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AP Spanish Summer Assignment Hopedale High School Summer 2012 Felicitaciones!

It is admirable that you have chosen to continue your study of Spanish through the AP level, and you have chosen to study a great course. The purpose of this course is to have you ready to excel on the AP Spanish Language Exam, which will be administered in May of 2013. The work in this course is not difficult, but it will demand your best effort in order to succeed. REQUIRED TEXTS 1. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Spanish Language with MP3 Disk, 2012-2013 Edition by Dennis LaVoie 2. Barron's AP Spanish with Audio CDs and CD-ROM, 2011 by Alice G. Springer Ph.D. OPTIONAL RESOURCES: 1. 1001 Pitfalls in Spanish 3rd Edition Marion P. Holt, Julianne Dueber (0812096509) Paperback / 300 Pages / 1997 Es un buen libro para ayudar con los problemas comunes de vocabulario, significados, gramtica, y estilo de la lengua espaola. 2. Barron's AP Spanish Flash Cards by Alice G. Springer Ph.D., Daniel Paolicchi M.A. The AP Spanish Language Exam The following information, taken from the College Board website, is a brief description of the course and its expectations: The AP Spanish Language course is comparable to an advanced level (fifth and sixth semester or the equivalent) college or university Spanish language course. The student has strong communicative ability in Spanish in the Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational modes. The student has a strong command of Spanish linguistic skills (including accuracy and fluency) that support communicative ability. The student comprehends Spanish intended for native speakers in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics, styles, registers and broad regional variations. The student produces Spanish comprehensible to native speakers in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics and registers. The student acquires information from authentic sources in Spanish. The student is aware of some cultural perspectives of Spanish-speaking peoples.

The AP Spanish Language Exam is a skills-based exam testing your abilities and proficiency in Spanish. It differs from other AP exams in that it is not knowledge or fact-based. In contrast, you will be demonstrating your skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2011 The College Board ( The Summer Assignment The goal of the summer assignment is to give students an authentic idea of what to expect on the AP exam as well as to encourage practice with the language over the summer. In order to benefit the most from the summer assignment, it is important to space it out throughout the entire summer. Starting the assignment at the very end of the summer would eliminate the continual practice this assignment is intended to provide. The summer assignment for this class integrates the use of technology while maintaining the integrity of language acquisition through real-life experiences.

1. Familiarize yourself with the exam DO THIS BY JUNE 20, 2012 Become familiar with EVERYTHING that is published on the AP website about this exam.

Look at the tips that the College Board suggests for you:

2. INFORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT #1: EL DIARIO (4 entries- total of 200 words minimum): You should keep diario all summer (2 entries in July and 2 entries in August). It will consist of 4 entries, of 50 words each (for a total of 200 words, please include a word count.). A. One entry each month should involve simply talking about what you have been doing. The grammatical focus should be preterite/imperfect. B. The other entry each month should be on some other topic: a. what you plan to do in the future b. your hopes and dreams for next year and beyond c. your feelings on world events d. something original For these entries, I will be looking for utilization of subjunctive, future/conditional, perfect tenses. There should be a representation of all the tenses in Spanish. In addition, I expect to see transition words and pay attention to your noun/adjective and noun/verb agreement. You should pass this diario in the first day of class with your video/audio articles and summaries. It will represent 2 informal writing assignment grades.

ASSIGNMENT #2 (interpersonal writing): UNA CARTA AL PERIDICO Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. Imagine that you are responding to an editorial that you read in the local paper that was entitled, Los jvenes de hoy no tienen disciplina. (Todays youth have no discipline.) Write 8-10 sentences. Be sure to use appropriate expressions, courtesy, and letter format. Include the appropriate greetings and farewells. Refer to the resource section for sites to help you with the format. Type your letter. I will be looking for utilization of preterite, imperfect, subjunctive, future/conditional, perfect tenses. There should be a representation of all the tenses in Spanish. In addition, I expect to see transition words and pay attention to your noun/adjective and noun/verb agreement.

3. SPEAKING: (2 entries total ): Use to record your oral presentations. Be advised that you cannot pause the recording midway and pick up where you left off. Send your recording to my e-mail, These will count as 2 formal speaking assignments. ASSIGNMENT #1: VIDEO 1. Watch a broadcast or video in Spanish. Taking notes is a good idea. 2. Research some information (in Spanish) that corresponds to the topic. You may find an article on one of the Internet sites listed under resources or from a traditional printed source such as a newspaper or magazine. 3. Reflect and then compare the video source with your written source. 4. Make a 90 second to 2 minute recording in Spanish telling about what you saw and read. Do not read directly from a script, but you may use informal notes that you took while viewing or reading. Integrate information from both sources in your recording.
For example: After watching a Spanish video clip from CNN, search for that same topic in a Spanish Newspaper. / Watch a music video in Spanish then find a printed article about the song or artist.

ASSIGNMENT #2: AUDIO 1.Listen to a broadcast in Spanish. Taking notes is a good idea. 2.Research some information (in Spanish) that corresponds to the topic. You may find an article on one of the Internet sites listed under resources or from a traditional printed source such as a newspaper or magazine. 3.Reflect and then compare the broadcast source with your written source. 4.Make a 90 second to 2 minute recording in Spanish telling about what you heard and read. Do not read directly from a script, but you may use informal notes that you took while listening or reading. Integrate information from both sources in your recording. Any problems, e-mail me: or Tweet me: @LEvansHHS 4. READING: Visit the website Sra. Evans website. Under the AP Spanish Language drop down menu you should access 2 reading prompts along with multiple choice comprehension questions. These will count as 2 reading comprehension assignments. ASSIGNMENT #1: Access first assignment named, AP Summer: Reading 1. Read and answer questions. Pass in the first day of class. ASSIGNMENT #2: Access first assignment named, AP Summer: Reading 2. Read and answer questions. Pass in the first day of class. HONOR CODE This assignment is to be done individually. Any questions regarding the grammar, the work, the expectations, or the content of the novel should be directed to Sra. Evans at her email address: Any evidence of copying from any outside source, copying from each other, or using an online translator will result in a zero and will be considered plagiarism.

RESOURCES Use these resources for your speaking assignments. These websites have audio, video, and printed news articles. (Video and audio resources will also be available under our AP page on my website.) BBC Mundo (BBC Mundo news clips can also be accessed from my website under our AP page) El Universal Noticias Radio de las Naciones Unidas Yahoo noticias en espaol Univisin BBC Mundo El Pas Univisin ABC CNN El Universal TV Mxico /

GRAMMAR PRACTICE An AP Spanish student should be familiar with the tenses listed below. He/she should know how to form each tense in addition to knowing when to use each one. The web sites listed below may be helpful to practice these grammar points. This is not a required assignment. 1. Present Tense (including all stem change/irregular/ and verbs with orthographic changes 2. Preterit Tense (including clue words) 3. Imperfect Tense (including clue words) 4. Present Perfect/Pluperfect 5. Ser vs. Estar 6. Progressive Tenses (Present/Imperfect/Future) 7. Present Subjunctive 8. Present Perfect Subjunctive 9. Imperfect Subjunctive 10. Pluperfect Subjunctive 11. Commands 12. Other Uses of Subjunctive (adjective/adverbial/noun clauses) 13. Future/Future Perfect 14. Conditional/Conditional Perfect 15. Por vs. Para 16. Double Object Pronouns

These sites are good for general grammar practice.

Other helpful Websites These three sites provide direct links to television, radio, and newspapers from many locations throughout the Spanish-speaking world. /

These sites offer great support for writing in Spanish. Rules for punctuation, capitalization, etc. are included here along with helpful vocabulary lists.

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