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Lab 1 - Installation of WLS -> new Bea home -> Workshop is not required.

-> Node manager Service - No. Lab 2 - create domain (c:\bea..\wlserver\common\bin) --> new Domain --> support only WLServer (not workshop) --> user - weblogic, password - weblogic --> Development Mode (Sun JDK) --> customization - Yes --> Config of Admin Server name, port, --> no managed servers and no machines --> summary --> domain1 (observe folder) --> create Observe folders created c:\bea\user_projects\domains\domain1 to start weblogic server (AdminServer) startWeblogic (bin/startWeblogic) console open browser http://localhost:7001/console login - username, password Lab 3 - create managed server create a new domain New domain - domain2 1 AdminServer(7001) 2 managed servers ms1 - 7003 ms2 - 7005 start admin server (domain\bin\startweblogic) console environment -> servers -> observe 3 servers - only admin server state running command prompt go domain\bin folder startmanagedweblogic ms1 http://localhost:7001 console environment -> servers -> observe 3 servers - 2 servers state running command prompt go domain\bin folder startmanagedweblogic ms2 http://localhost:7001 console environment -> servers -> observe 3 servers - 3 servers state running Lab 4 - domain2 kill(Ctrl + c / kill -9)/stop(stopmanagedweblogic) managed server try starting managed server - see it asks for login/password create a file (domain2\servers\ms1\security)

username=weblogic password=weblogic save file try starting the server again observe it does not ask for login password file will be encrypted file in Adminserver folder Lab 5 - domain template create domain tempalte config_builder(wlserver/common/bin) create a new template based on existing domain select domain2 template info templateName - mytmp.jar create a new domain based on existing template called mytmp.jar test domain Lab 6 - Admin Console go to console observe - all fields are read-only change center- Lock and Edit observe - all fields are now editable modify server log features save -- check config\config.xml - is not modified -- check pending\config.xml - has changes activate -- check config\config.xml - is modified -- check pending\config.xml - is deleted Lab 7 - WLST run wlst.cmd (wlserver/common/bin) connect('weblogic','weblogic','t3://localhost:7001') ls() cd('Servers') cd('AdminServer') ls() disconnect() copy all these command in text file say "" at c:\. run - execfile('c:\\') Lab 8 - Node Manager config wizard Admin Server - MyAdminServer(7001) Managed Servers - ms1(7003), ms2(7005), ms3(7007) machine - windows machine name - mymachine1 host - localhost port - 5556 assign servers to machine

ms1, ms2,ms3 --> mymachine1 create domain start admin server console -> domain -> control -> start ms1 observe error message of node manager not reachable console -> domain -> environment -> machine -> monitoring observe error startNodeMAnager (wlserver\server\bin) console -> domain -> environment -> machine -> monitoring reachable domain -> control ->start ms1, ms2, ms3 observe windows services to see 3 more servers getting started. file system - check domains\domain4\servers\ms1\data\nodemanager check file (process id) kill ms1 process (windows - task manager, unix - kill -9 pid) see that this server is getting started again check new process id for the same If you get SSLException for BEA Hostname Verification failed console -> adminserver->config->ssl->adv section -> bea hostname verification ->none. save, restart adminserver Lab 9 : JDBC start database C:\beaMay28\wlserver_10.0\common\eval\pointbase\tools\startPoint Base.cmd start database console (sql*plus or toad) C:\beaMay28\wlserver_10.0\common\eval\pointbase\tools\startPoint BaseConsole.cmd --> login - PBPUBLIC, password = PBPUBLIC create table dept (deptno varchar(2) primary key, dname varchar(20), loc varchar(20)) insert into dept values ('10','HR','Hyd'); insert into dept values ('20','IT','Pune'); insert into dept values ('30','Fin','Blr'); Configure Connection Pool console -> domain -> services -> JDBC->DataSources new -> name - only be used for admin purpose JNDINAME -DemoPool - will be shared to developers Database type - PointBase Driver - Xa Transaction options - nothing for XA Connection Properties database name - demo hostname - localhost Port - 9092 username - pbpublic password - pbpublic Test Connection

Target - AdminServer Finish, save, activate JNDI tree console -> AdminServer -> Configuration -> general->click hlink "View JNDI Tree" deploy copy testds.war to C:\beaMay28\user_projects\domains\domain4\aut odeploy test browser - http://localhost:7001/testds/ Data Source Name (jndi name) table Name - Dept username - weblogic password - weblogic Lab 10 : deployment shoppingcart.war console deployment -> new -> upload File(shoppingcart.war) select uploaded file application(select) / library Target - checkboxes - select multiple servers (AdminServer, ms1) browser http://localhost:7001/shoppingcart 503 error console deployment - select deployment - start -servicing all the reque sts browser http://localhost:7001/shoppingcart show page Lab 11 : jms create jms server console -> services -> messaging JMS Servers -> new JMS Server name = myjmsserver persistent storage - none target - AdminServer create jms module console -> services -> messaging JMS Modules -> new name - tst target - AdminServer observe config folder config.xml and jms/tst-jms.xml create connectionfactory, queue,topic go to jms module (console -> services -> messaging-> jms module -> click on tst.

New -> Connection Factory -> Name - MyConnectionFactory jndi - MyConnectionFactory observer - targets finish for confirmation - look at the jndi tree go to jms module New -> Queue -> name = dizzyworldQueue jndiname = dizzyworldQueue template - none Subdeployments - create new subdeployment name - dizzyworldQueueSub see targets - select radio button for jms server finish for confirmation - look at the jndi tree go to jms module New -> Topic -> name = dizzyworldTopic jndiname = dizzyworldTopic template - none Subdeployments - create new subdeployment name - dizzyworldTopicSub see targets - select radio button for jms server finish for confirmation - look at the jndi tree Deploy messaging.war test - send couple of message to queue and topic jms queue / topic monitoring

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