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Trinity Episcopal Church
June 17, 2010
We are . . .
an inclusive community of faith,
strengthened by joyful hearts
and engaged minds.
Search Process
As we continue our search for a new vicar, the Bishops Committee met to prepare the data input which will be
used in the computer match process. We had a good working session and our results were forwarded to
Canon Dan Smith. We are making good progress! We now have a completed parish profile and a completed
Church Deployment Profile. Canon Smith hopes to have names of possible candidates for the Bishops
Committee to consider by the end of July. Thank you for continuing to use the prayer card with the prayer
from the Book of Common Prayer to help guide us through this search time. Extras are still available in the
basket at the back of the church.
First Sunday of the Month Plate Collection
The first Sunday charitable plate collection for July will be donated to a yet unnamed charity. You have an
opportunity to help select the recipient! Be thinking about what worthy organization you would like to support
and place the name of that organization on a slip of paper in the plate along with your donation this Sunday,
July 4. Lets see who the lucky winner is!
Dear Friends,
As you may know, the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis is currently hosting an exhibition entitled "Vatican
Splendor: A Journey through Faith and Art" which includes artwork, liturgical vestments & other material, as
well as other items, all on loan from the Vatican in Rome. For more information see
An informal group from Trinity-Kirksville will be visiting the exhibition on Saturday, July 17. The general plan is
to meet up at the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis, see that exhibition, and have a meal together. Since
they recommend that tickets be reserved in advance, it would help to have a count of how many would like to
go. So, if you are interested in going with the group, would you please reply to Julia by e-mail no later than
Friday, July 2 at Of course, if you decide later you'd like to join, I believe individual
tickets are available as well and could be bought at a later date.
Tickets are $19.50 for adults, $17.00 for seniors or college students with college ID, and $13 for children 6 -
12 years of age. (We may be able to receive a $2/ticket discount as a church group, but I need to find out
whether that discount is extended to non-Catholic parishes).
Hope you can join!
Julia & Pete
See you Sunday!
Peter E. Van Horne
Trinity Episcopal Church
We are . . .
an inclusive community of faith,
strengthened by joyful hearts
and engaged minds.

What's nappen|ng At 1r|n|ty
May 24, 2012
Upcom|ng Lvents:
Sunday, May 27, 10:00|y Luchar|stentecost8e sure and wear red!
1uesday, May 29, 1:30 p.m.1ext study and Luchar|st at Sweet Lxpress|ons
Wednesday, May 30, 7:30 a.m.Morn|ng rayer
Sunday, Iune 3, 10:00|y Luchar|st
Sunday, Iune 3, 4:00 p.m.kecovery worsh|p serv|ce
Iood Depot W|sh L|st, from k|rsty and Stephan|e: 1he lood uepoL conLlnues Lo
desperaLely need cerea|. Py-vee has several varleLles of cereal on sale Lhls week,
Lwo boxes for $3.00. Pelpful PlnL: ?ou can access Lhe weekly ads and coupons for
Py-vee vla Lhelr webslLe. 1hanks!
Mark your calendar for !uly 23-27 as 1rlnlLy's week for Iood 4 k|ds! 1rlnlLy's week ls !uly 23-27. We
have abouL 30 percenL of Lhe sloLs fllled. lease Lake a look aL Lhe schedule durlng coffee hour and
help us have a full complemenL of workers LhaL week. Cne ln slx chlldren ln Adalr counLy ls food
lnsecure" and Lhls program ls a greaL way Lo help Lhem geL nuLrlLlous meals ln Lhe summer.
Last ca|| for books for the Ada|r County Ia||! Cur box downsLalrs ls almosL full. lf you wlsh Lo
donaLe money for books ln lleu of books, please make Lhe check Lo 1rlnlLy Lplscopal Church and
wrlLe [all" ln Lhe memo llne.
Iune 9th wlll be Lhe flrsL, of hopefully many, Came nlghLs aL 1rlnlLy Lplscopal Church from 3:30-
8:30pm. Come and geL Lo know people ln Lhe church LhaL you maybe don'L geL a chance Lo Lalk Lo
afLer worshlp! Cames llke Apples Lo Apples, Llfe, archeesl, ConnecL lour, and oLhers wlll be
provlded, buL please feel free Lo brlng your favorlLe. Also brlng your favorlLe game playlng snacks
and drlnks! Came nlghL wlll be held ln Lhe undercrofL. We hope Lo see you Lhere! Chlldren are
Get We|| Soon: !oanne Parwood was admlLLed Lo n8MC Wednesday. AL lasL reporL, she ls ln room
312 and would llke Lo recelve vlslLors, prayers, and good wlshes. Pere ls Lhe llnk Lo send e-
greeLlngs: hLLp:// 8elaLlons/ages/ecard.aspx

1h|s week |n the news: 1hls week, Lplscopal news Servlce lncludes lessons from cemeLerles on
Memorlal uay and dlscusslons abouL resoluLlons relaLed Lo communlon Lo be broughL Lo Ceneral
In your prayer t|me next week, please remember:
!"#$%&#'"()*+,"#-.//0"*.": Mex|co, and Car|os, Lhelr 8lshop
!"#.01#-./2,"*."#3*.+&4&#.5#60*7##Lu| D|ocese 8|shop's Chap|a|n, Isma||
!"#$%&#3*.+&4&#.5#8*44.01*7##no|y Cross Lp|scopa| Church, oplar 8luff (1901), and Annette, Lhelr
9.1):;*:&7##1he people of Lgypt, Syr|a, L|bya, Lhe people of Lhe M|dd|e Last, Lhe people of
Iapan, and the peop|e of St. eter's, L|||cott M|||s, D|ocese of Mary|and
!"#.01#+."(1&(,$*."#,":#&<$&":&:#2,1*4%#5,/*)=7##We pray for M|chae| (!ames' boyfrlend),
Carr|e, Iess|ca (klrsLy), Sharon (Sherrl's moLher), Susan (krlsLa), Dav|d (kevln), Sue, Ierry
(Ceorge), A| (!o), Dav|d, Chuck (!oanne), 1homas (1alle, aLrlcla), Ann (eLe and !ulla), M|tch,
Cathy (Marla), L|z and Laura (ulane's nleces), kocky (!ean), 8etty (Sally's moLher), Iohn (!essle's
husband), kex & Cynth|a (CynLhla's parenLs), L||as, Larry (karen), 8ob (ulane), Char|ette
(Shannon), Ioanne, Iean, kush, atr|c|a, Lo|a, our bu||d|ng campa|gn, the repose of the sou| of
Mo, and those we ho|d s||ent|y |n our hearts.
ueadllne for submlsslon of lLems ln nexL week's news ls 12:00 noon, 1hursday, May 31. lease
send lLems Lo Marla aL crankycrlcker[ .

1rlnlLy wlll [oln wlLh llrsL resbyLerlan Church agaln Lhls summer for vacaLlon 8lble
School. 1he daLes wlll be !uly 16 - 19, so mark your calendars! More deLalls wlll be
forLhcomlng, buL sLarL Lhlnklng ahead Lo Lhls super fun volunLeer opporLunlLy. 1he
klds had a fanLasLlc experlence lasL summer!
Irom k|rsty: SLarLlng Iu|y 1st, we are sLarLlng fresh wlLh Lhe prayer llsL. lf Lhere ls someone LhaL
you would llke Lo remaln or even add Lo Lhe llsL please leL !ohnneLLe+ or klrsLy know before !uly 1sL,
oLherwlse Lhe name wlll be Laken off Lhe prayer llsL. AfLer !uly 1sL, Lhe names wlll remaln on Lhe
prayer llsL for 4 weeks and Lhen removed unless we are noLlfled Lo keep Lhe name on, whlch we are
more Lhan happy Lo do, as we all know people LhaL mlghL need consLanL prayer.
Sunday, Iune 3, at 4:00 p.m. ls our monLhly recovery worshlp servlce. All are welcome, especlally
Lhose who sLruggle wlLh addlcLlon or have been affecLed by anoLher's addlcLlon.

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