante el evento, contamos con la participacin de SAP Dell, , Visual D, Argentis, SoluOne y Microsoft en donde se trataron diversos temas como el Comercio Electrnico, SAP Business One Movilidad, Planeacin de Inventarios Avanzados, MS Office 365, Infraestructura, Almacenamiento y las Soluciones Pos Business One, entre otros, con el objetivo de exponer a nuestros clientes las nuevas herramientas para beneficiar sus negocios. Al finalizar el evento como agradecimiento a la confianza y la asistencia al encuentro, Gabriela Ortega, Gerente de Customer Zone, present las promociones exclusivas que ofreci Bexap a nuestros clientes asistentes. Para Bexap nuestros clientes son lo ms importantes por ello agradecemos el apoyo y su asistencia para que este acontecimiento haya sido un xito. Esperamos contar con su presencia el prximo ao y para aquellos que no pudieron asistir a este no se pierdan la oportunidad de hacerlo en Bexap Training Day 2012.


Empresas Mexicanas fortalecindose para competir con los mercados mundiales Customer Zone Bexap Best Service Lo ms vendido del ao Funcionalidas SBO 8.82 Historia de xito Velsimex Tips & Tricks Cierre de ao Carta SAP Historia Bexap Centroamrica

06 / 07

08 / 11 12 / 14 15 16

Reconocimientos 2011

Gracias al compromiso de cada uno de nuestros colaboradores y a la confianza de nuestros clientes y socios de negocio, Bexap de nuevo como el mejor y ms exitoso partner de SAP en Amrica Latina.

SME Global Volume Partner of the Year-Small and Midsize Enterprise SAP Pinnacle Awards 2011.

Indirect Customer Satisfaction Survey Award 2011 SAP Awards 2011.

New Customers SAP Business One 2011 Latin America Partner Summit 2011.

Direccin Editorial 3


Empresas mexicanas
Crdito simple:
Intereses deducibles Equipo propiedad del cliente Depreciacin Solo venta equipo

SAP Business All-in-One

Financiamiento Bexap
Bexap ha desarrollado alianzas con diferentes proveedores para poder ofrecer a sus clientes diversas opciones de financiamiento las cuales son:

fortalecindose para competir en los mercados mundiales.

Leasing puro:
Mensualidad total deducible Equipo propiedad de arrendadora Devolucin equipo

n un reciente estudio, el Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Geografa (INEGI) determin un incremento de 19.4% en exportaciones totales en Mxico mientras que el Banco Mundial calific al pas como quinto lugar para hacer negocios en Latinoamrica superando a pases como Brasil y Argentina, entre otros. Ante ello, las empresas mexicanas se han visto en la necesidad de incrementar su potencial de competitividad para no quedar al margen del crecimiento econmico. De esta forma, las empresas activas Mexicanas no slo deben contemplar el mercado nacional para buscar oportunidades de negocio, ya que las condiciones econmicas han ido modificando los modelos de negocio nacionales as como las oportunidades de desarrollo y nuevos negocios para las empresas medianas que estn en crecimiento. Ante ello, todas las industrias se han visto obligadas a innovar y reforzar su estructura para poderse insertar a la globalizacin de forma competitiva, es decir, con la capacidad de responder a cambios de manera rpida y con una estructura de costos bajos.

Leasing financiero:
Intereses deducibles Equipo propiedad del cliente Depreciacin Devolucin de equipo

As, BXTi se ha especializado en la migracin de la solucin SAP Business One a SAP Business All-in-One, migrando e implementando soluciones ERP basadas en las necesidades particulares de aquellas empresas que buscan tener en Mxico y Amrica Latina un crecimiento acelerado y mejor estructurado. Las soluciones de basadas en SAP Business All-in-One de BXTi y su especializacin en la migracin de SAP Business One a SAP Business All-in-One brinda a las empresas que inician este proceso una asesora especializada en los diferentes problemas administrativos, de control y crecimiento todo bajo una inversin razonable en funcin de sus necesidades y tamao para que estas empresas logren insertarse en la dinmica de crecimiento. BXTi da una atencin especializada a todas las empresas que cuentan con SAP Business One, ofreciendo productos y servicios a la medida de las medianas empresas con valores agregados de acuerdo a los procesos y temas relevantes por atender para cada sector. As, el objetivo principal de BXTi es acompaar e impulsar el crecimiento de sus clientes con el apoyo de la solucin SAP Business All-in-One.

Ventajas Arrendamiento
Herramienta para que el cliente pueda adquirir lo que la empresa necesita y no nicamente comprar lo que la empresa est en condiciones de pagar al contado. Mantener a la vanguardia tecnolgica. Evita que el cliente utilice su efectivo operacional para compra de equipo. La compra de equipo de computo (IT) software compite con recursos disponibles con otros requerimientos del negocio del cliente (expansin de planta, inventarios,etc). Va para del cliente para hacer accesible sus requerimientos de software y equipo por medio de rentas mensuales que simplifican el proceso de toma de decisiones. Acrcate a Bexap y pregunta por las diferentes opciones de financiamiento que tenemos para ti.

Para obtener mayores datos de la solucin, consulta


Customer Zone

Funcionalidad SAP Business One versin 8.82

Planificacin de necesidades de material (MRP)
Mejoras en la MRP El mdulo Planificacin de necesidades de material (MRP) se ha mejorado de las siguientes maneras:


Asistente de MRP: Ms fuentes de datos de documentos para el clculo de MRP (por ejemplo, acuerdos globales, transacciones peridicas, solicitudes de traslado, etc.) y seleccin de documentos flexible. Funcin sumamente mejorada de seleccin de artculos y almacenes en la ejecucin de MRP . Control extendido de los datos de planificacin de artculos en la ejecucin de MRP . Opciones de cumplimiento expandidas a nivel del inventario (mximo y necesario). Planificacin histrica activada. Clculo del tiempo de entrega automtico activado. Incorporacin de funciones de visualizacin y clculo de los datos futuros. Informe mejorado de recomendaciones y visualizacin de los resultados del asistente. Informe de recomendaciones de pedido: Mens que se activan al hacer clic con el botn derecho y que permiten analizar el artculo antes de enviar el documento recomendado. Opcin activada para seleccionar las ofertas de compra que se crearn en lugar del pedido recomendado. Alertas activadas para las recomendaciones.

Lo ms vendido del ao

Integracin: iPhone/iPad

Solicitud de traslado: La solicitud de traslado es un documento nuevo que se incluye en SAP Business One 8.82. Ahora puede definir una solicitud de traslado como un nuevo tipo de recomendacin de MRP De esta manera, MRP . recomendar la solicitud de traslado entre los almacenes antes de recomendar los pedidos o las rdenes de fabricacin. Numeracin semanal: Se proporcionan tres opciones para calcular la numeracin semanal en la ventana Fechas de vacaciones. Su definicin aqu afectar la presentacin de las recomendaciones y las previsiones de MRPsegn las semanas. Previsin: Mtodos mejorados de seleccin de artculos Generacin activada de previsiones segn el historial de ventas Botones de aumento y disminucin para ajustar las cantidades pronosticadas

Historia de xito

Historia de xito

Agrochemica ls Maker Nurtures Its Own Growth with SAP Business One
Quick facts
Company Name: Velsimex SA de CV Location: Alvaro Obregon, Mexico Industry: Chemicals Products and services: Agrochemicals Revenue: US$41 million Employees: 85 Web site: Implementation partner: Bexap Challenges and Opportunities Integrate business processes Increase business data reliability Speed delivery of financial reports Provide manufacturing resource planning functionality Make information easier for decision makers to identify and understand Improve software supportability Objectives Grow from 5th place to 3rd in the market within 4 years Enable this growth by implementing modern, comprehensive, integrated enterprise resource planning softwar SAP Solutions and Services SAP Business One application Implementation Highlights Performed complex implementatio in 5 months, on schedule Standardized processes to conform with best practices supported by SAP ailored SAP Business One to maximize tax advantages on inventory accounting Engaged best people from every department to be project leaders Why SAP Best match with technical requirements Ease of use for everyone, including the CEO Prevalence among best-run companies Excellence displayed by partner Benefits Enabled 30% revenue growth in 1 year Cut financial closing time from 6 or 7 days to 1 day Saved hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in taxes Facilitated weekly delivery of financial reports to CEO Improved data reliability Sped up collection of overdue payments Increased inventory visibility Increased control of product distribution Improved confidence in productions ability to satisfy orders Gave executives a complete picture of company operations Increased overall productivity Boosted customer satisfaction Put company on track to achieve goal of becoming number 3 in the market within 4 years Inspired move to SAP Business One by 3 sister companies, which are enjoying similar benefits Sister Companies Share Velsimex developed a set of technical Business Software and Its specifications for its new software with detailed requirements for all Issues aspects of its business. The company Velsimex manufactures and distribu- then invited several vendors to present tes herbicides, fungicides, insectici- their solutions including Bexap, an des, and other agrochemical products SAP channel partner that specializes over 400 in all for Mexicos farms. in SAP Business One. The other The company is funded by Mexican companies all made wild, unsupporand German investors that have ted claims, Saavedra reports. capitalized several other Mexican Bexaps people took a totally different companies in related businesses. approach, starting by developing an Velsimex maintains close relations- in-depth understanding of our hips with these companies, especially complex organizational structure and at the IT level where they exchange the challenges we faced. Then they experiences and advice on the developed a model of our operations business software they share, which and demonstrated how well SAP was a common problem in the past. Business One could support them. We all had the same issues with our legacy software an old, unstable, poorly supported and poorly integrated application that delivered suspect results, explains Saavedra. With our goal of taking over third place in our market, we were the first to do something about it. We resolved to deploy a modern, integrated solution based on best practices. Saavedra and his IT team evaluated SAP Business One and found that it matched up extremely well against the requirements, The IT decision was easy, he recalls, but the real clinching factor was Bexaps presentation to our CEO of the application operating with our corporate model. The partner even developed something we call a balanced scorecard, a presentation of the highlevel information he needs to know in digital dashboard form. Once he saw how easily he could use the software to do his job better, the decision was made. Velsimex Meets Schedule Despite Challenges Because it had invested in understanding Velsimexs corporate structure, Bexap knew the implementation would be complex and planned accordingly. There were a number of challenges: First, Velsimexs two plants employ another business application that had to be integrated with SAP Business One. Second, nearly half of its employees work remotely, and they needed to be able to access the application. Third, because of an agreement reached with Mexicos tax authorities, Velsimex stood to save substantially by employing a last-in-first-out (LIFO ) inventory accounting method instead of the standard average-cost method. Last, because the company had been forced into many unproductive business processes by the legacy software, it had to make a wholesale change to standardized processes based on best practices supported by SAP a move that initially met with considerable opposition. 9

SAP Business One was the most important IT decision we reached and the best investment we made in six years. Ramon Saavedra Mendez, IT Manager, Velsimex SA de CV

Velsimex SA de CV, Mexicos fifth-largest agrochemicals company, has a corporate goal of becoming the third largest within four years. We knew it would be impossible without better business software, so we moved to the SAP Business One application, says Ramon Saavedra Mendez, the firms IT manager. With the improved productivity the software enabled in every department, we are well on our way. We grew 30% in one year alone, which we could not have achieved without the application.

Historia de xito
The team addressed all its challenges systematically. We chose our best people from each department to assume leadership in configuring the solution and establishing the new processes. We then had them explain the benefits to the rest of our people, and we conducted extensive user training, Saavedra relates. We also completely overhauled our product catalog for more efficient operation, tailored SAP Business One for the LIFO accounting method, and configured the solution to communicate well with our plants and remote personnel. In addition, we used the SAP Crystal Reports software included with SAP Business One to develop a number of reports that capitalize on our information availability to present it in the most easily understood form. It was a lot to accomplish, but we did it in five months, right on the schedule Bexap had predicted. When we went live with SAP Business One, we immediately recognized we were no longer in prehistoric times and had entered the modern era. Purchasing Leads the Way in Reaping Benefits The project has delivered profound benefits to every department of Velsimex. Saavedra ranks them in order of improvements experienced, starting with purchasing, the biggest beneficiary of all. Our legacy application had no materials requirements planning functionality at all, and consequently our purchasing agents had little guida ce in knowing what materials to order to satisfy production needs, he says. Now, using one of our reports, they can easily see accurate, up-to-date data on materials required, current stock, existing orders with delivery dates, and lead times for new materials. This has greatly improved their effectiveness at buying what we truly need no more and no less. Finance and accounting are close behind in enjoying benefits. With our legacy system, gathering information for periodend closing was laborious, and even then we did not trust it. Often electronic data did not match our paper records, which made our CEO very nervous about releasing financial reports, states Saavedra. Therefore it used to take six or seven days to issue statements. Now, with the timely, trustworthy, and complete financial data that SAP Business One automatically delivers, we have cut that down to one day while saving a lot of effort. Sales, Warehousing, and Distribution Collaborate Tightly When we went live with SAP Business One, we immediately recognized we were no longer in prehistoric times and had entered the modern era. Ramon Saavedra Mendez, IT Manager, Velsimex SA de CV

In inventory management, users have far better visibility into products in place and on the way from the plants, each of which accesses SAP Business One via When we went live with SAP Business One, we immediately recognized we were no longer in prehistoric times and had entered the modern era. an Internet connection. Our on-time delivery record is better, reports Saavedra. In addition, SAP Business One issues alerts to our sales reps telling them when deliveries will be made so that they can tell their customers. Both of these The LIFO inventory accounting method improvements have led to increased custotailoring that Bexap performed makes it mer satisfaction. easy for Velsimex to benefit from its Sales personnel also have better control of taxation agreement. We are saving credit since SAP Business One maintains hundreds of thousands of dollars annually credit limit information and provides on taxes, Saavedra reports. Furthermo- workflow tools for authorizing the use of re, if and when our agreement expires, credit. In addition, reps receive daily reports SAP Business One will make it straight- on payments due from their customers. forward to revert to the average-cost With visibility into aging invoices, they are method. better equipped to collect, leading to a better on-time payment record and improved communications between sales and accounts receivable. Sales communicates better with distribution as well now that reps can see all transfers accomplished and planned. Likewise, distribution finds it easier to monitor transfers between the main warehouse and satellite inventory locations. Finally, production appreciates having business software it can trust. Material requirements planning and bill of materials functionality allow it to plan better. Accurate inventory information is especially useful in coping with deviations from standard manufacturing requirements. We are confident that our four-year plan to take over third place will succeed. There is no question that SAP Business One is playing a very substantial role in helping us get there. Ramon Saavedra Mendez, IT Manager, Velsimex SA de CV

Sister Companies Follow Suit and Are Glad They Did Fortunately for the sister companies in Velsimexs corporate family, Saavedra and his team have been generous in sharing their experiences with SAP Business One. We told them that SAP Business One was the most important IT decision we reached and the best investment we made in six years, he says. Based on our recommendation, three of these companies joined us in replacing their legacy software with SAP Business One, and they are all enjoying the same kind of benefits we are. Next we are planning to use it to replace the business software in our plants. That will make a total of six implementations of SAP Business One for which we can claim significant responsibility. Velsimexs first year with SAP Business One occurred during the recent worldwide recession that impacted Mexico as much as other countries, but sales rose 10% nonetheless. The following year, with a rebounding economy, the company enjoyed a 30% revenue growth. Sales have continued to increase since then, and we are confident that our fouryear plan to take over third place will succeed, Saavedra concludes. There is no question that SAP Business One is playing a very substantial role in helping us get there. 50



Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks


1.- Primeramente el cierre se deber hacer en un ambiente de pruebas.
Saldo final 31.12.2011 que es la fecha de cierre y la fecha de saldo inicial 0 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 2 como apertura de ejercicio.

5.- Se colocan las fechas de

2.- Los periodos contables debern estar desbloqueados

6.- Se muestra el avance del cierre

7.- Se repite el paso 4 para hacer el traslado de la utilidad

3.- Se debern dar de alta 2 cuentas la primera es donde quedara el resultado del ejercicio a cerrar en este caso 2011, y la otra cuenta es una cuenta puente, ambas deben tener saldo cero. 4.- Se seleccionan socios de negocios y cuentas contables, el periodo a cerrar y se colocan las cuentas de arrastre de saldo (ejercicio a cerrar en este caso 2011), y colocar la cuenta de cierre del periodo (cuenta puente).

8.- Se genera un balance del 01.01.2012 hasta 31.12.2012

9.- Se observa que el balance cuadra



Tips & Tricks

Carta SAP
SAP Mxico y Centroamrica Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 600 220 Santa Fe 01210, Mxico D.F. T +52 55 5257-7500 F +52 55 5257-7501

10.- Se observa la Utilidad del ejercicio en la cuenta que le asignamos para el resultado 2011

SAP Mxico y Centroamrica

Mxico, Distrito Federal a 7 de noviembre de 2011. A quien corresponda:

11.- Se genera el balance

aadiendo saldos finales con la fecha del 01.01.2012 hasta 31.12.2012

En este acto hago de su conocimiento que Bexap, S.A. de C.V. (BEXAP) desde el inicio como canal de Business One ha sido reconocido por SAP en reiteradas ocasiones tanto a nivel local como a nivel regional y mundial. Muestra de lo antes mencionado es que Bexap ha sido reconocido por SAP Latinoamrica en distintos rubros los ultimos 3 aos, asimismo cabe destacar que durante 2007 obtuvo el primer lugar en niveles de venta para un VAR a nivel mundial dentro de toda la comunidad de partners de SAP Business One. Para efectos ilustrativos le detallo algunos de los premios regionales y globales obtenidos por Bexap:

12.- Se observa que cuadra el balance

2003 Best SAP Business One performance award / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Project leader / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One performance award / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest number of SAP Business One new customers / SAP Mexico & Central America. The Most strategic SAP Business One customer / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest number of SAP Business One new clients / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest number of SAP Business One Sales / SAP Mexico & Central America. Most successful SAP Business One Partner / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest number of SAP Business One implemented satisfactory accounts / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest SAP Business One Licenses Revenues quota achievement / SAP Latin America. Highest SAP Business One New Customers quota achievement / SAP Latin America. Best SAP Business One Senior Consultant / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Support Team / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest Number of SAP Business One new clients / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Sales executive in Colombia / SAP Andean & Caribbean. Best SAP Business One Marketing performance in Colombia / SAP Andean & Caribbean. Best SAP Business One New Names generation performance / SAP Andean & Caribbean. Best SAP Business One Quota Achievement / SAP Andean & Caribbean. Highest Number of SAP Business One new Clients / SAP Latin America .

2007 Best SAP Business One Support team / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Consultant team / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best Early Adapter SAP Business One 2007 / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Ramp Up / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Senior Consultant / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Marketing Performance in Colombia / SAP Andean & Caribbean. Best SAP Business One client Satisfaction Level / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest number of SAP Business One sales / SAP Mexico & Central America. Highest Number of SAP Business One New Clients / SAP Mexico & Central America. The Most Successful SAP Business one Partner / SAP Mexico & Central America. Best SAP Business One Marketing Strategy / SAP Mexico & Central America. First SAP Business One Partner worldwide in achieving membership of the B1 Million Dollar Club. 2008 Partner con el mayor nmero de clientes nuevos de SAP Business One. Partner con el Mejor Nivel de Satisfaccin de Implementacin de la solucin SAP Business One. 2009 Mayor Revenue y News Names SAP Business One. The Highest Revenue Achivement 2SAP Business One. 2010 EL Canal con el mayor sobre cumplimiento de cuota y mayores ventas de licencias de SAP Business One. 2011 SME Global Volume Partner of the Year Small and Midsize Enterprise. Indirect Customer Satisfaction Survey Award, Mxico y Centro America. New Customers SAP Business One, Latin America Partner Summit.



13.- Se verifica la utilidad del ejercicio 2011.


del ejercicio 2011.

14.- Verificamos la utilidad

Se deber realizar con el contador, y antes de hacerlo ya en productivo de favor generar un respaldo de la base de datos y generarlo en la base productiva cuando no haya ningn usuario conectado.


Asimismo, aprovecho la oportunidad para comentarle que las empresas que forman parte de la red social de negocio de SAP, son empresas independientes y autnomas de mi representada.
Atentamente, Eduardo Atri Mizrahi, Apoderado legal, SAP Mxico, S.A. de C.V.



Conoce la historia de Bexap Centroamrica

Bexap Centroamrica surge a inicios del ao 2008 en una visita del director de Bexap Mxico, Jos Aranda y del director de Operaciones Luis Martnez en bsqueda de un socio local que les permitiera ampliarse al mercado Centroamericano desde Guatemala, ya que dicho mercado vena creciendo ms rpido que los otros pases de Centroamrica respecto a la venta de SAP Business One. Por cuestiones del destino en esta misma visita despus de haberse reunido con otras empresas del giro de negocio de software, conocieron a Josu Cano actual director de Bexap Centroamrica. Josu Cano haba sido quien haba iniciado las ventas de SAP Business One en Guatemala cuatro aos antes, por tal motivo acordaron una reunin ese mismo da para hablar respecto a la posibilidad de iniciar con Bexap en Centroamrica. Luego de realizarse la misma al da siguiente el proyecto ya era una realidad, ya que tanto Jos Aranda, Luis Martnez y Josue Cano saban todo respecto al negocio.

Nacionales BEXAP MXICO Av. de La Palma No. 8, 3er. Piso Col. San Fernando La Herradura CP 52787, Huixquilucan, Edo. Mx. .

BEXAP MONTERREY Jos Benitez No. 2470, Int. C Col. Jardines del Cerro Obispado CP 64060, Monterrey, N.L. .

Oficinas Bexap Centroamrica Esta sinergia permiti que Bexap Centroamrica rpidamente fuera uno de los lderes en el mercado Guatemalteco. En el ao 2009 a pesar de la crisis mundial Bexap C.A. sigui en pleno crecimiento. Lo que les permiti que a inicios del ao 2010 SAP le diera acceso al mercado Hondureo, en donde al igual que en Guatemala rpidamente vendieron proyectos muy importantes. De tal manera que en este ao Bexap Centroamrica se ha consolidado como el partner lder de SAP y el mejor en cuanto a proyectos exitosos.

BEXAP GUADALAJARA Av Amricas 1545 Col. Providecia entre Sao Paulo y Valparaiso Torre HSBC Piso 21 of 2135 CP 44630, Guadalajara, Mxico. .

Internacionales BEXAP CENTROAMRICA Paseo Plaza Business Center Oficina 705, 3 Av. 12-38 Zona 10 Ciudad de Guatemala.

BEXAP HONDURAS Carretera a Puerto Cortes, Colonia Buenos Aires, 14 y 15 calle Noreste, frente a Banco Atlntida agencia los Robles.

BEXAP ESPAA Parc BIT- Edif. 17 CP 07121 Palma de Mallorca .
2011-2012 SAP AG. SAP y el logo son marcas registradas de SAP AG. en Alemania y otros pases. Cualquier otro nombre de producto o compaa mencionado en esta publicacin es marca registrada de sus respectivos titulares. Bexap Mxico S.A. de C.V. ("Bexap") no se reserva derecho alguno sobre las mismas.

01 800 087 239 27

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