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Education for all

-How important is development of creativity in students' education?

Analysis of issues
In this topic, the most important thing is development and be creativity in students education. But what is education? Our formal education system says only academic basics are important and that is based on collecting knowledge without understanding its value. But we still ask to let students be creative in education process, why? Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought. Nowadays the education we have now is to teach us how to think more and how to be a man in this society. So creativity can be including in part of the education such as Art and DT. Why is creativity important to development? Because in our world, we need to keep making new things make our life better. How can we make new things? We need creativity to make them. So to input creativity into our early education is very useful and important!

So I researched some different perspectives to see how different kinds of people think about creativity for students. My first perspective is from Stacia Garland-Gifted Education Examiner. She thought that help children to be creative in their early education is very important, because at that time, children are very Eager to learn. And if we teach them how to think more creatively they will learn very fast and that will help them in the future. "Creativity can contribute to solving almost any problem" as she said. Creativity is a very important skill to develop our world. So she is pretty sure creative should be learned by children. From her perspective as an examiner, she thought creativity is really important for students early mind development. So lets see the second brilliant perspective I found. It is from Supreme education council (Mid-east). They are from Mid-east. They think creativity is as important as learning knowledge. Creativity is the ability to produce work that is both novel and appropriate. Dr James Kaufman said. They want to develop creativity in students. Because they believe creativity can help students for their entire life and help them to earn a better chance for their life. They also believe creativity can bring them better opportunities and challenge. So they are very forward to bring creativity training to school. From this perspective, we learned a different way to think about development creativity in students study. They are very forward to teach little children to learn critical and creativity learning skill. May be that's because different country situation. So the third wonderful perspective I found hardly is from Personal Perspectives (Babette Gaskins). In his opinion, he thought creativity is important for students. And so, he relates creativity with mind mapping together. Of cause, if you want to create a mind map, you also need to be very


creative. He made a few point witches Im very agree with. One thing is creativity will give you ideas and those ideas are unforgettable. He mention when we are going to do anything, we will first think about it, and create a plan in our mind which is mind map. He said if we can make more creative mind maps we will be able to do better results. He is very positive to develop creativity in students mind. He is also a member who agreed to develop creativity skill for students. The last one is from me. I do agree to develop creativity in our education system. Nowadays, in east countries, most schools are like learning centre, and students are just like learning machine. We learn knowledge from the book and remember all of it. We do not have much expansion study and extra clubs of our habits. And now, lets see. China is good at making learning machine now. We learn the knowledge and after exam we forget all. We dont learn very well on creative thinking because we don't have a chance. So, when we grow up, we cant do well in our business or jobs, because we are not creativity enough to solve problems and make solutions. So we should learn how to think creatively. Okay~ Seems like all of us agreed in creativity development in student.

Scenario and course of actions.

So now, lets think about something that will be happened if we do agree develops creativity for student or not. First one, after ten years, the world is growing too fast, the technology is updating every second, much new stuff is made in one day, and people cant afford anymore. They are too tired of buying new things anymore and that is cost a lot. People are tired of living on this over growing planet. Or maybe, after ten years, we are still as same as we are now, we use old computers with the same function we have now, and everybody is tired of using old things but no one is able to make new one. They are just waiting for other to help them, and the world stop improving at all. Finally the worlds technology stuck and everyone became more and more lazy and foolish. Or another good example, we are in the brand new century and we are in the high techno-level, but not growing too fast, we make new products, new investment, but we never make too fast or too slow, and our products have better quality than ever before. Three different scenarios show us three different extreme ways of situation. So how can we avoid that? So we need some source of action to avoid our earth being damaged by us after a few years. This course of action for the first scenario is not to only develop creativity in student but teach them how to use it properly. So they will not use it anytime anywhere and make terrible designs and only make really brilliant products. We need to teach them how to control their mind and not to be too creatively. We will teach them to learn creative and useful thing. We will give them proper lesson to let them know how creativity is important and how dangerous it is. They will learn how to take good care of their creativity skills.


Then, the second scenario, it is about the world doesnt change at all. And that is a serious problem for all and as serious as too much creativity. Nobody wants that happened to our lovely planet. So we should do something to prevent it. The first thing we should do now is to develop creativity skills into students deep heart. So they can remember it and keep being creative. This is an old world if there is no creative idea. We need to teach students to be creative. Provide some class so that is helpful to learn creativity. Such as Global perspective-----makes them think a lot. Or Design Technology--------Helps them with their design skills and be more creative. So if we are doing this right now, that means our planet will survive and we can keep being creative. To achieve the third scenario, we should work very hard on education and creativity training. We need to balance the tradition learning skills and the creativity learning skills. We might need to change the whole education system and we need to find out each students potential, and develop creativity skills on the part they are good at. So, that can make our planet be better and we can have plenty of people who are good at different parts of our lives.

Self awareness
From the research I did above, I learned how important is developing the creativity skill in student. We need to be creative to build this world and make it better. Human needs to improve themselves and we have a perfect gift from god. We have intelligent brain and great body, so we should use our knowledge to make this world more creative! We might not find out we are becoming less creative than before. But when I am doing this research, I find out, there are more than twice creative thing created during World War One and World War Two. I am not saying war is good. But human is really being much more creative when we need something or we are in real danger. Of cause, this world is too big for me to change it by myself. But Im sure, if we have to do something for education, that must be creative. From last century, since school became public to everybody, the way that we educated student before is too old for us. We need to have a better way to let student gain knowledge from school. We should not let students just keep remembering the words on the book. We should let them figure out more by themselves so they can understand better. And from that way, they can learn creative study skills. Bibliography: 1. UK Governor. -"At Creative in Education We Are Committed to Promoting Creative Thinking and Development in Educational and Business Contexts." <>


2. International Center for Studies in Creativity. -"Creativity Is an Effective Resource That Resides in All People and within All Organizations. Our More than Thirty Years of Research Has Conclusively Demonstrated That Creativity Can Be Nurtured and Enhanced through the Use of Deliberate Tools, Techniques and Strategies. <> 3. J.P. Isenberg| M. R. Jalongo. -Schools Suppress Creativity. How Can This Be Stated so Categorically? The Reasoning Goes as Follows: Most Children Are Naturally Curious and Highly Imaginative. . <> 4. Creativity and Education. -"The Whole Essence of the Infant Is Creative--learning to Walk, Learning to Talk, Word Games, Songs, Play." <> 5. Teaching Creativity.- Imitation Is Not a Way to Learn Critical Thinking. Imitation and Copy Work Is Not a Way to Foster an Innovative Spirit in Our Students. <> 6. Creativity. "Creativity - a Magical Talent, a Sign of Intelligence, or a Skill to Learn? The Difficulty in Approaching This Field Is That the Topic Is Still Relatively New but Already Rich with Many Theories, as Well as a Certain Mystique (Sternberg & Lubart, 1996)." <> 7. Education and Creativity. T -a Creative Act Is an Instance of Learning [and That] a Comprehensive Learning Theory Must Take into Account Both Insight and Creative Activity. <> 8. Teaching Creativity, Creatively. -" Each Student Is a Living Composite of Innate Characteristics Associated with Creative Behavior. " <>. 9. Education & Creativity. -We Dont Grow into Creativity, We Grow out of It; Actually, We Get Educated out of It.. <>.


10. Creative Teaching. -"Our Education System Has Mined Our Minds in the Way That We Strip-mine the Earth-for a Particular Commodity." < g>.

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