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Hombres reacios y el estrs

How averse men cope with stress
A diferencia de las mujeres, los hombres no buscan ayuda, esto principalmente debido a la educacin recibida en cuanto a que ellos tienen que ser los Fuertes y soportar, siendo tambin la cabeza de la familia. Da a da, adems de la cotidianidad en el trabajo, sus responsabilidades, el estilo de vida acelerado y de cuestiones como el trfico vehicular, contribuyen a que tengan ms estrs y hay quienes de alguna manera logran aligerar esta carga distrayndose con ejercicio y algunos con meditacin. Unlike women, men do not seek help when they feel stressed this is mainly due to the education they received in which they are taught to be The strong one to be supportive and head of the family. In addition to this role they face with daily issues at work, responsibilities, and their fast paced lifestyle including enjoying everyday issues like traffic and commuting which increase the stress levels on every individual. Some men manage in some ways to lighten this burden distracting themselves with activities like sports and meditation.

La Terapia del Campo Mental es una forma fcil y rpida de ayuda. Con una terapia y sin necesidad de externar verbalmente su problema, elimina lo que ms conflicto le ocasiona y aprende a manejar el estrs, evitando a la larga alguna enfermedad. La resistencia a buscar ayuda muchas veces es por no poder platicar las cuestiones difciles de la vida, an con su pareja, por no mortificarla, entonces sacan al hombre valiente y se tragan todo. Y los que si llegan a comunicarlo, pasan el estrs a otros que ni siquiera pueden poner remedio a su situacin.

Therapy based on the mind field is an easy and quick way to help to ease the stress levels. With therapy the person do not necessary have to talk about the problem that is causing conflict and still the therapy can help to reduce stress by using techniques that help to manage stress levels and learn how to control it all these with the purpose of living a better quality of life and to prevent illnesses related to stress. Reluctant to look for help men are often not able to talk about life issues and difficulties, even with their partners as they want to avoid upsetting them or to make them concerned

Consultorios Hospital San Javier Nuevo Vallarta Suite 3310 Paseo de los Cocoteros no. 55 Fracc. Nutico Turstico, Nuevo Vallarta Municipio Baha de Banderas, Nay. Tel. (322) 297 06 00

Ma. Eugenia Cano Fonseca

Despus de aprender a quitar el estrs, aunada a esta forma de terapia, est la Programacin Neuro Lingstica, que ayuda a tener una actitud positiva ante la vida. about their problems therefore they play the role of the brave one and swallow everything for themselves. The ones that try to express these stress feelings and issues often have the sensation to be passing their own stress to others who can not really put a solution or ease the situation. After learning how to coupe and manage stress with this therapy it is advisable to continue with Neuro-Linguistic Programming therapy helps to have a positive attitude towards life.

Las 10 lesiones deportivas ms frecuentes en los hombres

The top 10 most frequent sports injuries for males
Cuando el hombre practica un deporte, puede tener lesiones ortopdicas, sobre todo los que practican poco deporte. Algunas lesiones son: Often when men practice some sports it is common for them to have some injuries specially orthopaedic ones, these number of injuries increase for those who does not exercise so often. Here are the top 10 most common injuries:

Esguince de tobillo (torcedura). Espoln calcneo, dolor en la planta del pie. Codo del tenista y del golfista. Lesin del ligamento cruzado de la rodilla. Lesin de los meniscos de la rodilla. Luxacin del hombro. Sinovitis y lesin del manguito rotador del hombro. Fracturas por estrs o fatiga. Sobre todo en los metatarsianos (huesos del pie). Desgarros musculares. Tendinitis.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sprained ankle (Twist). Heel spurs pain in the sole of the foot. Tennis or golfers elbow (lateral epicondylitis). Anterior cruciate ligament injury. Knee Meniscus injury. Shoulder Dislocation. Synovitis and damage to the rotator cuff. Fatigue or stress fractures. Especially in the metatarsal bones (foot bones). Muscle tears. Tendinitis. 

Todas estas lesiones, comnmente se producen por:

No usar el equipo adecuado (buenos tenis, raqueta o palo de golf del tamao adecuado). Falta de calentamiento y estiramiento. No practicar el deporte ideal y que le corresponda. Obesidad y falta de condicin fsica. Mala tcnica y Sobreesfuerzo. Practicar deporte en superficies irregulares e inadecuadas. No contar con un entrenador adecuado. La mayora de estas lesiones se tratan de manera conservadora como son: hielo, reposo, analgsicos, des inflamatorios, vendajes, infiltraciones con esteroides locales, pero en los casos ms graves puede incluso necesitar una ciruga.

These injuries are commonly caused by:

Improper equipment use (tennis racket or golf club with sizes according to the body composition of each individual). Lack of warm up and stretching before exercise Practicing a sport that does not fit well with body physical conditions. Obesity and lack of fitness. Overdoing or exerting oneself, lack of training or improper training. Playing sports on an uneven or inadequate surface. Not having a proper coach. Most of these injuries are treated conservatively as: ice, rest, analgesics, des inflammatory dressings, local steroid injections, but in severe cases may even need surgery.

How to prevent these injuries:

Make sport at least 3 times a week, avoid the weekends. Work out the entire body with cardio, stretching, and flexibility exercises. This will not only prevent injuries but help your strength and endurance Warm up and stretch for at least 10 minutes, keeping muscles stretched for 30 seconds for each group of muscles and for each side of the body. Increase your level gradually; avoid increasing the intensity more than 10% a week. Dont over exert yourself. Maintain regular moderate activities. Exercise with a professional trainer. Always wear appropriate and well fitting safety gear and use adequate facilities. Never play a sport with pain. Do relaxation exercises at the end of the sport. Choose a sport based on weight, height, musculature, taste, passion, and so on. The main goal of practicing a sport is to have fun and to enjoy it without pain or injuries.

Como prevenir estas lesiones:

Realice deporte por lo menos 3 veces a la semana, nunca de fin de semana. Haga ejercicios de calentamiento y estiramiento por lo menos durante 10 minutos, manteniendo estirado los msculos por 30 segundos cada grupo y cada lado, izquierdo y derecho. Nunca aumente la intensidad a ms del 10% semanal. Ejercite con un entrenador profesional. Utilice el equipo adecuado y en instalaciones adecuadas. Nunca practique un deporte con dolor. Realice ejercicios de relajacin al finalizar el deporte. Practique el deporte ideal segn su peso, estatura, musculatura, gusto, pasin, etc. El deporte es divertido. La meta es disfrutarlo sin dolor y sin lesin alguna.

DR.CHRISTIAN EDUARDO Suite 3310 Paseo de los Cocoteros Consultorios Hospital San Javier Nuevo VallartaHERNANDEZ CASILLASno. 55 Cuba 418 esq. Ecuador espaldas del estadio Vallarta Municipio Baha de Banderas, Nay. Fracc. Nutico Turstico, Nuevo Tel. (322) 2256 368 Cel. 044322 188 18 08 Tel. (322) 2970600 Cel. (322) 1378500 robertolaradelafuente

Dr. Roberto Lara de la Fuente. Cirujano Ortopedista. Especialista en la columna vertebral.

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Pap, al pasar tiempo de calidad conmigo me haces sentir querido y desarrollo un fuerte vnculo emocional y una autoestima saludable. Me siento seguro por tu sentido de proveerme en lo que necesito. Tu ejemplo masculino me permite distinguir las diferencias entre sexos, conozco los roles de mam y papa. Al escucharme, apoyarme y ayudarme en mis experiencias de alegra, tristeza, enojo, miedo y frustracin me das seguridad. Mi autoestima crece, soy ms feliz y seguro. Me haces sentir valorado. Me enseas la disciplina y me pones lmites. Me siento unido a ti cuando jugamos con tu estilo fsico (a las luchas, fut) esto ayuda a mi capacidad cognitiva. Tengo con quien hablar y cuento contigo para resolver mis y curiosidades, me ayudas a aprender sobre mi entorno. Eres una valiosa fuente de informacin, das respuestas las preguntas importantes de la vida. Me siento motivado a tener xito en la escuela, tengo menos probabilidad de abandonar mis estudios. Tengo mayor sentido de seguridad fsica y emocional. Me das una sensacin de confianza, no me preocupo de ser abandonado. Facilitas mi desarrollo moral. Me fortaleces para evitar caer en delincuencia, drogas o ser padre adolescente. Pap, gracias por estar a mi lado.

Dad by spending quality time with me you make me feel loved and you create a strong emotional bond between us helping me to build a healthy self-esteem. I feel safe on your way to provide me what I need. Your example allows me to distinguish male genders and difference between them; I know the role difference from you and mom. When you listen to me, I feel your support, which helps me with my experiences of joy, sadness, anger, fear and frustration, you provide me with security. My self-esteem grows, I feel happier and protected. You make me feel valued. you are constantly teaching me new things, discipline and boundaries. I get more attached to you when we play together, you teach me your moves and style (at soccer, wrestling, etc.) this help my cognitive abilities. I know that I have someone to talk to and count on, you to solve doubts and curiosities; you help me to be aware about my environment. You are a valuable source of information, you grant me with wise answers for important questions about life. I am motivated to succeed in school, on this way I have less likely to drop my studies. You provide me with a great sense of physical and emotional safety. You give me a sense of confidence; I am not worried about being abandoned. You give morals; you strengthen me to avoid falling in to crime, drugs or parenting teen. Daddy, Thank you for being by my side.

Feliz da del Padre!

Happy Fathers Day!.

Hidrata a tu bebe
Cool your baby!

Los bebs y nios son ms susceptibles a la deshidratacin debido a su peso corporal. Mantener su piel hidratada, ponle ropa fresca y colcalo en ambientes frescos para evitar una mayor prdida de lquidos, cbrele la cabeza y ofrcele pecho con ms frecuencia. Es probable que durante la poca de verano el nio tenga menos apetito, puedes suplirlo con ms comidas pequeas y con alimentos frescos, puedes dar un bibern adicional de agua mineral.

Babies and children are more susceptible to dehydration because of their body weight. Keeping their skin hydrated, to wear fresh clothes and to keep them in a cool environment helps to prevent fluid loss. Be sure to have a hat to cover their little heads. They will probably feel less hungry during summer time therefore during this season you can try to feed them with small meals but more often during the day, prepare these meal with fresh food and in addition you can give additional bottle of mineral water. 

Por qu los hombres bajan ms rpido de peso?

Why do men loose weight faster than women?

La composicin corporal del hombre y la mujer son diferentes, la mujer tiene en proporcin mayor porcentaje de grasa y un nivel ms bajo de protenas. El msculo en el hombre guarda una mayor cantidad de protenas, esto le cuesta al cuerpo quemar ms caloras. Por este motivo los hombres bajan ms rpido, ya que gastan ms caloras debido a una mayor cantidad de msculo que poseen. Sin embargo, la mujer tiene la misma capacidad de perder peso, el problema recae es que en la mujer existe un mecanismo de defensa que no se permite salir de su zona de confort en el ejercicio. El reto mental es que se debe agregar peso o disminuir el tiempo de descanso. Evala tu eficiencia en el gimnasio, debes tomar tiempo de tus descansos y olvidar las conversaciones que no te ayudan a alcanzar tus metas.

Mens body is building is different from women, as women have proportionately higher percentage of fat and a lower level of protein. Men have more muscle, this allows them to burn more calories, even when at rest. Women are predisposed to store and retain fat. Women have higher levels of estrogen, a hormone that works works to keep the fat on a womans body so its easier for her to get pregnant. That means women have to work harder to lose weight at the same rate as men. The challenge for women relies in adding higher weight while they exercising in the gym and reducing break spells and chit-chatting! Evaluate your efficiency in the gym, you should take a record of the time you are taking to rest and to exercise, focus on achieving your goals and leave aside any kind of distraction points. 5

El Ahorro de gas y electricidad con energa renovable, favorece a nuestro hogar y a nuestra salud
Saving gas and electricity with renewable energy, favours our home and our health

Por: Alternativa Solar

Los combustibles fsiles como; el petrleo, el carbn y el gas natural, se formaron hace millones de aos, a partir de restos orgnicos de plantas y animales que poblaron el mundo en sus distintas etapas de la evolucin del planeta, estos restos quedaron en el fondo de mares, lagos y otros cuerpos de agua; Que tras millones de aos y procesos de descomposicin permitieron las reacciones qumicas necesarias para transformar esos restos orgnicos en gas, petrleo o carbn.

Petroleum (or crude oil) was formed due to the decomposition of the prehistoric vegetable microorganisms and sea animal under high temperature, high pressure and in the absence of air. The remains of the dead micro organism sank to the bottom of the sea. Gradually, these were covered by sand and clay .Over a period of millions of years, these remains got converted into petroleum under the combined effect of high temperature, high pressure and bacteria in the absence of air. The petroleum so formed passed through porous rocks until it got trapped between some impervious (non-porous) rocks.

Actualmente los combustibles fsiles son un recurso no renovable.

Una alternativa que favorece en mucho nuestra calidad de vida, es utilizar la energa renovable, que son recursos naturales, generalmente obtenidos de la energa solar. Con ello evitamos las desventajas de un combustible fsil como; la emisin de gases que contaminan la atmsfera y que resultan txicos para la vida, adems de evitar un agotamiento de las reservas a corto o medio plazo. Por esta razn la Alternativa Solar PV, ofrece soluciones a nuestro medioambiente, a estos recursos y a su economa. Si bien adquirir sistemas alternos requiere de una inversin media-alta, pero ser de larga duracin. Por eso se llama la inversin inteligente.

This is considered a non-renewable resource.

An alternative that favors a lot our life quality is the usage of renewable energy, natural resources that are generally obtained from solar energy. This avoids the disadvantages of a fossil fuel such as, the emission of gases that pollute the atmosphere and are toxic to life, and avoid a depletion of short to medium term. For this reason, Alternative Solar Pv, offers solutions to benefit either the environment and to the economy in general. It is known that these alternative systems requires are considered a medium-high investment, but it will be a long term benefit, reason why it is called A smart investment.

Nieve de Limn / Lemon Sorbet

Zumo de 4 limones / Juice of 4 lemons 200 g de azcar / 200 g sugar 1/2 litro de agua / 1/2 litter of water 2 claras de huevo / 2 whites eggs Una cscara de 1 limn rallada / A grated zest of a lime 1/2 rama de canela o unas hojas de menta / 1/2 stick of cinnamon or mint leaves Pizca de sal / Pinch of salt


Se pone a cocer el agua con el azcar y la canela, mantenga a hervor por 10 min. Deja enfriar. Cuando este casi fro agregue el zumo de los limones y la cscara rallada y coloque en el congelador. Cuando empiece a congelarse se bata las 2 claras a punto de nieve bien firmes agregue la pizca de sal y agregue a la mezcla y meta nuevamente al congelador hasta que est bien fro y duro.


Boil water with sugar and cinnamon, keep boiling for 10 min. Cool it. When nearly cold add the lemon juice and grated peel and place in freezer. When it begins to freeze, beat 2 egg whites to firm peaks well add a pinch of salt and add to the mixture and tuck back into the freezer until very cold and hard. When ready serve it in a glass!

Tips for a perfect barbecue

Una de las actividades favoritas de los hombres es organizar un almuerzo o cena con carne asada, a continuacin te presentamos algunos tips que te ayudaran a darle el toque original a tus habilidades culinarias: 1. Siempre debe colocar la carne, con los huesos o grasa primero sobre la parrilla, es decir mirando a las brasas. 2. Mida la temperatura, coloque la palma de su mano a 1cm. de la parrilla, si esta comienza a quemarnos tras 10seg. va muy lento, tras 8seg. ideal, tras 6seg. muy rpida, as se arrebata la carne. 3. Calcule un chorizo por persona y una morcilla cada dos, y entre 300 a 500 gr. de carne por cada comensal. Disminuya la cantidad de carne si cuenta con alimentos adicionales.

Tips para una carne asada ideal

One of men favourite activities are to host barbeques parties, here you are some tips that will help to give an original touch to your cooking skills: 1. Always place meat with bones or fat facing the grill, directly in to the flames. 2. Measure the temperature, place the palm of your hand to 1cm. of the grill, if it begins to burn after 10sec. is very slow, after 8sec. ideal, after 6sec. very fast. 3. Estimate a sausage per person and two little sausages or morcillas per individual as well considering between 300 to 500 g of meat for each guest. Decrease the amount of meat if you have extra food.

4. Coccin Chorizos: van atrs de la parrilla con mayor cantidad de brasas, se giran cada 5 o 7 min. para que no queden reseco. Coccin 40min. aprox. Chinchulines: Horas antes se preparan en agua o leche. Se cortan en trozos o se desgrasan y trenzan. Puede ser de vaca, cordero o chivito. Coccin 45min. aprox. Srvalos crocantes. Vacio: Delante de la parrilla donde haya menos brasas. Voltear de cada 7-10 min. Nunca pinche o corte para ver si esta echo, provoca perdida de jugos. Coccin de 30-40min. Tiras de asado: Van a la mitad de la parrilla, primero del lado del hueso, una vez que el hueso esta quemadito, se da vuelta la tira y casi al terminar de asar, coloque los costados. 4. While cooking: Sausages: place them at the back of the grill with as many coals as possible, they are to be rotated every 5 to 7 min. this will prevent them to get dry. Cook them for about 40 minutes approx. Chinchulines: Previously prepared in water or milk. Cut them into pieces, degreased and braid. They can be from beef, lamb or goat. Cook them for about 45 minutes. Serve them crisp. Vacio: Place them on front of the grill where there are fewer coals. Flip every 7-10 mins. Never puncture or cut them to check if it is done as this causes loss of juices. Cook them from about 30-40min. Roast Strips: Place them at the middle of the grill putting the bone side first, once this is a bit crispy turn the strip and near the end of roasting, place the side.


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