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Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. ALTER SYSTEM SET RESOURCE_ MANAGER_PLAN command, 534 ALTER SYSTEMKILL SESSION command, 493494 ALTER TABLE command, 278, 336 ANALYZE command, 112114 ANALYZE INDEX command, 48 ANALYZE, Parallel, 513 ANALYZE TABLE command, 48, 406 ANALYZE_DATABASE procedure, 116 application code, changing, 492493 application performance, improving. See execution paths, improving; I/O, minimizing with indexes and clusters Application Program Interfaces (APIs), 6768 application servers, 508 application SQL improperly sized SGA, 12 inefficient execution plans, 12 poor application, 12 architecture, Oracle, 1523 databases, 2022 server, 512 Server instances, 1516, 16 SGA management, 1619 Shared Server, 292295, 294 user process management, 19 archive destinations, 351353 archive locations, filling, 349350, 350

Absolute method (Resource Manager), 519, 522523, 523 Active Session Pool, 524 add more (guideline), 13 Agreements, Service Level, 10 Alert logs, 3438, 35 backup and recovery, 37 common messages, 3637 database checkpoints, measuring, 341342 error message, 350 files, 20 trimming, 38 ALL_ROWS mode (optimizer), 128129 ALTER and DROP OUTLINE, 137138 ALTER INDEX ... COALESCE command, 151152 ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD command, 151 ALTER OUTLINE command, 137 ALTER SESSION command, 129 ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT command, 337 ALTER SYSTEM command, 18, 21, 260, 307308 ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED command, 494











Archived Redo Logs Buffer Pools

Archived Redo Logs, 20, 325, 381 archiving, defined, 348 archiving operations, tuning improving performance, 350355 archive destinations, 351353 ARCO processes, creating, 353355, 354 Redo Log groups, adding, 351 Redo Log groups, increasing size of, 351 measuring performance ARCO processes causing waits, 350 filling archive location, 349350, 350 ARCO processes causing waits, 350 creating, 353355, 354 assessment test, xxviixlx asynchronous I/O, 395 asynchronous (raw) devices, 387 Automated Segment-space Management, 479480 automatic STATSPACK execution, 5556 Automatic Undo Management (AUM) features, 448454 basics, 448449 configuring, 449450 monitoring System-Managed UNDO, 451454, 453 UNDO tablespaces creating, 450451, 450 managing, 451 AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE parameter, 118 AUTOTRACE utility, 102104 Average Dirty Queue Length option, 342, 342

B-Tree indexes, 147152, 148 compressed, 152153, 152 rebuilding, 149152 statistics, 149, 149 background process trace files, 3839 background processes, 15 BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST, 34, 3839 BACK_UP_TAPE_TO_SLAVES parameter, 394 benchmarks establishment of, 68 statistics, 78 bind variables, 230231, 234 Bitmap indexes, 153155, 154 block header space, 400 block size, 404409 blocks and extents, 397401, 399 basics, 397400 block header space, 400 free space, 401 reserved space, 400401 BLOCKS USED column (example), 453 buffer busy waits event, 389 statistics, 254255 Buffer Cache Advisory feature bypassing, 279 configuring, 261262 statistics, 262265 Buffer Pools, 265277 assigning segments to pools, 273274 cache determination

busy ratios contention, tuning


with V$BH and DBA_OBJECTS, 266268 with V$CACHE and DBA_USERS, 268270 creating, 271272 monitoring performance of, 274277 pool sizes, determining, 271, 271 types of, 265266 busy ratios, 298301, 299, 301

Cache Buffers Chain latches, 471472 cache hit and miss, 204 cache hit ratios. See hit ratios cache tables, 277 creating, 278279 displaying information, 278279 in memory, 277279 Capacity Planner (Diagnostics Pack), 64 cardinality, 109 CBO (cost-based optimizer). See cost-based optimizer (CBO) certifications, Oracle, xviixxii chained rows, 405 Checkpoint Completed event, 339 Checkpoint Process (CKPT), 1516 checkpoint-related init.ora parameters, 343345, 345 checkpoints, database. See database checkpoints, tuning CHOOSE mode (optimizer), 128 cluster, defined, 182 CLUSTERING_FACTOR, 123 code reuse, encouraging, 229231

COMMIT command, 425426, 481 composite partitioning, 173174, 174 COMPUTE parameter, 112 configuring Automatic Undo Management (AUM) features, 449450 Large Pool, 309 new systems, 14 Oracle Java environment, 311312 resource management, 525537 assigning resources to users, 532534, 532533 creating objects, 527532, 528531 granting privileges, 526527 setting instance resource objectives, 534537, 534535 Shared Server, 295297 STATSPACK, 54 consumer group switching, 533534 Consumer Groups, Resource (RCG), 518, 528535, 528, 532533 contention, tuning, 467503 exam preparation, 467, 495503 Free List contention, 476480 basics, 476477 measuring with V$SESSION_WAIT and DBA_SEGMENTS, 478479 measuring with V$SYSTEM_ EVENT, 477 measuring with V$WAIT_STAT, 477478 tuning, 479480 latch contention, 468476 basics, 468470 identifying with Performance Manager, 475476, 476


Control Files, defined Database Buffer Cache, tuning

identifying with REPORT.TXT, 474475, 475 identifying with STATSPACK output, 473474, 474 identifying with V$LATCH, 472473, 473 measuring, 470476 tuning, 476 lock contention. See lock contention summary, 495 Control Files, defined, 20, 381 cost-based optimizer (CBO), 109126 analyzing individual tables and indexes, 112114 copying statistics between databases, 125126 cost factors example, 110 DBMS_STATS, 116121 export and import operations, 125126 gathering statistics with OEM Console, 120121, 120 GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure, 117118 GATHER_SSYSTEM_STATS procedure, 118120 EXPLAIN_PLAN cost columns, 111 histograms, 114115 partitioned tables effect on, 179180 schema, analyzing by, 115116 switching from RBO to CBO, 112 table and index statistics, viewing, 121125, 121122 DBA_INDEXES statistics columns, 123 DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS columns, 124

DBA_TABLES statistic columns, 122 unanalyzed vs. analyzed, 121122 cost factors (example), 110 CPUs init.ora parameters, 512513 resources, managing, 519523, 521, 523 server, 511516, 516 utilization, 1011, 513514, 536537 CREATE ANY OUTLINE privileges, 139 CREATE INDEX command, 419 CREATE TABLE command, 336 CREATE TABLE syntax, 160 creation syntax for index types, 178 CURSOR_SHARING, 232234 CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME, 232

data concurrency, 481 data consistency, 480481 Data Dictionary Cache performance, monitoring, 218220 REPORT.TXT, 219220, 220 STATSPACK, 218219, 219 V$ROWCACHE, 218 Shared Pool component, 209 data dictionary views, 539545 Data Gatherer, 61 data locks (DMLs), defined, 482 Database Buffer Cache, tuning, 243288 Buffer Pools, multiple, 265277 assigning segments to pools, 273274 creating, 271272 monitoring performance of, 274277 pool sizes, determining, 271, 271 types of, 265266

database checkpoints, defined Datafiles


V$BH and DBA_OBJECTS, determining caches with, 266268 V$CACHE and DBA_USERS, determining caches with, 268270 bypassing Buffer Cache, 279 cache tables in memory, 277279 Database Writer (DBWO), 248249 defined, 244245 exam preparation, 243, 280288 indexes, using appropriately, 279280 Library Cache hit ratio and, 210 LRU (Least Recently Used) list, 245247, 246 performance, monitoring, 249257 non-hit ratio measures, 254256, 255, 256 Performance Manager (OEM), 257, 257 REPORT.TXT output, 253254, 253 STATSPACK, 252253, 253 V$SYSSTAT, 250252, 252 size, increasing, 258265 Advisory feature, configuring, 261262 Advisory statistics, 262265 dynamically increasing, 260261, 260 init.ora parameters, 258260 manually increasing, 261 summary, 280 User Server Processes, 247248 database checkpoints, defined, 325 database checkpoints, tuning, 336345 basics, 336338 improving performance, 342345 checkpoint-related init.ora parameters, 343345, 345 Redo Logs, increasing size of, 343

measuring performance, 338345 Alert logs, 341342 Performance Manager (OEM), 341342, 342 REPORT.TXT, 340341, 341 STATSPACK, 340341, 340 V$SYSSTAT, 339340, 340 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, 338339, 339 Database Configuration Assistant, 368369 database events, defined, 39 database resources, waits and, 13 Database Writer (DBWO), 1516, 248249 databases, Oracle basics, 2022 defined, 15 physical files, 20 Datafile I/O, tuning, 368387 improving performance, 376387 balancing Datafile I/O, 377382 Locally Managed Tablespaces (LMT), 377 non-Oracle I/O files, minimizing, 376 performing Datafile I/O quickly, 382387 measuring performance, 371376 Performance Manager (OEM), 375376, 375 REPORT.TXT, 374375, 374 STATSPACK, 373374, 373 V$DATAFILE, 372, 372 V$FILESTAT, 371, 372 V$TEMPFILE, 372, 372 Tablespaces, 368370 Datafiles defined, 20, 381 segregating by drive and controller, 382


DBA (database administrator) disk I/O, tuning

DBA (database administrator) certification, xxxxi data dictionary views, 4748 tracing (user-level), 43 DBA_BLOCKERS, 490 DBA_INDEXES, 123 DBA_INDEXES data dictionary view basics, 163, 163 statistics for analyzed tables, 121123 DBA_OUTLINE_HINTS view, 138139 DBA_OUTLINES view, 138 DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_ PRIVS, 541 DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPS, 540541 DBA_RSRC_MANAGER_SYSTEM_ PRIVS, 544 DBA_RSRC_PLAN_DIRECTIVES, 543544 DBA_RSRC_PLANS, 542543 DBA_SEGMENTS, 164 DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS data dictionary view, 123125 DBA_TABLES, 121122, 164, 405 DBA_TABLESPACE, 451452 DBA_USERS, 544545 DBA_WAITERS, 489490, 490 DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter, 397 DB_CACHE_ADVICE init.ora parameter, 262263 DB_CACHE_SIZE parameter, 17 DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter, 385386, 387, 403 DBMS_SESSION, 532533, 533 DBMS_SHARED_POOL, 228 DBMS_STATS, 116121

export and import operations, 125126 gathering statistics with OEM Console, 120121, 120 GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure, 117118 GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS procedure, 118120 DBMS_UTILITY, 115116 DBWO (Database Writer) I/O, tuning, 388396 improving performance, 393396 DBWR_IO_SLAVES, 393395 DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, 396 measuring performance, 388393 REPORT.TXT, 392393, 392393 STATSPACK, 391392, 391392 V$SYSSTAT, 390391 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, 388389 DBWR_IO_SLAVES parameter, 393395 DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter, 396 DDL (dictionary) locks, 484 deadlock errors, 4142, 484486 Decision Support Systems (DSS), 8, 140, 187188 Dedicated Server, 290291 Default Buffer Pool, 260261, 266, 270271 default temporary tablespaces, 422 degree of parallelism, 522 Diagnostics Pack, Oracle. See Oracle Diagnostics Pack dictionary locks (DDLs), defined, 482 Dirty Lists, 247248 disk I/O, tuning, 365466 basics, 11, 367368 Datafile I/O, tuning. See Datafile I/O, tuning

DISK_ASYNCH_IO parameter exam preparation


DBWO (Database Writer) I/O, tuning. See DBWO (Database Writer) I/O, tuning exam preparation, 365366, 455466 rollback segment I/O, tuning. See rollback segment I/O, tuning segment I/O, tuning. See segment I/O, tuning sort I/O, tuning. See sort I/O, tuning summary, 454455 Tablespaces, 368370 DISK_ASYNCH_IO parameter, 395 Dispatcher Process, 293 Dispatcher servicing rates, 303 Dispatcher waits, calculating, 302 Dispatchers, adding additional, 307308 DML (data) locks, 482484 DML, Parallel, 513 documentation, Oracle (website), 5 drop and re-create index, 151 DROP OUTLINE command, 138 DSS (Decision Support Systems). See Decision Support Systems (DSS) dynamic extent allocation rollback segments I/O, 438440, 440 Segment I/O, 402403 dynamic performance views monitoring Resource Manager with, 537539 performance tuning with, 4547 Shared Server, 297298 dynamic undo segment extents STATSPACK output, measuring with, 439440, 440 V$ROLLSTAT, measuring with, 439 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, measuring with, 438

Emphasis method (CPU resource management), 519523, 521 enqueue, 480 Enterprise Manager (OEM). See OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) error codes, 3637 error messages Alert Log, 350 deadlock, 484486 ORA-00028, 493494 ORA-00600, 37 ORA-01555, 14 ORA-01555 SNAPSHOT TOO OLD, 445446 ORA-04031, 310 ORA-04033, 224 ORA-07452, 534 ORA-29554, 312 ESTIMATE parameter, 112 event monitoring (OEM Console), 62 event trace files, 3940 exam preparation contention, tuning, 467, 495503 Database Buffer Cache, tuning, 243, 280288 disk I/O, tuning, 365366, 455466 execution paths, improving, 85, 189200 I/O, minimizing with indexes and clusters, 85, 189200 Java Pool, 289, 315322 Large Pool, 289, 315322 operating system, tuning, 505, 548556


exclusive locks function-based indexes

optimizer, Oracle, 85, 189200 performance tuning, 1, 2331 redo mechanisms, 323, 355363 Shared Pool, tuning, 201, 234242 Shared Server, 289, 315322 software/flashcard practice testing, xxiii SQL performance, measuring, 85, 189200 tuning information sources, 33, 7684 exclusive locks, 482 execution duration, managing, 525 execution paths, improving, 131146 exam preparation, 85, 189200 materialized views, 140146 configuration steps, 141143 creating, 143144 disabling, 146 dropping, 146 refreshing, 144145 plan stability, 132140 private outlines, 139140 stored outlines. See stored outlines summary, 188 Execution phase (SQL statements), defined, 91 Executions, SQL ordered by, 106107, 107 EXPIRED BLOCKS column (example), 454 Explain Plan facility, 96101 EXPLAIN PLAN FOR, generating using, 9799 interpreting output, 99101 TKPROF, generating with, 9697, 97 EXPLAIN_PLAN cost columns, 111

explicit locks, 483 extent allocation, dynamic, 402403 extent contention (rollback I/O), 434435 extents. See also blocks and extents defined, 396398 map, 403 sizing, 403 extents, initial, 398

FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter, 343344, 351 Fetch phase (SQL statements), defined, 92 FIRST_ROWS mode (optimizer), 128 FIRST_ROWS_n mode (optimizer), 128 Fixit Jobs, 62 FOR clause options, 113 Free Buffer Inspected statistic, 247, 254255 Free List contention basics, 476477 measuring with V$SESSION_WAIT and DBA_SEGMENTS, 478479 with V$SYSTEM_EVENT, 477 with V$WAIT_STAT, 477478 tuning, 479480 Free Lists adding, 479 defined, 400 free space, 401 full database checkpoints, 337 Full Table Scan (FTS), 100, 246 function-based indexes, 155156

GATHER AUTO option index clusters


GATHER AUTO option, 118 GATHER EMPTY option, 118 GATHER STALE option, 117 GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure, 117118 GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS procedure, 118120 GETHITRATIO, 211212 GETS defined, 211212 SQL ordered by, 105, 105 global partition indexes, 176177, 176 GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE system privilege, 146 glossary, 557573 goal-oriented tuning, 610 granules defined, 18 tablespaces and, 259 graphical performance tuning tools, 5975 Oracle Diagnostics Pack. See Oracle Diagnostics Pack Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Console, 5964, 60. See also Oracle Intelligent Agent Oracle Tuning Pack. See Oracle Tuning Pack

header contention (rollback I/O), 430434, 433, 434 Heap Tables, 158159 High Water Mark, 409411 hints optimizer, 129131 using to cache, 278 histograms, 114115 hit ratios, 210, 249250 hybrid systems, tuning, 188

I/O excessive file I/O, 13 slaves, 395 tuning disk I/O. See disk I/O, tuning I/O, minimizing with indexes and clusters, 146186 exam preparation, 85, 189200 hash clusters, 185186 index clusters, 182185, 185 indexes. See indexes partitions, 165181 defined, 165166 indexing partitioned tables. See partitioned tables, indexing Oracle table partition methods. See Oracle table partition methods summary, 188 Immediate latches, 469 implicit locks, 483 incremental database checkpoints, 337 index clusters, 182185, 185

hash clusters, 185186 hash partitioning, 171173, 172 header blocks, 398


index creation, parallel init.ora parameters

index creation, parallel, 513 index data dictionary views, 162165 DBA_INDEXES, 163, 163 DBA_SEGMENTS, 164 DBA_TABLES, 164 Index Organized Tables (IOTs), 158162, 161 Bitmapped indexes and, 161162 CREATE TABLE syntax, 160 Heap Tables, 158159 Mapping Tables, 161162 index rebuilding techniques, 150152 Index Tuning Wizard (Oracle tuning pack), 7475, 75 indexes, 147165 analyzed vs. unanalyzed, 122 appropriate use in sorting, 419 B-Tree indexes, 147152, 148 rebuilding, 149152 statistics, 149, 149 Bitmap indexes, 153155, 154 compressed B-Tree indexes, 152153, 152 creation overhead (sort I/O), 419 function-based indexes, 155156 index data dictionary views, 162165 DBA_INDEXES, 163, 163 DBA_SEGMENTS, 164 DBA_TABLES, 164 Index Organized Tables (IOTs), 158162, 161 Bitmapped indexes and, 161162 CREATE TABLE syntax, 160 Heap Tables, 158159 Mapping Tables, 161162 Reverse Key Indexes (RKI), 156158, 158

unused indexes, identifying, 165 using appropriately, 279280 initial extents, 398 init.ora parameters affecting Buffer Cache size, 258260 BACK_UP_TAPE_TO_SLAVES, 394 Bitmap indexes, 155 checkpoint-related, 343345, 345 CPU-related, 512513 DB_BLOCK_SIZE, 397 DB_CACHE_ADVICE, 262263 DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_ COUNT, 385387, 403 DBWR_IO_SLAVES, 393395 DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, 396 DISK_ASYNCH_IO, 395 FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, 343344 Java-related, 311312 JAVA_POOL_SIZE, 314 LARGE_POOL_SIZE, 309 for Library Cache tuning, 231234 LOCK_SGA=TRUE, 511 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, 349 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n, 352 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATEn, 352353 LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST, 351352 LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_ PROCESSES, 353 LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_ DEST, 352 LOG_BUFFER, 327, 333 materialized views, 142143 Oracle database physical files, 2022 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter, 413

INITRANS parameter latches


RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN, 534 ROW_LOCKING, 482 SGA memory requirements, 1618 Shared Server, 296297 SHARED_SERVERS, 304 SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter, 412413 SORT_RETAINED_SIZE parameter, 413 TIMED_STATISTICS, 372 TRANSACTIONS, 484 UNDO_MANAGEMENT, 449 UNDO_RETENTION, 449 UNDO_SUPPRESS_ERRORS, 450 UNDO_TABLESPACE, 449 WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter, 414 INITRANS parameter, 400 Instance Activity Stats, 331 Instance Efficiency Percentages, 331 instance level (optimizer modes), 127129 instance-level tracing, 42 Instance Manager (OEM Console), 60 instances, defined, 15 Intelligent Agent, Oracle, 59, 6164 Intimate Shared Memory (ISM), 511 INVALIDATIONS, 213

JAVA_POOL_SIZE parameter, 17, 314 job scheduling (OEM Console), 62

Keep Buffer Pool, 260, 265, 270271 kernel code, OS, 507 Kernel Memory (Windows 2000), 509510

Large Object (LOB) datatypes, 428 Large Pool, 308310 configuring, 309 exam preparation, 289, 315322 fundamentals, 308 improving performance, 310 measuring performance, 309310 summary, 314315 LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter, 17, 309 latch contention, 468476 basics, 468470 identifying with Performance Manager, 475476, 476 with REPORT.TXT, 474475, 475 with STATSPACK output, 473474, 474 with V$LATCH, 472473, 473 measuring, 470476 tuning, 476 latches Cache Buffers Chains, 472 Cache Buffers LRU Chain, 471 Immediate, 469

Java Pool, 221, 311314 configuring Oracle Java environment, 311312 exam preparation, 289, 315322 improving performance, 314 measuring performance, 312314, 313 summary, 314315 Java Virtual Machine, 311


Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm LRU (Least Recently Used) list

Library Cache, 471 Redo Allocation, 472 Redo Copy, 472 Shared Pool, 471 Willing-to-Wait, 469 Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm, 203, 245 Library Cache latches, 471 performance monitoring, 210217 Enterprise Manager, 215217, 216, 217 REPORT.TXT, 214215, 215 STATSPACK, 213214, 214 V$LIBRARYCACHE, 210213, 211 Shared Pool component, 205208, 206 tuning with init.ora parameters, 231234 LIST CHAINED ROWS parameter, 407 List partitioning, 169171, 170 Local Block Size, 397 local partition indexes, 175, 175 Locally Managed Tablespaces (LMT), 377 lock contention, 480494 DDL (dictionary) locks, 484 deadlock errors, 484486 DML (data) locks, 482484 fundamentals, 480482, 482 measuring, 487491 with DBA_BLOCKERS, 490 with DBA_WAITERS, 489490, 490 with Performance Manager, 491, 491 with V$LOCK, 487488 with V$LOCKED_OBJECT, 488489

tuning, 491494 changing application code, 492493 contacting users, 493 using SQL commands, 493494 Lock Monitor (Oracle Diagnostics Pack), 6869, 68 locks DDL (dictionary), 484 defined, 480 DML (data), 482484 explicit, 483 implicit, 483 restrictive explicit, 492 share, 482 LOCK_SGA=TRUE parameter, 511 log buffer space (statistic), 329330 Log File Parallel Write event, 346 Log File Switch (Checkpoint Incomplete) event, 339 Log File Switch Completion event, 346 Log Switch, ARCO processes and, 350 Log Writer (LGWR), 1516 Log Writer (LGWR), defined, 325 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter, 349 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter, 352 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATEn parameter, 352353 LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter, 351352 LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES parameter, 353 LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter, 352 LOG_BUFFER parameter, 17, 333 LONGEST QUERY column (example), 454 LRU (Least Recently Used) list, 245247, 246

make it bigger (guideline) Online Redo Log files


make it bigger (guideline), 1314 manual refresh procedures (materialized views), 145 manual STATSPACK execution, 55 Mapping Tables, 161162 materialized views, 140146 configuration steps, 141143 creating, 143144 disabling, 146 dropping, 146 refreshing, 144145 MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, 44 MAX_ESTIMATED_EXEC_TIME plan directive, 524 memory Intimate Shared Memory (ISM), 511 Kernel Memory (Windows 2000), 509510 physical, 509 server, 507511, 510 tuning, 11 virtual, 509 METHOD_OPT parameter, 118 migration, row, 405409

non-Oracle I/O files, minimizing, 376 non-prefixed partition indexes, 177, 177

OCA/OCP study guides, xx OCP exam tips, xxixxii Web site, xxiii OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) Analyze Wizard, 120121 architecture, 61, 61 basics, 5960, 60 gathering statistics with, 120121, 120 Intelligent Agent, 59, 6164 Library Cache performance monitoring, 215217, 216, 217 monitoring events, 6263 scheduling jobs, 62 tools listed, 60 monitoring Resource Manager with, 545547, 545547 OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Systems throughput maximization and, 8 tuning, 187 Online Redo Log files defined, 325 tuning, 345347 OS utilities, measuring with, 347 Redo Log contention, minimizing, 348 Redo Log throughput, maximizing, 348 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, measuring with, 346347, 346

NESTED LOOPS join, 100101 Net Listener, Oracle, 292 newsgroup, Oracle, 21 NOLOGGING keyword, 335336 non-hit ratio measures, 254256, 255, 256


Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Systems Outline Management (Oracle Tuning Pack)

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Systems. See OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Systems OPEN_CURSORS, 231 operating system, tuning, 506556 exam preparation, 505, 548556 processes and threads, 516517 Resource Manager. See Resource Manager server CPUs, 511516, 516 server memory, 507511, 510 summary, 547548 Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) model, 3435 optimizer, Oracle, 108125, 126131 cost-based optimizer (CBO). See cost-based optimizer (CBO) exam preparation, 85, 189200 rule-based optimizer (RBO), 109 setting optimizer mode, 126131 hints, 129131 instance level, 127129 precedence rules, 131 session level, 129 statement level, 129131 summary, 188 OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE parameter, 127 ORA-00028 error, 493494 ORA-00600 error, 37 ORA-01555 error, 14 ORA-01555 SNAPSHOT TOO OLD error, 445446 ORA-04031 error, 310 ORA-04033 error, 224 ORA-07452 error, 534 ORA-29554 error, 312

Oracle Certification website, 85 Oracle certifications, xviixxii Oracle database, defined, 15 Oracle Diagnostics Pack, 6471 components, 6465 Lock Monitor, 6869, 68 performance manager, 6566, 66 Performance Overview, 7071, 70 Top SQL, 6970, 69 TopSessions, 67, 67 Trace Data Viewer, 6768 Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). See OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) Oracle Expert (Oracle tuning pack), 7273, 7273 Oracle instance, defined, 15 Oracle Intelligent Agent, 59, 6164 Oracle Net Listener, 292 Oracle optimizer. See optimizer, Oracle Oracle Resource Manager. See Resource Manager Oracle Server, defined, 15 Oracle table partition methods, 166174 basics, 166167 Composite partitioning, 173174, 174 Hash partitioning, 171173, 172 List partitioning, 169171, 170 Range partitioning, 167169, 168 Oracle Tuning Pack, 7175 components (listed), 71 Index Tuning Wizard, 7475, 75 Oracle Expert, 7273, 7273 SQL Analyze, 7374, 74 outline editor, 136 Outline Management (Oracle Tuning Pack), 71

Outline Manager performance tuning


Outline Manager, 136, 136 OUTLN_PKG, 136137

P-Code, 204 paging and swapping, 509511 Parallel Data Manipulation Language (DML), 279 parallel execution options, 513 Parallel Query (PQ), 420 resources, 522523, 523 Shared Pool and, 308309 Parse calls, 107108, 107 Parse Locks, 211 Parsing phase (SQL statements), defined, 90 partition-wise joins, 179 partitioned tables, indexing, 175181 creation syntax for index types, 178 effect on optimizer (CBO), 179180 global partition indexes, 176177, 176 local partition indexes, 175, 175 non-prefixed partition indexes, 177, 177 partition data dictionary views, 180181 prefixed partition indexes, 177 partitions, 165181 data dictionary views, 180181 defined, 165166 indexing partitioned tables. See partitioned tables, indexing Oracle table partition methods. See Oracle table partition methods pruning, 179

password files, 20 PCTUSED (Percent Used) parameter, 400401, 400401 pending area, 527 Performance Manager basics, 6566, 66 Database Buffer Cache, monitoring, 257, 257 database checkpoints, measuring, 341342, 342 Datafile I/O, measuring, 375376, 375 identifying latch contention with, 475476, 476 Library Cache performance, 215217, 216 lock activity, 491 Lock contention, measuring with, 491, 491 sort I/O, measuring, 417418, 418 undo segments, measuring, 440441, 440441 wait events, 476 Performance Overview (Oracle Diagnostics Pack), 7071, 70 performance statistics (STATSPACK), 5556, 56 performance tuning, 131 exam preparation, 1, 2331 goal-oriented tuning, 610 benchmark establishment, 68 performance goals, 810 methodology, 26 tuning development systems, 34 tuning production systems, 56 Oracle architecture, 1523 databases, 2022


PERFSTAT schema redo buffer allocation retries (statistic)

Server instances, 1516, 16 SGA management, 1619 user process management, 19 summary, 23 tuning concepts, 1015 add more (guideline), 13 CPU, 1011 disk (I/O), 11 lifecycles, 1415 make it bigger (guideline), 1314 memory, 11 problem areas, 1113 views, 4449 DBA data dictionary views, 4748 sample queries, 4849 V$ dynamic performance views, 4547 PERFSTAT schema, 54 permanent tablespaces, 420 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter, 413 physical files (Oracle database), 20 physical memory, 509 Physical Reads (statistic), 251252 PINHITRATIO, 212 pinned objects, identifying, 228229 pinning, defined, 227 PL/SQL statements accommodating large, 225227 code in memory, 227229 plan directives, creating, 530532, 530531 plan equivalence (stored outlines), 132 plan stability, 132140 private outlines, 139140 stored outlines. See stored outlines

PLAN_TABLE, 9799, 102 PLUSTRACE database role, 102 PMON background process, 307 precedence rules (optimizer modes), 131 prefixed partition indexes, 177 Primary Block Size, 396397 private outlines, 139140 Process Global Area (PGA), 209, 306 Process Monitor (PMON), 1516 processes and threads, 516517 production performance tuning principles, 56

Query, Parallel, 513 QUERY REWRITE system privilege, 146 questions and answers (review). See exam preparation

RAID-based Datafile striping, 384, 386 Range partitioning, 167169, 168 RBO (rule-based optimizer). See rule-based optimizer (RBO) RBO to CBO, switching, 112 Reads, SQL ordered, 106, 106 Recoverer (RECO), 15 Recovery Manager (RMAN) utility, 308310 Recycle Buffer Pool, 260, 265, 270271 Redo Allocation latches, 472 redo buffer allocation retries (statistic), 327

Redo Copy latches Request Queue


Redo Copy latches, 472 redo entries (statistic), 327 redo generation, reducing, 334336 Redo Log Buffer defined, 324 retry ratio, 328329 sizing, 329 Redo Log Buffer, tuning, 326336, 326 improving performance reduce redo generation, 334336 size, increasing, 333334 measuring performance, 327336 REPORT.TXT output, 332333, 332 STATSPACK output, 331332, 331, 332 V$SESSION_WAIT, 329330 V$SYSSTAT, 327329 Redo Log groups adding, 351 increasing size of, 351 redo log space requests (statistic), 327 Redo Logs defined, 20, 381 increasing size, 343 redo mechanisms, 323363 archiving operations, tuning. See archiving operations, tuning database checkpoints, tuning. See database checkpoints, tuning exam preparation, 323, 355363 fundamentals, 324326 Online Redo Log files, tuning, 345347 OS utilities, measuring with, 347 Redo Log contention, minimizing, 348

Redo Log throughput, maximizing, 348 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, measuring with, 346347, 346 Redo Log Buffer, tuning. See Redo Log Buffer, tuning summary, 355 refresh procedures, manual (materialized views), 145 RELOADS, 212213 Reorg Wizard (Oracle Tuning Pack), 71 Replication Manager (OEM Console), 60 REPORT.TXT chaining/migration report, 406 Data Dictionary Cache performance monitoring, 219220, 220 Database Buffer Cache, monitoring, 253254, 253 database checkpoints, measuring, 340341, 341 Datafile I/O, measuring, 374375, 374 DBWO I/O, measuring, 392393, 392393 identifying latch contention with, 474475, 475 interpreting, 5253, 53 Library Cache performance, monitoring, 214215, 215 Redo Log Buffer, measuring, 332333, 332 rollback segment wrapping, measuring, 437438, 437 sort I/O, measuring, 417, 417 undo header contention, measuring, 433434, 434 Request Queue, 293


reserved space rollback segment I/O, tuning

reserved space, 400401 Resource Consumer Groups (RCG), 518, 528535, 528, 532533 Resource Manager, 517547 configuring resource management, 525537 assigning resources to users, 532534, 532533 creating objects, 527532, 528531 granting privileges, 526527, 526 setting instance resource objectives, 534537, 534535 CPU resources, managing, 519523, 521, 523 execution duration, managing, 525 fundamentals, 517518 monitoring, 537547 data dictionary views, 539545 DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_ PRIVS, 541 DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPS, 540541 DBA_RSRC_MANAGER_SYSTEM_ PRIVS, 544 DBA_RSRC_PLAN_DIRECTIVES, 543544 DBA_RSRC_PLANS, 542543 DBA_USERS, 544545 dynamic performance views, 537539 OEM tools, 545547, 545547 V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP, 538539 V$RSRC_PLAN, 539 V$SESSION, 537538 undo resources, managing, 524 workload resources, managing, 524525

Resource Plan Directives, 518 resource plans creating, 529532, 529 defined, 518 RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter, 534 Response Queue, 293294 response times, defined, 8 restrictive explicit locks, 492 Reverse Key Indexes (RKI), 156158, 158 review questions and answers. See exam preparation ROLLBACK command, 425426, 481 rollback segment I/O, tuning, 425454 fundamentals, 425429, 426428 improving performance, 441454 Automatic Undo Management (AUM) features. See Automatic Undo Management (AUM) features explicit segment management, 447448 minimizing segment activity, 448 undo segments, adding, 442 undo segments, enlarging, 442446 measuring performance, 429441 dynamic extent allocation, 438440, 440 extent contention, 434435 header contention, 430434, 433434 transaction wrapping, 436438, 437 undo segments with Performance Manager, 440441, 440441 rollback segment usage V$ROLLSTAT, measuring with, 444445 V$TRANSACTION, measuring with, 443444

row chaining and migration Shared Pool, tuning


rollback segment wrapping REPORT.TXT, measuring with, 437438, 437 STATSPACK output, measuring with, 436437, 437 V$ROLLSTAT, measuring with, 436 row chaining and migration, 405409 ROW_LOCKING parameter, 482 rule-based optimizer (RBO), 109 RULE mode (optimizer), 127

scalability, defined, 8 schema, analyzing by, 115116 Schema Manager (OEM Console), 60 Security Manager (OEM Console), 60 security passwords, 6364 segment extents, dynamic undo. See dynamic undo segment extents segment header blocks, 430 segment I/O, tuning, 396411 basics, 396397 blocks and extents, 397401, 399 basics, 397400 block header space, 400 free space, 401 reserved space, 400401 improving performance, 402410 block size, 404409, 406 dynamic extent allocation, 402403 extent sizing, 403 High Water Mark (HWM), 409411, 409410 segments, assigning to Buffer Pools, 273274

SELECT privileges, 139 self tracing (user-level), 42 server architectures, 512 server CPUs, 511516, 516 server memory, 507511, 510 Server Parameter (SP) files, 21 Server Process, 19 servers application, 508 web, 508 Service Level Agreements (SLAs), defined, 10 session level (optimizer modes), 129 Session Logical Reads (statistic), 252 SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS, 232 SET AUTOTRACE command options, 104 SGA (System Global Area). See System Global Area (SGA) SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter, 18 share locks, 482 Shared Pool latches, 471 Shared Pool Reserved Area, 225226 Shared Pool, tuning, 201242 code reuse, encouraging, 229231 Data Dictionary Cache performance, monitoring, 218220 REPORT.TXT, 219220, 220 STATSPACK, 218219, 219 V$ROWCACHE, 218 exam preparation, 201, 234242 large PL/SQL statements, accommodating, 225227 Library Cache performance, monitoring, 210217 Enterprise Manager, 215217, 216217 REPORT.TXT, 214215, 215


Shared Server SQL performance, measuring

STATSPACK, 213214, 214 V$LIBRARYCACHE, 210213, 211 Library Cache tuning with init.ora parameters, 231234 PL/SQL code in memory, 227229 Shared Pool components, 204209 Data Dictionary Cache, 209 Library Cache, 205208, 206 User Global Area (UGA), 209 size, increasing, 221225, 222223 dynamically, 223224 manually, 224225 statement caching, benefits of, 203204 summary, 234 Shared Server, 290308 architecture, 292295, 294 configuring, 295297 Dispatcher processes, monitoring, 300305, 301305 dynamic performance views, 297298 exam preparation, 289, 315322 fundamentals, 290292 improving performance, 305308 Dispatchers, increasing number of, 307308 SGA components, increasing size of, 306 Shared Servers, increasing number of, 307 Shared Server Process, 293294 Shared Server processes, monitoring, 298300, 299300 summary, 314315 SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter, 17 SHARED_SERVERS parameter, 304 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 508

SIZE parameter, 113 slaves, I/O, 395 SNAPSHOT TOO OLD (ORA-01555) error, 445446 Sort Direct Writes, 279 sort I/O, tuning, 411425 basics, 411412 improving performance, 418424 avoiding sorts, 418419 creating temporary tablespaces, 420425 size, increasing, 419420 measuring performance, 414418 Performance Manager (OEM), 417418, 418 REPORT.TXT, 417, 417 STATSPACK output, 415417, 415416 V$SYSSTAT, 414415 relevant init.ora parameters, 412414 SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter, 412413 sorting parameters (TKPROF), 9092 SORT_RETAINED_SIZE parameter, 413 sorts, avoiding, 418419 SQL commands to tune Lock contention, 493494 Executions ordered by Parse calls, 107108 Hard Parse Analysis, 217 SQL Analyze (Oracle tuning pack), 7374, 74 SQL performance, measuring, 86107 AUTOTRACE utility, 102104 exam preparation, 85, 189200

SQL-related dynamic performance views statistics


Explain Plan facility, 96101 generating using EXPLAIN PLAN FOR, 9799 generating with TKPROF, 9697, 97 interpreting output, 99101 STATSPACK output, 104107 SQL Executions ordered by Parse calls, 107108, 107 SQL ordered by Executions, 106107, 107 SQL ordered by Gets, 105, 105 SQL ordered by Reads, 106, 106 summary, 188 TKPROF Utility, 8796 interpreting formatted trace files, 9295, 93 sorting parameters, 9092 SQL statements, identifying for tuning, 9596, 95 user trace files, formatting, 8790 SQL-related dynamic performance views, 205207 SQL statements identifying for tuning with TKPROF, 9596, 95 syntax (sort I/O), 419 statement caching, benefits of, 203204 statement level (optimizer modes), 129131 static dictionary views, 47 statistics B-Tree indexes and, 149, 149 benchmark, 78 buffer busy waits, 254255, 255256 Buffer Cache Advisory, 262263 calculation overhead (sort I/O), 419 copying between databases, 125126

Data Dictionary Cache, 220 Database Writer (DBWO), 392 Datafile I/O (STATSPACK output), 373374 free buffer inspected statistic, 247, 254255, 255256 Instance Activity Stats, 331 Java Pool, 313 latch contention, 473, 475 latch wait, 473 Library Cache performance, 213 log buffer space, 329330 MTTR, 345 Performance Manager I/O, 375 undo wait, 441 Physical Reads, 251252 redo buffer allocation retries, 327 redo entries, 327 Redo Log Buffer, 332 redo log space requests, 327 REPORT.TXT output, 253 REPORT.TXT (sort), 417 REPORT.TXT (undo), 434 row chaining and migration, 405409, 406 Session Logical Reads, 252 STATSPACK (undo), 433 tablespace I/O (REPORT.TXT), 374 viewing tables and indexes, 121125, 121122 analyzed vs. unanlayzed, 121122 DBA_INDEXES statistics columns, 123 DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS columns, 124 DBA_TABLES statistic columns, 122 V$SYSSTAT, 393



STATSPACK chaining/migration report, 406 configuring, 54 Data Dictionary Cache, monitoring, 218219, 219 Database Buffer Cache, monitoring, 252253, 253 database checkpoints, measuring, 340341, 340 Datafile I/O, measuring, 373374, 373 DBWO I/O, measuring, 391392, 391392 fundamentals, 5358 interpreting report, 58, 58 Java Pool performance, measuring, 313314, 313 Library Cache performance, 213214, 214 manual execution, 55 performance statistics, collecting, 5556, 56 tuning reports, generating, 5657, 57 STATSPACK output dynamic undo segment extents, measuring, 439440, 440 identifying latch contention with, 473474, 474 Redo Log Buffer measuring, 331332, 331332 rollback segment wrapping, measuring, 436437, 437 sort I/O, measuring, 415417, 415416 SQL Executions ordered by Parse calls, 107108, 107 ordered by Executions, 106107, 107

ordered by Gets, 105, 105 ordered by Reads, 106, 106 tuning information in, 104107 undo header contention, measuring, 433, 433 storage comparisons by table type, 186 Storage Manager (OEM Console), 60 stored outlines, 132139 ALTER and DROP OUTLINE, 137138 creating, 132135, 134 Outline Manager, 136, 136 OUTLN_PKG, 136137 use of, 135 viewing data, 138139 striping, datafile, 382384, 384 study guides, OCA/OCP, xx summaries contention, tuning, 495 Database Buffer Cache, tuning, 280 disk I/O, tuning, 454455 execution paths, improving, 188 I/O, minimizing with indexes and clusters, 188 Java Pool, 314315 Large Pool, 314315 Operating System, tuning, 547548 optimizer, Oracle, 188 performance tuning, 23 redo mechanisms, 355 Shared Pool, tuning, 234 Shared Server, 314315 SQL performance, measuring, 188 tuning information sources, 7576 Summary Advisor Utility, 141 swapping and paging, 509511 SWITCH_TIME parameter, 534

synchronous (cooked) devices Top SQL (Oracle Diagnostics Pack)


synchronous (cooked) devices, 387 syntax composite partitioning, 173 hash partitioning, 171 for index IOT creation, 160 list partitioning, 170 partition indexes, 178 range partitioning, 167 System Global Area (SGA) components, increasing size of, 306 defined, 15 improperly sized, 12 locking, 511 SGA management, 1619 size calculation, 224225 System-Managed UNDO, 14, 449, 451454, 453 System Monitor (SMON), 1516 system rollback segment, 429 SYSTEM tablespaces, 369, 373, 377, 378380 systems configuring new, 14 workload changes, 1415

TABLE ACCESS FULL operation, 100 table partition methods. See Oracle table partition methods tables and indexes analyzing, 112114 viewing statistics, 121125, 121, 122 analyzed vs. unanalyzed, 121122 DBA_INDEXES statistics columns, 123

DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS columns, 124 DBA_TABLES statistic columns, 122 Tablespace Map (Oracle Tuning Pack), 71 Tablespaces fundamentals, 368370 names and types, 377378 temporary, 420425 Task Manager utility (Windows 2000), 509510, 514516, 515 Tempfiles, 421 test, assessment answers, xlivxlx questions, xxviixliii threads and processes, 516517 throughput, defined, 8 TIMED_STATISTICS parameter, 22, 372 TKPROF (Trace Kernel Profile) utility, 8797 command line options (listed), 8889 formatted trace files, interpreting, 9295, 93 generating Explain Plan facility with, 9697, 97 output descriptions, 94 sorting parameters, 9092 SQL statements, identifying for tuning, 9596, 95 user trace files formatting, 8790 interpreting, 43 top command, Unix, 513514, 514 top-down tuning methodology, 34 Top SQL (Oracle Diagnostics Pack), 6970, 69, 9596


TopSessions (Oracle Diagnostics Pack) tuning

TopSessions (Oracle Diagnostics Pack), 67, 67 Trace Data Viewer (Oracle Diagnostics Pack), 6768 trace files background and user, 381 background process, 3839 defined, 20, 38 event, 3940 interpreting with TKPROF, 9295, 93 managing, 44 user, 4043 Trace Kernel Profile (TKPROF) utility. See TKPROF (Trace Kernel Profile) utility transaction wrapping (rollback I/O), 436438, 437 transactions application, short and noncontinuous, 295 coding long, 492 TRANSACTIONS column (example), 454 TRANSACTIONS parameter, 484 tuning archiving operations. See archiving operations, tuning concepts, 1015 add more (guideline), 13 CPU, 1011 disk (I/O), 11 lifecycles, 1415 make it bigger (guideline), 1314 memory, 11 problem areas, 1113

contention. See contention, tuning Database Buffer Cache. See Database Buffer Cache, tuning database checkpoints. See database checkpoints, tuning Datafile I/O. See Datafile I/O, tuning DBWO (Database Writer) I/O. See DBWO (Database Writer) I/O, tuning development systems, 34 disk I/O. See disk I/O, tuning DSS (Decision Support Systems), 187188 goal-oriented benchmark establishment, 68 performance goals, 810 hybrid systems, 188 Java Pool, 311314 Large Pool, 308310 OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Systems, 187 Online Redo Log files, 345347 operating system. See operating system, tuning performance. See performance tuning production systems, 56 Redo Log Buffer, 326336 reports (STATSPACK), 5657, 57 rollback segment I/O. See rollback segment I/O, tuning scripts, Oracle, 34 segment I/O. See segment I/O, tuning Shared Pool. See Shared Pool, tuning Shared Server, 290308 sort I/O, tuning. See sort I/O, tuning Tablespaces, 368370

tuning information sources UNIFORM SIZE value


tuning information sources, 3384 Alert log, 3438, 35 backup and recovery, 37 common messages, 3637 trimming, 38 exam preparation, 33, 7684 graphical performance tuning tools, 5975 Oracle Diagnostics Pack. See Oracle Diagnostics Pack Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Console, 5964, 60. See also Oracle Intelligent Agent Oracle Tuning Pack. See Oracle Tuning Pack performance tuning views, 4449 DBA data dictionary views, 4748 sample queries, 4849 V$ dynamic performance views, 4547 summary, 7576 trace files background process, 3839 event, 3940 managing, 44 user, 4043 tuning utilities, Oracle-supplied, 4958 REPORT.TXT, interpreting, 5253, 53 STATSPACK, 5358 UTLBSTAT.SQL script, 5051 UTLESTAT.SQL script, 5152

undo header contention REPORT.TXT, measuring with, 433434, 434 STATSPACK output, 433, 433 V$ROLLSTAT, measuring with, 431433 V$SYSTEM_EVENT, measuring with, 430431 V$WAITSTAT, measuring with, 431 undo resources, managing, 524 undo segment hit ratios, 440 undo segments adding, 442 defined, 426 enlarging, 442446 Performance Manager, measuring with, 440441, 440, 441 UNDO tablespaces creating, 450451, 450 DBA_TABLESPACE, monitoring with, 451452 managing, 451 V$UNDOSTAT, monitoring with, 452 undo wait statistics, 441 UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter, 449 UNDO_PLAN plan directive, 524 UNDO_RETENTION parameter, 449 UNDO_SUPPRESS_ERRORS parameter, 450 UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter, 449 UNIFORM SIZE value, 421



UNION ALL operator, 419 Unix kernel code, 507 services, 508 Systems paging and swapping commands, 509510 top command, 513514 Unix-based Oracle server, 387388 utilities (monitoring redo logs), 347 UNRECOVERABLE keyword, 334 User Global Area (UGA) information moved from, 306 Shared Pool component, 209 User Process Circuit, 305 management, 19 Shared Server architecture, 292 User Server Processes, 247248 user trace files, 4043 activating user tracing, 4142 instance-level tracing, 42 interpreting output, 43 user-level DBA tracing, 43 user-level tracing, 42 USER_DUMP_DEST, 40, 44 USERID sort parameters (SQL statements), 92 USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS data dictionary view, 123 utilities AUTOTRACE, 102104 Oracle-supplied tuning, 4958 REPORT.TXT, interpreting, 5253 STATSPACK, 5358

UTLBSTAT.SQL script, 5051 UTLESTAT.SQL script, 5152 Recovery Manager (RMAN), 308310 Summary Advisor Utility, 141 TKPROF, 8796 interpreting formatted trace files, 9295, 93 sorting parameters, 9092 SQL statements, identifying for tuning, 9596, 95 user trace files, formatting, 8790 Unix for monitoring redo logs, 347 UTLBSTAT.SQL script, 5051, 253 UTLCHAIN.SQL script, 407 UTLESTAT.SQL script, 5152, 253

V$ and DBA view queries (samples), 4849 V$ dynamic performance views, 4547 VALIDATE STRUCTURE option, 150 V$ARCHIVE_DEST view, 349, 353 V$ARCHIVED_LOG view, 353 V$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES view, 349, 354 V$BH and DBA_OBJECTS, 266268 V$BUFFER_POOL, 274275 V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS, 275276 V$CACHE and DBA_USERS, 268270 V$DATAFILE, 372, 372

V$DISPATCHER dynamic performance view V$WAIT_STAT


V$DISPATCHER dynamic performance view, 301 V$DISPATCHER _RATE dynamic performance view, 302 V$FILESTAT, 371, 372 V$INSTANCE RECOVERY view, 344345 virtual memory, 509 V$LATCH, 472473, 473 V$LIBRARYCACHE, 210213, 211 V$LOCK, 487488 V$LOCKED_OBJECT, 488489 V$QUEUE dynamic performance view, 300 V$ROLLSTAT dynamic undo segment extents, measuring, 439 rollback segment usage, measuring, 444445 rollback segment wrapping, measuring, 436 undo header contention, measuring, 431433 V$ROWCACHE, 218 V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP, 538539 V$RSRC_PLAN, 539 V$SESSION, 537538 V$SESSION_LONGOPS view, 386387, 386 V$SESSION_WAIT, 329330 V$SESSION_WAIT and DBA_SEGMENTS, 478479

V$SGASTAT, 313 V$SHARED_SERVER dynamic performance view, 299 V$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR dynamic performance view, 303304 V$SORT_SEGMENT dynamic performance view, 422423 V$SORT_USAGE dynamic performance view, 422424 V$SYSSTAT Database Buffer Cache, monitoring, 250252, 252 database checkpoints, measuring, 339340, 340 DBWO I/O, measuring, 390391 Redo Log Buffer, measuring, 327329 sort I/O, measuring, 414415 V$SYSTEM_EVENT database checkpoints, measuring, 338339, 339 DBWO I/O, measuring, 388389 dynamic undo segment extents, measuring, 438 Free List contention with, measuring, 477 undo header contention, measuring, 430431 V$SYSTEM_EVENT view, 349 V$TEMPFILE, 372, 372 V$TRANSACTION, 443444 V$UNDOSTAT, 452 V$WAITSTAT, 431 V$WAIT_STAT, 477478


waits for database resources Write Lists

waits for database resources, 13 Web servers, 508 Web sites Diagnostic and Tuning Packs download, 59 internet OCP exam, xxiii managing indexes (article), 75 Oracle Certification, xx Oracle Certification (exam objectives), 85 Oracle documentation, 5 Oracle Worldwide Support, 37

Willing-to-Wait latches, 469 Windows 2000 kernel code, 507 services, 508 systems (oracle.exe), 516 Task Manager utility, 509510, 514516, 515 WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter, 414 workload resources, managing, 524525 Workspace Manager (OEM Console), 60 wrapping, rollback segment, 436438 Write Lists Java Pool performance, 247

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