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Web Scripts

1) Count all opened Browsers on desktop and close them all? Set oDesc = Description.Create() oDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser" Set Browsers =Desktop.ChildObjects (oDesc) NumberofBrowsers = Browsers.Count() Reporter.ReportEvent 2,"Res","Number of Browsers are: "&NumberOfBrowsers For Counter=0 to NumberofBrowsers-1 Browsers(Counter).Close Next 2) Count, how many links available in Mercury Tours Home Page. Set oDesc = Description.Create() oDesc("micclass").Value = "Link" Set Lists = Browser("Welcome: Mercury").Page("Welcome: Mercury").ChildObjects (oDesc) NumberOfLinks = Lists.Count() Reporter.ReportEvent 2,"Res","Number of Links are: "&NumberOfLinks 3) Verify whether the 'Gmail' link available or not on Google Homepage Option explicit Dim oLink, Links, TotLinks, i, myLink Set oLink = description.Create oLink("micclass").value = "Link" SystemUtil.Run "D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" set Links = Browser("name:=Google").page("title:=Google").ChildObjects(oLink) TotLinks = Links.count For i =0 to TotLinks-1 myLink = Links(i).getroproperty("innertext") If mylink = "Gmail" Then reporter.ReportEvent 0,"res","Link Gmail available" End If Next 4) Count number of Links, Edit Boxes available on Google Homepage?

Dim oLink Set oLink=description.Create Set oEdit=description.Create oLink("micclass").value="Link" oEdit("micclass").value="WebEdit" Set Links=browser("name:=Google").page("title:=Google").ChildObjects(oLink) Set EditBoxes=browser("name:=Google").page("title:=Google").ChildObjects(oEdi t) TotLinks= Links.count TotEditBoxes=EditBoxes.count msgbox TotLinks msgbox TotEditBoxes Reporter.ReportEvent 0,"Result","Total Links are: "&TotLinks&"Total edit Boxes are: "&TotEditBoxes 5) Count how many links available in a Web Page(any web page, using Regular Expressions) Dim oLink,Links, TotLinks Set oLink=Description.Create oLink("micclass").value="Link" Set Links=Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(oLink) TotLinks=Links.count msgbox TotLinks Reporter.ReportEvent 2,"Res","Total Links are: "&TotLinks 6) Verify Cost in 'Test Flow 'i) Launch 'ii) Select a product and enter some quantity 'iii) select Add to Cart, capture Unit price, Quantity and Cost 'iV) Remove $ symbols and compare '---------------------------------- ----SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe","","C:\Documents and Settings\gcr.GCRC9A12FBD3D9","open" Browser("Google").Page("Google").Sync Browser("Google").Navigate "" Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount

perfume").Image("thumb_1845_WLINP50PSW").Click Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount perfume_2").WebEdit("quantity").Set "4" Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount perfume_2").WebButton("Add To Cart").Click Unit_Price = Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount perfume_3").WebElement("[Remove]").GetROProperty("innertext") Qty = Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount perfume_3").WebEdit("quantity[]").GetROProperty("value") Cost = Browser("Google").Page("JJ Perfumes-Discount perfume_3").WebElement("[Remove]_2").GetROProperty("innertext") Qty=Cint(Qty) Unit_Price=Cdbl (Mid (Unit_Price,3)) Cost=Cdbl (Mid (Cost, 3)) 'Msgbox Unit_Price: Msgbox Qty: Msgbox Cost If Cost=Qty * Unit_Price Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Res","Cost is Correct" Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Res","Cost is InCorrect" End If Function To Create HTML Report Dim StartTime,stTime, enTime Dim fso, ts,intCnt, intPass,intFail intPass=0 intFail=0 Const ForWriting = 2 Function OpenFile (strFileName) StartTime = Timer stTime = Time Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strFileName,2) 'OpenFile = strFileURL CreateHeader End Function ***************************** Function To Close File Dim objIE,strFileURL

Function CloseFile ( strFileURL,strEnv ) Footer(strEnv) ts.close() Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.visible = True objIE.Navigate strFileURL wait(5) Set objIE=nothing End Function *********************** Function to Clear Cookies() Function ClearCookies() SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe" WebUtil.DeleteCookies Set objBrowser=Description.Create objBrowser("micclass").value="Browser" Set objBCount = Desktop.ChildObjects(objBrowser) intBrowserCount = objBCount.Count strHwnd=Browser("creationtime:=" & intBrowserCount).GetROProperty("hwnd") SystemUtil.CloseProcessByHwnd(strHwnd) End Function *********************** Function to send Email Function SendMail() If k=0 Then 'Nothing Else msgsub = " Geo_PostalCode pattern searchTest Results:" &vbcrLf &"One or more of the Test Cases Failed." &vbcrLf &"See attachment for details." End If Set objConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") cdoSendUsingPort=2 sMailServerName="" cdoAnonymous=cdoNONE objConf.fields.item(" g") = cdoSendUsingPort

objConf.fields.item(" ver") = sMailServerName objConf.fields.item(" henticate") = cdoAnonymous 'cdoBasic objConf.fields.Item(" ssl") = False objConf.fields.Item(" verport") = 25 'objConf.fields.item(" rname") = "corp\ NRaoJ " 'objConf.fields.item(" sword") = "123K!r45" objConf.fields.Item(" nectiontimeout") = 60 objConf.fields.Update Set objMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") objMsg.Configuration = objConf = "" objMsg.From = "" objMsg.Subject = "~Geo_PostalCode pattern search" objMsg.TextBody =msgsub doc=strFilepath objMsg.AddAttachment(doc) objMsg.Send Set objMsg = Nothing NewMail = True End Function *********************** Function to create append excel Function LogFile Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.visible=False r=1 Do Until len(objExcel.cells(r,1))=0 r=r+1 Loop objExcel.cells(r,1).value="Step Name" objExcel.cells(r,2).value="Step Description"

objExcel.cells(r,3).value="Test Results" objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False objExcel.Save objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = Nothing End Function *********************** Function to get the Application Environment on which the script is running Function GetEnv() Set fso=Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sFile="C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" Set MyFile=fso.OpenTextFile(sFile,1, True) Do sEnv=MyFile.ReadLine If instr(sEnv,"PRODUCTION")>0 Then GetEnv="Production" Exit do Elseif instr(sEnv,"Staging")>0 Then GetEnv="Staging" Exit do Elseif instr(sEnv,"QA MAINTENANCE")>0 Then GetEnv="QAM" Exit do Elseif instr(sEnv,"qap.")>0 Then GetEnv="qap" Exit do End If Loop While MyFile.AtEndOfStream=False End Function *********************** Function To Create HTML Report Dim StartTime,stTime, enTime Dim fso, ts,intCnt, intPass,intFail intPass=0 intFail=0

Const ForWriting = 2 Function OpenFile (strFileName) StartTime = Timer stTime = Time Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strFileName,2) 'OpenFile = strFileURL CreateHeader End Function ***********************

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